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Health. Social Psychology Chapter 14 December 10, 2004 Class #14. Health Psychology. The application of psychology to the promotion of physical health and the prevention and treatment of illness Social psychological principles now involved in health issues…that wasn’t always the case
Health Social Psychology Chapter 14 December 10, 2004 Class #14
Health Psychology • The application of psychology to the promotion of physical health and the prevention and treatment of illness • Social psychological principles now involved in health issues…that wasn’t always the case • Modification of one’s lifestyle, outlook, and behavior can lessen risk of such things as heart disease, cancer, strokes, accidents, AIDS, etc. • From following slide you can view the change in US insofar as leading causes of death
Stress • The whole process by which we appraise and respond to events that threaten or challenge us • An unpleasant state of arousal that arises when we perceive that the demands of an event threaten our ability to cope effectively • Subjective appraisal of the situation determines: • How we will experience the stress • What coping strategies we will use
Major Types of Stressors • Catastrophes • Unpredictable, large scale events • Natural disasters • Cataclysmic events • Sudden, without warning • Ex: WTC tragedy • Significant Life Changes • Daily Hassles
Scarring Effects of Natural Disasters • Krug et al. (1998) • These researchers analyzed counties that had experienced disasters • Before/after research revealed some alarming numbers • See next slide
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) • Up to 70% of adults in U.S. have experienced at least one major trauma (extreme stressor) in their lives… • Examples: • serious accident/natural disaster • rape or criminal assault • combat exposure • child sexual or physical abuse and/or severe neglect • hostage/imprisonment/ torture • sudden unexpected death of a loved one
PTSD • Five factors are necessary for diagnosis: • The person must have experienced or witnessed an extreme stressor • Re-experiencing of the traumatic event • Avoidance and emotional numbing • Increased arousal • Set of symptoms that have lasted at least one month
Significant Life Changes • Change itself may cause stress by forcing us to adapt to new circumstances • Is change, positive or negative, necessarily harmful? • No support that positive “stressors” are as harmful as negative stressors • Impact of change depends on person and how change is interpreted
The Hassles of Everyday Life • Most common source of stress arises from the daily hassles that irritate us • Ex: Environmental factors • “Microstressors” place a constant strain on us • The accumulation of daily hassles contributes more to illness than do major life events
Dormitory Life • Baum & Valins (1977) • These researchers compared two layouts of dormitory in university residences… • One was based on a long corridor design, with 17 rooms opening off a single corridor, whereas the other was a suite of three rooms opening off a communal area • The total space per student was about the same in the two designs and the facilities were similar, but student s in the long corridor style residence complained more about being crowded and about having to avoid unwanted social contact • They withdrew from social contact even when they were away from the residence
Dormitory Life • Baum & Valins (1977) • Traditional dorms appear to be more stressful than newer suite style
They demolished this dorm… • In one case, a 26 floor, 1,300 student residence, Sander Hall, was demolished at the University of Cincinnati in 1991 because of persistent problems of violence and vandalism
Karlin et al. (1979) • Students who are accommodated 3 to a room intended for 2 suffer less contentment and lower grades
Watch your Blood Pressure… • Evans (1979) • Compared ten person groups of people • Some were in rooms 20 x 30 feet, while others were in rooms 8 by 12 feet • Results: • The people packed into small rooms had higher pulse rates and blood pressure
Is noise stressful??? • Research indicates that living in a busy city, near a highway, airport, etc. can have detrimental effects
How Does Stress Affect the Body? • Selye (1976) • His General Adaptation Syndrome model illustrates the effects of stress • Selye felt that the body’s adaptive response to stress was very general – like a burglar alarm that would sound off no matter what intruded • His model has three overlapping stages - alarm, resistance, and exhaustion
Phase 1: Alarm Reaction • Alarm reaction caused by a sudden activation of your sympathetic nervous system (this is the part of the autonomous nervous system that arouses the body (increases HR, BP, etc.) • Mobilizes energy in stressful situations • So, your body recognizes danger and mobilizes for a "fight-or-flight" situation… • System is activated but since you are in temporary shock – your resistance drops below normal – usually minor and short-term • Therefore, the person may show various symptoms of stress -- headaches, fever, fatigue, sore muscles, shortness of breath, diarrhea, upset stomach, etc.
Phase 2: ResistanceTime to fight the challenge • Your body responds to the challenge with an outpouring of stress hormones causing your temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration all remain high • Everything is in full force to help you cope with the stressors • As body defenses stabilize, the symptoms of alarm seem to disappear • The adjustment to stress and the outward appearance of normality are maintained at high cost… • During this resistance stage, the body is more able to cope with the original stress • However, its resistance to any other stress is lowered
Phase 3: Exhaustion • During this phase, the individual reservoir of resources is becoming depleted • The person is especially vulnerable to diseases and in extreme cases collapse and death (immune system is being challenged by the long-term stress) • Example: Heart attack
What Stress Does to the Heart • Type A Behavior Pattern: • Characterized by extremes of competitive striving for achievement, a sense of time urgency, hostility, and aggression • A risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD)? • Hostility appears to be the main toxic ingredient in CHD
How “Hostile” Is Your Pattern of Behavior? From Anger Kills: 17 Strategies by Redford B. Williams, M.D., and Virginia Williams, Ph.D. Used by permission of Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Specific Types of Personalities… • Friedman & Rosenman (1959) • Summarized years of research to come up with the much publicized Type A and Type B personalities
Type A • Has a chronic sense of time urgency • Rushed and hurried, this person is always "on edge" • Has quick and abrupt speech • Often interrupting others • Is very competitive • Even in noncompetitive situations • Is a hard-driving, achievement-oriented, and status-conscious person • Frequently becomes hostile and aggressive
Type B • This person has an easier-going lifestyle • Is much more able to sit back and relax • Less competitive • More understanding and forgiving • Enjoy leisure and weekends more
Some Differences… • The most important difference is that Type A men are 2-3 times more likely to suffer angina, heart attacks, or sudden death than type B men • Type A smoke more, sleep less, drink more coffee, walk faster, work later, drink less milk, etc.
Situational difference here as well… • Interestingly, in relaxed situations, HR, BP, hormonal secretions, etc. are very similar… • But when harassed…watch out… • Given a difficult challenge, threatened with loss of freedom or control we see big differences… • Type A’s are much more physiologically reactive as HR, BP, hormonal secretions, etc. -- SOAR! • Type B’s remain at moderate levels • Example: Williams (1989) • Subjects asked to do simple math problems • Type A’s stress-hormone levels rose to more than double the Type B’s
Why Is Hostility and CHD Linked? • Cardiovascular system becomes overworked • Hostile people are less health conscious • Hostile people are physiologically reactive • In tense social situations they exhibit more intense cardiovascular reactions
What Stress Does to the Immune System • Stress compromises the body’s immune system • Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI): A subfield of psychology that examines the links among psychological factors, the brain and nervous system, and the immune system
Stress and the Immune System • The immune system is the body’s first line of defense against invading substances and microorganisms • Stress can impair or suppress the immune system • Social support and other stress-mediating factors can help sustain one’s immune system • Social support may prevent illness by providing an outlet for the person under stress
Social Support • Quality of social support can influence one’s ability to cope with stress… • Those who have close relationships with friends, relatives, religious organizations, self-help groups, etc. usually benefit and can be helped through a tough time • This type of support is crucial for trauma victims • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder • Having too much support or the wrong kind of support can be as bad as not having enough support • How can this be?
Effects of Severe Stress… • Occurs when demands are too intense for our coping techniques (or if we perceive them to be too intense)… • Lowering of Adaptive Efficiency • “Wear and Tear”
Lowering of Adaptive Efficiency • Physiological Level • Severe stress can impair the body’s ability to fight off invading bacteria and viruses • We get the flu • Psychological Level • Makes it difficult or impossible for an individual to see a situation objectively or to perceive the alternatives that are actually available • Suicide attempts • When we use all our resources to combat one severe stressor, we have less of a tolerance for others
“Wear and Tear” • After we are exposed to a stressful experience, can rest completely restore us to normal levels of functioning? • Selye (1976): says no • Indelible scar is left • Every period of stress adds up
Stress and the common cold… • Cohen (1993) • The participants supplied information about three things: • Numbers of negative life events they had experienced in the last 12 months • Perceived stress. A questionnaire measure of how unpredictable, uncontrollable and overloading the individuals found their lives • Negative emotions. Ratings of the extent to which they had felt 15 emotions over the last week; distressed, nervous, sad, angry, dissatisfied with self, calm, guilty, scared, angry at self, upset, irritated, depressed, hostile, shaky and content
Cohen (1993) • The volunteers were then exposed to common cold viruses. Two types of outcome were examined: • Infection. Detection of the virus or a significant rise in levels of virus-specific antibodies in nasal samples 2- 6 days after exposure. (It is possible to be infected without becoming ill.) • Clinical colds. A clinician's judgment of cold severity based on symptom checklists, body temperature, and numbers of tissues used per day.
Cohen (1993) • Overall, 82% became infected and 46% developed colds (symptoms) • Important findings: • High stress participants: 53% developed colds • Low stress participants: 40% developed colds • Perceived stress and negative affect were associated with infection • Stressful life events were associated with development of clinical colds, given infection.
Attributional and Explanatory Styles • Seligman (1975): • Depression results from learned helplessness • Abramson et al. (1989): • Depression is a state of hopelessness brought on by the negative self-attributions people make for failure. • Depressive explanatory style
Hardiness Personality Style • Individuals exhibit three characteristics: • Commitment • Challenge • Control • Hardiness serves as a buffer against stress • Perception of control is most important factor
Perception of Control • The expectation that our behaviors can produce satisfying outcomes. • Self-efficacy: Feelings of competence • A state of mind that varies from one specific task and situation to another.
Optimism and Hope • Optimism is a generalized tendency to expect positive outcomes • Characterized by a nondepressive explanatory style • Health can spring from optimism, as evident by the placebo effect
Pollyanna’s Health • Positive thinking cannot guarantee good health • Victims of illness do not just have a “bad attitude” • Limits to positive thinking… • Especially if it leads us to see ourselves and events in ways that are not realistic
Coping Strategies • Problem-focused coping • Emotion-focused coping • Proactive coping
Problem-Focused Coping • In dealing with essential tasks, it is better to confront and control than to avoid
Problem-Focused Coping Stages • Assessment • Identify the sources and effects of stress • Goal Setting • List the stressors and stress responses to be addressed • Designate which stressors are and are not changeable • Planning • List the specific steps to be taken to cope with stress
Problem-Focused Coping Stages • Action • Implement coping plans • Evaluation • Determine the changes in stressors and stress responses that have occurred as a result of coping methods • Adjustment • Alter coping methods to improve results, if necessary