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SPECIAL EDUCATION AND INTEGRATED SPECIAL EDUCATION IN ROMÂNIA Includes education units and structures which ensure educational and therapeutic recovery assistance for children, pupils and youngsters with special education needs, organized in the following structures and levels: ;Early education (0-5 years) formed during the ante-preschool level (0-3 years) and preschool education (3-6 years)- special kindergartens/preschool groups; Primary education (classes I-IV) and lower secondary school (classes V-IX) in schools organized on types of deficiency-movement, physical and mental, sensorial, auditory, visual deficiency on different levels- special schools/ School Centers for Inclusive Education. Upper secondary School/High school (classes X-XII/XIII) with the following : theoretical, vocational and technical for specializations and qualifications established by Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports, in conformity with the National Register of Qualifications; Tertiary non-university education, post upper secondary education- individual integration; Special education centers for early intervention; Centers/schools for curative pedagogy; Centers/schools for preventive education (for pupils with behavior disturbance)/ special schools for imprisoned persons (School from Prisons); Resources county centres and educational assistance.
SPECIAL EDUCATION AND INTEGRATED is organised: Usually: As day education in groups/classes with a number of 8-12 pupils (for moderate deficiencies),groups/classes with a number of 4-6 children/pupils with severe/associated deficiencies; Home education- for children/pupils who are not transportable for medical reasons. In school units which are special organized on types of deficiencies, and at their level there are organized classes of different degrees (moderate, severe or associated deficiencies); Individual integration in regular schools; Schooling in a day/extern system; Schooling in Day Care Centre system; Schooling in term system boarding. “The general compulsory education has 10 grades and comprises the primary and the lower secondary education. The obligation to attend the 10 grades education, at the frequency system, ceases at the age of 18. In order to accomplish the finalities of the education and professional training through the national system of education, the state upper secondary education is generalized and tuition free” .
Facilities given to pupils with Special Education Needs (SEN) Children and youngsters with special education needs, who study in special education needs or mass schools, including those studying in a different county than the residence one, benefit from social assistance meaning ensuring the daily food ratio, school supplies, accommodation, clothes and footwear in equal amount with the children comprised in the child protection system, as well as free accommodation in boarding school or assistance centres for children with special education needs who are comprised in the county departments/Bucharest department for social assistance and child protection (Law 1/2011); Ensuring the service for school transport with school buses, in the same location or neighbor locations; Has material rights that derive from being into the category of the persons with disabilities (double allocation etc.)
At the level of Iasi County SPECIAL EDUCATION AND SPECIAL INTEGRATED EDUCATION include: • 6 schools that ensure educational and therapeutic recovery assistance for children and youngsters with four types of deficiencies- mental, physical and movement, sensorial auditory and visual deficiencies, on different levels: • 3 schools for children/pupils with mental deficiencies and severe/associated deficiencies from Iasi county (“Constantin Păunescu” School Iaşi, Special School Pascani, TRINITAS Special School Tg. Frumos)- with pre-school education, primary, lower secondary school and upper secondary school-professionalization; • A school for students with hearing deficiencies with pre-school education, primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education-professionalization-“VasilePavelcu” School Iasi; • A school for sight deficiencies with primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education – “Moldova” High school, Tg. Frumos. • A school for pupils with physical, movement and neurological deficiencies with primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education- “Ion Holban” High school Iasi. • The last three units receive pupils from all the Moldavian counties. : .The school within Iasi Prison –Professional 41- an institution that ensures educational assistance services for the imprisoned youngsters, from the prison system.
The County Educational Assistance and Resources Centre Iasi - a complex unit that ensures evaluation, psycho-educational assistance, school and professional counseling for children, pupils and youngsters with special educational needs including: • The County Psycho-Pedagogic Assistance Centre Iasi- which ensures counseling and psycho-educational assistance for pupils, parents and teachers, with the help of school counselors teachers. • The Logopedics Interschool Centre Iasi – which ensures therapy services for language deficiencies for preschoolers and pupils from the primary education. Over 500 children/ pupils with special educational needs integrated individually/ in small groups in over 40 integrative schools in rural and urban area- schools where the school integration county program for children with SEN (CES) who are integrated by means of services that offer educational support for students from the preschool, primary and lower secondary education system
FINANCING SOURCES State education is for free. --“the State ensures the basic financing for all preschoolers and pupils from the general compulsory state, private and confessional education” -The financing is made on the basis and within the limits of the standard cost per pupil or per preschooler, which is annually established by MECTS (Education Ministry) according to the principle “the financial resource follows the pupil”, on the basis of which the budget allocation for a student is being transferred to the school unit to which where the pupil studies.
The assurance of the financing for special and special integrated education “The financing of the special and special integrated education is made from the county budgets where the special education school functions, regardless of the pupils residence” It is made from 4 sources: State Budget from sums obtained from the Value Added Tax (according to the Budget Law in 2011 – law no. 286/28/12/2010); Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports (M.E.C.T.S) through Iasi County School Inspectorate Iasi County Council Other financing resources (eg. Scholarships, study credits, taxes, donations, sponsorships) and from self financing “For the financing of the national education there is annually allocated from the state budget and from the local public authorities’ budgets a minimum of 6% from the gross domestic product of the respective year. Additionally the schools and education institutions can obtain and use autonomously their own incomes.” (National Education Law 1/2011 ) (GD. 1251/2005)
Present laws: Law no. 286/2010 – regarding the state budget in 2011 Law no. 284/2010- frame law regarding unitary remuneration for the personnel paid from public funds; Law no. 285/2010 - regarding the remuneration in 2011 for the personnel paid from public funds; The Public Finance Law no. 273/2006 – updated; Order no. 2839/14.12.2010 for methodological norms approval regarding the budget year for 2010; Law 1/2011 – National Education Law; G.D 1251/2005 regarding improvement measures for the children’s/pupils’/youngsters’/ learning, instruction, compensation, recovery activities and special protection within the special and special integrated education; Organizing and functioning regulation for special and special integrated education; Organizing and functioning regulation for The Educational Assistance and Resources County Centre (MEC Order 5418/2005); Organizing and functioning regulation for Interschool Logopedics Centers; Organizing and functioning regulation for Inclusive Education School Centres;
State Budget by County Council Finances: personnel expenses; Expenses representing goods and services; Investments expenses • Social programs implementation • This financing is assigned to the education units by the Decision of the County Council with technical assistance from the Iasi County School Inspectorate
State Budget ( byBudget Law) : Also finances the following social programs: Distribution of dairy and bakery products for preschoolers from kindergartens with a normal schedule of 4 hours and pupils from grades I-VIII; Distribution of honey as a nutritive supplement for preschoolers and pupils from grades I-IV; Implementing the fruits eating encouragement program for pupils from grades I-VIII; This financing is assigned to the education units by the Decision of the County Council with technical assistance from the Iasi County School Inspectorate
For information and documentation centres; THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH, YOUTH AND SPORTS Finanţează şi derularea a : • Finances and runs: • a) National programs for social protection and educational support for students by giving away scholarships • Merit scholarships • Study scholarships • Social scholarships “Money for high school” scholarships • B)National programs for equipment in education units and development of the material base: • For school cabinets and laboratories; • For school libraries (with school books); • For gymnasiums (with sports equipments); • For psycho pedagogic and logopedics offices; • For information and documentation centers; • With school buses
At the level of Iaşi County The Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports has sustained the development of the material base from education institutions and other related to pre-university units by assigning funds.
Tg.FrumosSpecial Professional school Tg.Frumos Special School “V.Pavelcu” Technical School Iasi “C.Păunescu” Special School Iaşi Paşcani Special School Funds for 26 school buses in the pre-university system:
At the level of Iaşi county Hiring personnel in school units from Iasi county at the beginning of school year was made in accordance with the stipulations of the Education Law 84/1995, Law no. 128/1997, GD no. 281/1993 with dispositions and methodologies of M.Ed. C no. 5440/2005, 5441/2005, 5442/2005 that stipulate the mobility and tenure didactic personnel, respecting the graphic for the mobility stages stipulated in M.E.C.T methodology.