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Unidad 3 B Dia 7. Chillin ’ . El Calentamiento. Translate the following sentences . We play videogames after school . She wants to go to the movies on Friday . I can sleep until 10 on the weekends. My friends and I go out to eat on Saturdays . They are in the library . .
Unidad 3 BDia 7 Chillin’
El Calentamiento • Translatethefollowingsentences. • We play videogamesafterschool. • ShewantstogotothemoviesonFriday. • I can sleepuntil 10 onthe weekends. • My friendsand I go out toeatonSaturdays. • They are in thelibrary.
PALABRA DEL DĺA La flor Yopongolasfloresencima de la mesa. Raul dalasflores a sunovia Carlota. Los chicosdanflores a laschicasguapas.
NOTA CULTURAL Spain’s leaders…
A Confused Continent During World War II, much of Europe was in political turmoil. Some European rulers have become infamous because of their cruelty: • Adolf Hitler • Nazi leader of Germany • Responsible for the Holocaust • Supporter of the Spanish leader, Francisco Franco
FRANCISCO FRANCO SPANISH RULER 1936-1975 • With the support of Hitler, Franco gained control of Spain in 1936 • In the first decade of his leadership, he killed between 10,000 and 50,000 of his political enemies • He outlawed divorce, all languages besides “pure” Spanish, all religions besides Catholicism • He meant for this tradition to carry on with Juan Carlos, his heir
JUAN CARLOS DE BORBÓN SPANISH KING1975-PRESENT • Franco expected Juan Carlos to continue an authoritarian rule of Spain • Juan Carlos went against what everyone expected of him and reinstituted a democratic government • In 1977, the first post-Franco elections were held for a prime minister, so Spain now has a parliamentary monarchy • Juan Carlos created a legacy of tolerance, acceptance, and choice • Polls show that he is one of the most well-liked and respected monarchs of all time
escuchamos Weather forecast
Listen to the weather forecast Answer the following questions • List 10 vocabulary words you recognize. • What does the word “maxima” stand for? • How do you say “ the low temerature”? • When the weather girl gives the forecast- what days is she referring to? • What do you think the word CIELO means? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2l9p_qdA4EM&feature=related
Words you heard… Temperatura Minima Maxima Lluvia Soleado Nublado Viernes Sabado Domingo Lunes Martes
Vocabulary Puzzle Instructions: How to fold To make your own vocabulary puzzle you will… • Fold your paper long ways (hotdog style) 4 times. • Fold your paper (still folded from above) DOWN 2 times. • Open your paper, you should have 16 squares. 4 down and 4 across
How do I make my vocabulary puzzle? Using the squares on your paper, create a vocabulary puzzle. You will put the vocabulary word on one side of the square and then write its match on the opposite side (on the same crease). Once you have put a vocabulary word/phrase on each line with its match on the opposite line, you will cut out your puzzle. Make sure to mix it up!!! Try it yourself- then share your puzzle with a partner…
¿Qué tiempo hace? Weatherforecastpresentation
WeatherForecastPresentation Objective: Present a fourdayweatherforecast in Spanish; tellingthetemperature, otherweathersystems, andwhatactivities can be done in thattypeofweather. Criteria: • Grupos de 2 • 4 dayweatherforecast • MusthaveoneSpanishspeaking country andanother country orstate in the U.S. • Yourchoiceof country and/orstatemust be abletoencompassdifferenttypesofweather
WeatherForecastContinued… • Weatherforecastmustincludethefollowing… • Thetemperature • Twodifferentweathersystems (windyandsunny) • Oneactivitythatyou can do in thisspecifictypeofweatherandwhereyou do thatactivity • Twoweekdaysandtwo weekend days (Wed-Sat) • Eachgroupmemberpresents 2 daysofweather • 4 weatherpicturestogoalongwitheachday • Pictures on a powerpoint OR… • Pictures nicelydrawnonposterboard
Vamos a presentar… • Presentationdue dates… • Bday: 3/21; el miércoles • Aday: 3/22; el jueves • GradingRubric • PALS speakingrubric http://www.fcps.edu/is/worldlanguages/pals/documents/Level1SpeakingTasksAnalyticRubric.pdf
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