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Records Management – Records retention & Disposition

Records Management – Records retention & Disposition. Session 3 of 7 on records management. Session Guidelines and general information. Session 3 of 7 on records management. Presenter(s). Karen Gray Records Analyst (Records Retention Schedules and Imaging – State Agencies)

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Records Management – Records retention & Disposition

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  1. Records Management – Records retention & Disposition Session 3 of 7 on records management

  2. Session Guidelines and general information Session 3 of 7 on records management

  3. Presenter(s) Karen Gray Records Analyst (Records Retention Schedules and Imaging – State Agencies) Archives and Records Management Branch And / or Jerry Lucente-Kirkpatrick Records Analyst (RM Training; Retention Schedules and Imaging – Local Agencies) Archives and Records Management Branch And / or Melanie Sturgeon State Archivist Archives and Records Management Library, Archives and Public Records Arizona Secretary of State

  4. Library, archives and public records (lapr) organization as a state agency

  5. Laprwebsite

  6. Records management center website

  7. General Guidance for on-line sessions 1. Please remember that while you are in the on-line classroom, all other participants can hear everything you say (even in the background), and can see everything you write on the whiteboard. 2. I will be muting All participants to help with sound distortion. 3. Please make sure that all phones are muted during the sessions. Press *6 and your phone will be muted. 4. Feel free to submit notes during session for discussion. If you would like to send a note / comment, please send to “all” so that everyone can see the question and then hear the answer to that question. 5. Please raise your hand if you wish to speak 6. Take a vote: How many of you are participating in today’s session with a group of co-workers? 7. If so, how many of you are there in your group? (Send # as a note) 8. At the end of the training, I will be taking questions. Write down any questions you have during the session, and we will have an opportunity to ask them at the end.

  8. All Records management in arizona is governed by Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) • In Arizona, everything that we do in Records Management is governed by Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS). • The ARS that govern Records Management are: § 41-151.14 – §41-151.19 and Portions of §39-101 – §39-128 • The purpose of this training today is to discuss the management of electronic records.

  9. What is a “record” 41-151.18. Definition of records In this article, unless the context otherwise requires: • "records" means all books, papers, maps, photographs or other documentary materials, • Regardless of physical form or characteristics, including prints or copies of such items produced or reproduced on film or electronic media pursuant to section 41-151.16, • Made or received by any governmental agency in pursuance of law or in connection with the transaction of public business and preserved or appropriate for preservation by the agency or its legitimate successor • As evidence of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations or other activities of the government, or because of the informational and historical value of data contained in the record, and includes records that are made confidential by statute.

  10. What is not a record 41-151.18. Definition of records - continued Not included within the definition of records as used in this article: • Library or museum material made or acquired solely for reference or exhibition purposes, • extra copies of documents preserved only for convenience of reference • and stocks of publications or documents intended for sale or distribution to interested persons

  11. Principles of Records Management Session 3 of 7 on records management

  12. Records Management . . . . . . is a program designed to help you by having the right information at the right time at the right place for the right price.

  13. Benefits The benefits of having a good Records Management Program in place: • Make proper decisions about the information your create or receive • Protect the rights of individuals • Ensure government accountability • Minimize risk Keeping records LONGER than the retention period is a risk

  14. Life Cycle of a Record Creation Useful Life-- Active: storage on-site or active servers Inactive: Storage off-site or off-line Disposition

  15. What are our Records Management Responsibilitiesas Custodians of Records? • Security of information while in our custody • Retention for A SPECIFIC time period per an approved Retention Schedule (General or Custom) • Preservation of Records in our custody: • Carefully protect and preserve the records from deterioration, mutilation, loss or destruction • Shall cause them to be properly repaired and renovated.

  16. the four (4) horsemen of the Recs. Mgmt. apocalypse - Water damage, mold, and termites? You are not alone in the event of an records emergency – it will just FEEL that way in the beginning. Water Damage Resource: • See the following Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) and Forms from the RMC website: • http://www.azlibrary.gov/records/Standards_and_Guidelines.aspx Mold Damage Resource: See the Northeast Document Conservation Center for a Mold resources: http://www.nedcc.org/free-resources/preservation-leaflets/3.-emergency-management/3.8-emergency-salvage-of-moldy-books-and-paper Termites, Fire and Vandalism Damages Resource: See the Northeast Document Conservation Center for a Termite / Pest resources: http://www.nedcc.org/free-resources/preservation-leaflets/3.-emergency-management/3.1-protection-from-loss-water-and-fire-damage,-biological-agents,-theft,-and-vandalism

  17. Basic definitions of records Management Retention Schedule – • Are simply timetables, composed of records series and retention periods, that identify the length of time records must be kept prior to final disposition (destruction or historical archiving). Records Series – • A group of like records that are filed together and treated as a unit for records management purposes. • A records series may consist of many separate files, but it is treated as a single unit for all purposes relating to records retention. • A familiar example is “personnel files” one of which exists for every employee in the organization. Even though there may be hundreds or thousands of these files, they are referred to as a records series – “personnel files” - for records retention purposes Retention Period – • The approved, legal, minimum amount of time each specific records series shallbe kept. It is illegal to keep a records series for LESS than the retention period

  18. Basic definitions of Government Entities State Agencies – • Term specifically applying to State Agencies, Boards and Commissions. A good breakdown of all State Agencies can be found on the AZ.GOV website Local Agencies – • Term applies to public bodies that are NOT State Agencies: Community Colleges, Counties, Fire Districts, Municipalities, School Districts and Charter Schools, and Special Districts All Public Bodies – • Term applies to the combination of State Agencies and Local Agencies (See §ARS 39-121.01)

  19. Two types of retention schedules General Records Retention Schedules • General schedules are comprised of record series that are common to all State and Local Agencies (public bodies). • Ageneral schedule is developed to cover all the like offices and records groupsin State and Local Agencies. • The general retention schedules ensure consistent and standardized retention periods for similar record series from various agencies. Custom Records Retention Schedules • Custom Schedules are created for one specific public body, and covers records series that are unique to that particular public body • OR, cover a retention period that is different from the General Schedule(s) and applies only to one specific public body

  20. 3 Main Parts of a Retention Schedule • Name and then Describe the record series – (Includes the following…) • Retention Period – • State the specific minimum length of time each record series needs to be kept • May Provide Instructions for cutoff, retirement and / or final disposition of the records series

  21. Setting a Cut-off Point • It is the point from which retention periods are calculated. Often called the “trigger” for when retention begins • It is also the basis upon which records are transferred to inactive storage. (Move from Active to Inactive records) • Two of the more common cut-off points • Time based: such as "after the calendar year (CY) received" or "after the fiscal year (FY) created.“ • Event based: such as "after project is closed" or "after date of termination of employment“

  22. Example of Retention Schedule • Records Series Number: 12. • Records Title and Description: Employee Personnel Records • (for full-time, part-time, contract, seasonal, interns, volunteer, appointed, or elected positions. Includingapplications, resumes, performance reviews, disciplinary records, records documenting employee pay decisions, loyalty oaths and oaths of office, conflict of interest and personal interest disclosure records, confidentiality agreements, policy acknowledgements, exit interviews, drivers' qualifications, training, and pre-employment background check records.) • Cut-off Point and Retention Period: • a. Official copy…………………………………. 5 years after employee terminated • b. Supervisors' and other non official copies… 6 months after employee terminated or transferred • c. Contract Employees………………………… 6 years after contract expired canceled or revoked

  23. Why we revise / update retention Schedules • New records series are created • Series overlooked in inventory • Series resulting from new programs or responsibilities • Need to revise current Retention Schedules • Inadequate retention periods - increase or decrease • Lack of clarity in the records series or the retention period • Need to review Retention Schedules for revision every year or two

  24. Scheduled Records vs. unscheduled records Scheduled records series • These are records series that have been placed on an approved Retention Schedule, have an assigned retention period, and can be destroyed by following a General or Custom Schedule Unscheduled records series • These are records series that have NEVER been placed on an approved Schedule • Have NEVER been assigned a retention period, • CANNOT be destroyed UNTIL • they are placed on an approved schedule, • OR, • approved for destruction via completing and submitting to the LAPR – RMC the following form: Pre-approval for Unscheduled Records Disposition

  25. General Schedules • General Schedules exist for the following Seven (7) Types of Public Bodies in Arizona: • Community Colleges and Districts • Counties • Fire Districts • Municipalities • School Districts • Special Districts (“Catch-all category for Lighting Districts, Irrigation Districts, Library Districts, etc.) • State Agencies, Boards & Commissions All General Schedules are located at the following Link: http://www.azlibrary.gov/records/schedules_and_manuals.aspx

  26. Role of Information Technology (I.T.) in RM How Your Information Technology Department Can Assist You in Records Management • Understand State or Local Agency’s Retention Schedules, and how retention periods apply equally to paper and electronic records, regardless of where the records are stored. • Take steps to manage e-records OR assist with e-records • Program databases to facilitate responding to public record requests • Maintain an inventory of all places e-records may be stored: smart phones / devices, servers, individual computer hard drives, shared drives, personal drives, removable storage media, personal digital assistants, home computers

  27. What and why of a Records Inventory? What is a Records Inventory: • The records inventory identifies and quantifies the records created and received by an agency. • The inventory is the first step in the development of a public body’s records program • Becomes the working document for records retention and disposition schedules, file plans and essential records programs. • Simply defined, the records inventory is a list of each record series, together with an indication of where it is located and other pertinent data. • The inventory is NOT: • A document by document listing • A folder by folder listing Why create a Records Inventory: • The first step in developing records retention and disposition schedules • Is the foundation to determining what records exist in an public body.

  28. Methods of taking a records inventory Three methods of taking an inventory: • Questionnaire • Consultation • Physical Inventory For more detailed information on Records Inventories, please refer to the following from the RMC Website: • http://www.azlibrary.gov/records/Standards_and_Guidelines.aspx • Look for: Tip Sheets • Then look for: Records Inventory

  29. Records Appraisal • Retention periods are based on: • Statute • Historic = Permanent • Business need for record • Records appraisal is the process used to determine the value of a record series • The value of the records series determines the retention period for the records series • All records have value to the organization creating or receiving them • Some records have permanent value and warrant preservation by an archives

  30. Four (4) main Values of Records • Legal • Retention periods are among the longest for these records • Fiscal • Retention is based on audit cycle • Administrative • Retention is open-ended based upon your need for these records, or the reference value of these records • Historic • These are the only records that have a PERMANENT retention period. Permanent records = 500 + years of retention

  31. Legal Value Specific legal requirements to keep records for a given period of time can be found in the Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS), United States Code (USC), and Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Examples of Records with Legal Value: • Contracts • Agreements • Federal or state statutory or regulatory requirements

  32. Fiscal Value Sometimes a record may be needed to document the audit trail of monies. These requirements may or may not be legislated or regulated Examples of Records with Fiscal Value: • Budget records • Expenditure ledgers • Credit card reports

  33. Administrative Value Records with administrative value are those records that are needed to conduct an office’s daily business. These records are common across all types of offices and public bodies Examples of Records with Administrative Value: • Procedure manuals • Retention schedule • Memos • Reports

  34. Historic Value • Records with historical value document the history of the government and the community. • Any record series listed as permanent on a general retention schedule should be transferred to the State Archives after the records become inactive and when the agency or political subdivision no longer wishes to maintain those records. You can reach the State Archives at 602-926-3720 or 800-228-4710 to discuss the transfer of the records. Examples of Records with Historic Value: • Governors’ papers • Wills, land records, and marriage records • Directors’ correspondence • Agency histories

  35. Definition of Historic Record If a record is historic or historically significant, it is a permanent record. Records are deemed historic or historically significant when they: • Document a controversial issue • Document a program, project, event or issue that results in a significant change that affects the local community, city, county or state • Document a program, project, event or issue that involves prominent people, places or events • Document a program, project, event or issue that resulted in media attention locally, statewide or nationally

  36. Permanent Records are uniqueand must be retained in specific Formats • ARS §39-101 – Defines a Permanent Record • A. Permanent public records…shall be transcribed or kept on paper or other material which is of durable or permanent quality • and which conforms to standards established by the director of the Arizona state library, archives and public records. • B. Permanent public records transcribed or kept as provided in subsection A shall be stored and maintained according to standards for the storage of permanent public records established by the director of the Arizona state library, archives and public records. • C. A public officer charged with transcribing or keeping such public records who violates this section is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor. • Standards for Permanent Records are located on the RMC website: • http://www.azlibrary.gov/archives/documents/pdf/Standard%20for%20Permanent%20Records_April%2023%202013_Signed.pdf

  37. Permanent Student Records All schools are required to use the Arizona School Immunization Record (ASIR109R), or a facsimile that completely matches the design and format of the ASIR. Many schools now use software systems that enable them to keep track of immunization histories and other student data electronically. Some of the systems have student immunization templates that match the ASIR109R format precisely. These systems enable schools to print out records with all the student information filled so that nothing needs to be hand-written. These records are acceptable as long as they are an exact match for the ASIR109R. This means that all the same fields are in the same places and all the text on the form matches that of the official ASIR. Records that contain all the same information, but lack the format of the ASIR109R are not acceptable.

  38. Time to Dispose of Records • What do I do when my Records Retention Schedule says it is time to destroy records? • Check with others (record creator, record user(s), Risk Management and your Legal departments) and see if there is pending or imminent litigation • Check and see if there is an on-going or imminent audit • Check and see if there is a government investigation

  39. Records Retention Caveat • Q: When Is a Retention Period NOT a Retention Period? • A: When It is TRUMPED by Litigation, Audit or Government Investigation • Wording used on the Cover Sheet of ALL Retention Schedules: • Records required for ongoing or foreseeable official proceedings such as audits, lawsuits or investigations, • must be retained until released from such official proceedings, • notwithstanding the instructions of this schedule.

  40. Choosing the method for records destruction Do the records contain ANY confidential Information? If the answer is NO -- These are the ways to destroy these records: • Recycle • Landfill If the answer is YES – More care must be taken with these records. They can be destroyed the following ways: • Shred • Burn Why the difference for Confidential Information? • See ARS ARS§44-7601

  41. The records have been destroyed after the end of their retention period. Now what? If Records were destroyed based upon the retention period in an approved Retention Schedule, then - • No approval is needed from LAPRBEFORE destroying records. • After records have been destroyed based upon an approved Retention Schedule and retention period – Complete and Send to the RMC – LAPR the following form: • Certificate of Records Destruction • Certificates of Records Destruction MUST be filed at least once annually • Certificates of Records Destruction are Located on the RMC website: • http://www.azlibrary.gov/records/documents/forms/Certificate%20of%20Records%20Destruction%208.2013.pdf

  42. The records have been accidentally and prematurely destroyed. Now what? If Records were destroyed BEFORE the retention period in an approved Retention Schedule, then - • Complete and Send to the RMC – LAPR the following form: • Notice of Destruction Prior to Records Disposition Date • This Form is used if records are accidentally destroyed, • OR if records are destroyed beyond repair by water damage, mold or termites • Notice of Destruction Prior to Records Disposition Date form are located on the RMC website: • http://www.azlibrary.gov/records/documents/forms/Notice%20of%20Destruction%20Prior%20to%20Records%20Disposition.pdf

  43. The records need to be destroyed, but they are not on a Retention Schedule. Now what? If Records are NOT listed on an approved Retention Schedule, they are considered to be Unscheduled Records and cannot be destroyed Until - • You FIRST Complete and Send to the RMC – LAPR the following form: • Pre-Approval for Unscheduled Records Disposition • The Pre-Approval Form will then be reviewed by the RMC and a retention period determined for the unscheduled records • The RMC will then return the Pre-Approval Form to you with instructions to further retain the records until the end of the retention period just created • OR, provide approval for you to destroy the unscheduled records • Pre-Approval for Unscheduled Records Disposition forms are located on the RMC website: • http://www.azlibrary.gov/records/documents/forms/Pre-approval%20for%20Unscheduled%20Records%20Disposition.pdf

  44. Non-Record Copies . . . …Should be destroyed in a timely manner. …They should never be kept longer than the official copy. …If copies are kept LONGER than the official record, then the copy is no longer a copy and BECOMES the Official Record.

  45. Got Questions? Any Questions? ***Please complete an Evaluation – in email with on-line session instruction***

  46. HELPFUL CONTACTS Records Management Center (LAPR): http://www.azlibrary.gov/records/ Phone: 602-926-3815 records@azlibrary.gov Karen Gray kgray@azlibrary.gov Phone: 602-926-3817 Jerry Lucente-Kirkpatrick: jkirkpatrick@azlibrary.gov Phone: 602-926-3820 Dr. Melanie Sturgeon: msturgeon@azlibrary.gov Phone: 602-926-3720 Toll Free: 1-800-228-4710 (Arizona only) State Ombudsman’s Office http://www.azleg.gov/ombudsman/default.asp State Attorney General – Public Records Publication https://www.azag.gov/sites/default/files/sites/all/docs/agency-handbook/ch06.pdf AIIM – Global Community of Information Professionals http://www.aiim.org/ ARMA International: http://www.arma.org/ Institute of Certified Records Managers (ICRM): http://www.icrm.org/ National Archives and Records Management (NARA): http://www.archives.gov/records-mgmt/ National Association of Government Archivists and Records Administrators (NAGARA): http://www.nagara.org/index.cfm

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