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This presentation proposes a comprehensive framework for ethical oversight in animal research projects, in accordance with the Animal Experiments Act 2012. It covers project aim, hypothesis, methodology, expected animal pain/burden, severity evaluation, statistics, and expected results.
Ethics committee for laboratory animal research Medical University of Vienna Center for Biomedical Research AKH, Unit 24, Level 1, coordination center 1Q WaehringerGuertel 18-20, A-1090 Vienna T: +43-1-40400 52220 Presentation title / topic OR Presenter's name
Proposal acc. to the animal experiments act 2012, BGBl. I No. 114/2012 Project Leader: Organisational unit: Project title: Presentation title / topic OR Presenter's name
Background (aim of the project) Presentation title / topic OR Presenter's name
Hypothesis Presentation title / topic OR Presenter's name
Methodology Presentation title / topic OR Presenter's name
Expected pain/burden for the animals Presentation title / topic OR Presenter's name
Severity evaluation Presentation title / topic OR Presenter's name
Statistics Presentation title / topic OR Presenter's name
Expected results Presentation title / topic OR Presenter's name