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AGENDA EARCOS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. October 30, 2011 14:00-15:00 Malaysia Room Shangri La. AGENDA. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- October 31 , 2010 PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Tim Carr 3.1 Spring Heads’ Meeting, April 21-22, 2012 Raffles Hotel, Phnom Penh. 3.2 Salary survey revision and update
AGENDAEARCOS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING October 30, 2011 14:00-15:00 Malaysia Room Shangri La
AGENDA • APPROVAL OF MINUTES- October 31 , 2010 • PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Tim Carr 3.1 Spring Heads’ Meeting, April 21-22, 2012 Raffles Hotel, Phnom Penh. 3.2 Salary survey revision and update 3.3 Strategic Plan update • TREASURER’S REPORT – David Toze • NOMINATING COMMITTEE – Larry Jones, Chair • BOARD ELECTIONS • EARCOS/WASC COMMITTEE REPORT – Harlan Lyso • EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT – Dick Krajczar • GROUP FEEDBACK/OTHER BUSINESS
President’s Report • Spring Heads meeting in Phnom Penh at the Raffles hotel April 20-21 • Salary survey revision and update • Strategic Plan update
EARCOS Strategic Plan Update • Annual General Meeting • October 30, 2011 • STRATEGY A - Provide specific targeted and differentiated professional development opportunities for various member communities. • Strategy A2: • Based upon recommendations of the Curriculum Coordinator Advisory Committee, EARCOS will sponsor 3 in-depth institutes this year; Service Learning at Jakarta International School, the Advanced Coaches Institute at Shanghai American School in September and March, and the Adaptive Schools Foundation Training at the International School of Beijing.. • All conferences and institutes are evaluated using Zoomerang online surveys. Responses from the ETC2011 exceeded 600 and were extremely positive.
Strategy A3: • EARCOS provided $1500 in support of the Special Education Network in Asia (SENIA) Conference held in Shanghai in February 2011. • $1500 was provided in support of the International School Nurses Association (ISNA) conference held in March 2011. • EARCOS continues to guarantee support of up to $10,000 for the Learning 2.011 held in Shanghai in September, 2011. • Strategy A7: • EARCOS continues to provide the venue and logistical support to the International School Leadership Program, cosponsored by the University of San Francisco and Washington State University. • Brent Mutsch, Tim Carr, and Chris Akin will offer a half day pre-conference at the current ELC 2011 for new heads, and heads new to EARCOS schools.
Strategy A8: • The strategy of including specific ‘strands’ in the ETC conference has been work well. This approach works on a 3-year rotation of 7-8 strands and will return to a school venue in 2013. • STRATEGY B – Engage students and adults in learning activities across the region that will foster friendship, understanding, and global citizenship. • Strategy B1: • EARCOS continued its financial support of both the 2011 GIN Conference • and the EARCOS Asia Student Film Festival held in Shanghai. • Students On Ice (SOI) and Geoff Green gave a full and partial scholarship for two EARCOS students to join their July-August Arctic expedition. EARCOS provided $5500 toward transportation to Canada. • Strategy B2: • This past year, 2011, seventy-six students were recognized as Global Citizens. This represents the highest number of Global Citizens since the inception of the program. This year 6 of these students were awarded Community Service Grants to enhance their community service work during this year.
STRATEGY C – Develop collaborative educational partnerships within the region as well as worldwide to foster access to expertise. • EARCOS was a partner for the first Global Education Conference held on line in November 2010 hosted by TheFutureofEducation.com. EARCOS will be a partner again this November. • STRATEGY D – Connect schools, communities, and individuals through the use of the latest technology to promote communication, intercultural understanding, and access to broader educational opportunities. • A page was added to the EARCOS website for the purpose of displaying non-EARCOS sponsored workshops and events. • A program was added to the EARCOS website that makes access to the ELC and ETC programs on handheld devices more user-friendly. • A new feature was launched this month called EARCOS-Connect or E-Connect. This feature is a Tumblr blog page that will highlight articles, blogs, and videos on relevant educational topics.
STRATEGY E – Conduct, communicate, and archive relevant data and research to identify and enhance educational practices. • February 1 was the deadline for submission of the second batch of Action Research Grant Proposals to be funded in 2011-12. Eight (8) proposals were submitted and evaluated based upon the criteria established. None of the proposals met the criteria. • Four workshops on action research will be offered at ETC 2012 by Dr. Donna Kalmbach Phillips of Pacific University, Hillsboro, Oregon. • One of the action research projects selected last year has been posted on the EARCOS website. It is an excellent example of action research done by Bairbre Ni Oisin at St. Michael’s in Kobe, Japan. She will present a session on her research project at ETC2012.
EARCOS Finances Where Do We Stand?
2010/11 Operations • Total Revenue: $1,485,330 • Total Expenses $1,236,623 $ 248,707 • 2011-12 Budget – Expense $1,450,764
Financial Plans • Sustain affordable membership and conference fees • Financially support programs and initiatives of the Strategic Plan • Support personnel required to deliver on Strategic Plan and services to member schools