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Public Records. Section 491 of the Michigan Penal Code (MCL 750.491) declares that all official books, papers, and records created by (or received in) any office or agency of the political subdivisions of the state of Michigan are considered public property belonging to the people of the state. h
1. Records RetentionGeneral Schedule #17Michigan Public Libraries James C. Seidl
2. Public Records Section 491 of the Michigan Penal Code (MCL 750.491) declares that all official books, papers, and records created by (or received in) any office or agency of the political subdivisions of the state of Michigan are considered public property belonging to the people of the state.
3. Managing Electronic Records Public records are created in a variety of formats, and increasingly they are created using computers. Agencies that create electronic records are responsible for ensuring that these records remain accessible for their retention period, even if the original technology becomes obsolete.
4. General and Agency Specific Schedules Covers records that are common to a particular type of local government agency. General schedules may not address every single record that a particular agency may have in its possession. General schedules do not mandate that any of the records listed on the schedule be created. However if they are created in the normal course of business, the schedule establishes a retention period for them. Public Libraries Schedule #17
Any record that is not covered by a general schedule must be listed on an “agency specific schedule”. These schedules cover records that are unique to a particular local government agency. Agency-specific schedules always supersede general schedules and may not be used by another agency.
5. Definitions of Retention Codes The retention codes that appear are used to establish how long records are retained by the creating agency before they are destroyed.
In addition to the retention code, a period of time, year, and or months can be used in the calculation. Years are expressed as whole numbers and months are expressed as fractions: 0/6 represents 6 months.
6. Definitions of Retention Codes ACT = Active
An active code is usually assigned to records that are case or project related. The records are retained “until the case or project is closed.” (Registration Forms)
CR = Creation
A creation code is assigned to records when a definitive retention period can be assigned. The retention period is usually based on a calendar year and where there are no conditions that must be met. (Budget-Doc)
10. Board of Directors17.001-17.005 (p1-2) Bylaws PERM
Policies, Procedures, & Directives PERM
Annual Reports PERM
Meeting Records—Open sessions PERM
Meeting Records—Closed Sessions EVT
Closed session meeting records shall be destroyed 1 year, plus 1 day from the date that the meeting minutes are approved.
11. Administration17.006-17.019 (p5-7) Administration-General Correspondence CR+2
Director/Assistant Director’s reports CR+7
Administrative Subject Files ACT+5
Meeting Records-Internal Staff CR+2
Planners/Calendars CR+2
Donor Files-Monetary Donations CR+7
Donor Files-Property Donations ACT
12. Friends of the Library Files ACT
13. Annual Reports to the LM CR+10
14. Grant Files ACT
12. Administration17.006-17.019 (p5-7) 15. Millage Records CR+6
16. Accident Reports/Claims CR+7
17. Patron Disciplinary Files ACT+5
18. Strategic Planning-Develop Doc SUP
19. Strategic Planning-Final Approved Doc PERM
20. Freedom of Information Act FOIA CR+1
13. Finance17.020-17.045 (p8-11) 20. Final Annual Budget CR+10
21. Budget Documentation CR+5
22. Annual Financial Report/Audit CR+10
23. Monthly Financial Reports FY+7
24. Account Payable/Receivable FY+7
25. Journal Entries/General Ledger FY+7
26. Balance Sheet FY+7
27. Deposit Slips and Cancelled checks FY+7
28. Invoices FY+7
29. Purchase/Order Records FY+7
14. Finance17.020-17.045 (p8-11) 30. Sales Records FY+7
31. Cash Receipts FY+6
32. Petty Cash Vouchers FY+7
33. Bank Statements & Reconciliations FY+6
34. Contracts EXP+6
35. Leases EXP+6
36. Legal Opinions PERM
37. Litigation Files ACT+5
38. Annual Inventory and Depreciation Sch FY+7
39. State Tax Returns FY+7
15. Finance17.020-17.045 (p8-11) 40. Payroll Deduction/Liability Records FY+7
41. Insurance EXP+6
42. Bids Not Awarded CR+7
43. W-2 Forms FY+6
44. Employer Contributions to Retirement FY+7
45. Payroll Summaries FY+7
16. Facilities Management17.046-17052 (p11) 46. Blueprints/Building Plans PERM
47. Licenses and Permits EXP+1
48. Inspection Reports ACT
49. Hazardous Materials Safety Data Sheet ACT+30
50. Security Log CR+3
51. Surveillance Tapes CR+0/2
52. Vehicle Files ACT
17. Human Resources17.053-17.070 (p12-15) 54. Personnel Files
Retirement, Leave, and Life Ins ACT+40
Application, Hiring, Salary, and Position ACT+7
Withholding Forms SUP+6
Health Plans SUP+1
Union Membership ACT
Electronic Funds Transfer ACT+1
55. I-9 File (Immigration) EVT+3
56. Staff Work Schedules ACT+2
57. Time and Attendance CR+7
18. Human Resources17.053-17.070 (p12-15) 58. Vacation & Sick Leave FY+7
59. Time OFF/Vacation Requests FY+1
60. Employee Injury Records-Exposure ACT+30
61. Employee Injury Records-Non Exposure ACT+7
62. Grievances ACT+7
63. Union Contract Negotiation Files EXP+3
64. Staff Newsletter ACT
65. Job Applications-Not Interviewed/hired CR+1
66. Job Applications-Interviewed/not hired CR+2
67. Workers Disability Compensation ACT+10
19. Human Resources17.053-17.070 (p12-15) 68. Job Descriptions SUP
69. Volunteer/Sub Employee Personnel ACT
70. Continuing Education ACT
20. Information Technology17.071-17.079 (p15-16) 71. User Accounts ACT
72. Electronic Equipment Inventory ACT
73. Network Drop Map/Schematic ACT
74. Integrated Library System SUP
75. Back-up Tapes SUP
76. Software Guides ACT
77. Web/Intranet Files ACT
78. Web Server and Router ACT
79. Library/Cooperative Website ACT
21. Support Services17.080-17.096 (p.16-18) 80. Order Records CR+7
81. Magazine Order Records ACT
82. Memorials Book Donations ACT
83. Shelf List Act
84. Circulation Cards ACT
85. Bibliographic Records ACT
86. Item Level Records ACT
87. Authority Files ACT
88. Patron Registration Forms ACT
89. Patron Database ACT
22. Support Services17.080-17.096 (p.16-18) 90. Internet Use Agreements ACT
91. Computer Use Schedules EVT
92. Overdue Notices ACT
93. Overdue/Fine Records ACT
94. Interlibrary Loan Records ACT
95. Monthly Circulation Reports CR+5
96. Reference Statistics ACT
23. Programming and Publicity17.097-17.105 (p18-19) 97. Publicity,Design, & Production Req CR+1
98. Publicity and Programming Files CR+3
99. Mailing Lists ACT
100. Photographs ACT
101. Contest Entry Forms ACT+0/1
102. Exhibit Files EVT+3
103. Library Publicity & Historical Files PERM
104. Library Newsletters PERM
105. Press Releases ACT
24. Local History Collection17.106-17.109 (p19-20) 106. Donor Files PERM
107. Accession Records PERM
108. Processing Files PERM
109. Finding Aids ACT