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2010.7.20 成都

网络与多媒体环境下大学英语研究性学习的探索与实践. 2010.7.20 成都. 北京科技大学 — 近十年 CET4 一次通过率. 2000 年的 60.73% , 2008 年的 91.98% , 2009 年的 92.22%. 北京科技大学 — 大学英语课程发展历程. 2007 年全国大学英语教学改革示范点项目学校 2008 年北京市精品课程 2008 年国家级精品课程 2008 年北京市优秀教学团队 2008 年北京市教育教学成果奖一等奖: 层次化全新立体交互大学英语教学模式的有效构建与实施 2009 年北京市名师(张敬源教授)

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2010.7.20 成都

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  1. 网络与多媒体环境下大学英语研究性学习的探索与实践网络与多媒体环境下大学英语研究性学习的探索与实践 2010.7.20 成都

  2. 北京科技大学—近十年CET4一次通过率 2000年的60.73%,2008年的91.98%,2009年的92.22%

  3. 北京科技大学—大学英语课程发展历程 • 2007年全国大学英语教学改革示范点项目学校 • 2008年北京市精品课程 • 2008年国家级精品课程 • 2008年北京市优秀教学团队 • 2008年北京市教育教学成果奖一等奖:层次化全新立体交互大学英语教学模式的有效构建与实施 • 2009年北京市名师(张敬源教授) • 2010年获北京科技大学第24届教育教学成果奖一等奖:网络与多媒体环境下大学英语研究性教学的探索和实践

  4. 1、网络与多媒体环境2、研究性学习3、我校的探索与实践1、网络与多媒体环境2、研究性学习3、我校的探索与实践

  5. 网络与多媒体环境 • 各高等学校应大量使用先进的信息技术,开发和建设各种基于计算机和网络的课程,为学生提供良好的语言学习环境与条件,改进以教师讲授为主的单一教学模式。 • 新的教学模式应以现代信息技术,特别是网络技术为支撑,使英语的教与学可以在一定程度上不受时间和地点的限制,朝着个性化和自主学习的方向发展。 《大学英语课程教学要求》

  6. 研究性学习Inquiry learning • “研究性学习以学生的自主性、探索性学习为基础,从学生生活和社会生活中选择和确定研究专题,主要以个人或小组合作的方式进行。通过亲身实践获取直接经验,养成科学精神和科学态度,掌握基本科学方法,提高综合运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力。” 教育部教基[2000]3号文件

  7. 研究性学习 Inquiry learning • “研究性学习是学生在教师指导下,从自然、社会和生活中选择和确定专题进行研究,并在研究过程中主动地获取知识、应用知识、解决问题的学习活动。 ” 《普通高中“研究性学习”实施指南(试行)》,2001

  8. 研究性学习Inquiry learning • 研究性学习是指以建构主义心理学和发现说为理论基础,坚持以学生为中心,以自主学习为主要路径,以能力培养为价值取向,重视探索、研究、发现等学习实践过程的一种开放式教学和学习方式。 • 基于问题的研究学习 • 基于项目的自主学习 • 基于角色扮演的体验学习 • 基于团体合作的小组学习

  9. 研究性学习Inquiry learning • 研究性学习为学生的自主性、探索性、创造性学习构建开放的学习环境,提供多渠道获取知识及学以致用的机会,全面提高学生综合运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力,使其通过亲身实践获取直接经验,构建并完善自己的知识体系,同时促进他们形成积极的学习态度和良好的学习策略,培养创新精神和实践能力。

  10. 我校推进大学英语“研究性学习”的实践 • 推进层次化分级教学 • 建设网络化教学体系 • 开发研究性学习载体

  11. 1、层次化分级教学 III级 II级 I级 1 2 3 4-7 大学英语2 大学英语3 大学英语1 大学英语3 大学英语2 大学英语3 CET-4 高级选修 分级考试 CET-4 CET-4

  12. 分级比例 约10% III级 II级 约20% 约70% I级

  13. 管理方案 基础必修III级 高级选修(校公选课) 基础必修II级 基础必修I级 必选结合 最低2个学分 免修不免试 设置水平考试 升降级 鼓励升级,控制降级 考试分级 确定初始级别 2010版分级模式

  14. 教学模式 读写 视听说 文化 技能 应试 读写 读写 视听说 自主 视听说 网络自主 网络自主 II级班 I级班 III级班 必选课

  15. 挑战 排课 考试 成绩 授课方式 过程管理 课程类型

  16. 2、网络化教学体系

  17. 3、研究性学习载体 《大学体验英语视听说教程》 • “十一五”国家级规划教材;北京高等教育精品教材建设项目立项 • 以最新真实视听资料为载体、以自主性与研究性学习为手段,以综合学习能力及多元人文素质为目标,依托任务驱动提高学生的英语综合运用能力,依托项目化语言技能训练培养学生的研究与创新意识,依托网络自主式学习模式开发学生的学习潜能。 《大学体验英语视听说教程》 《大学体验英语视听说教程》

  18. 大学体验英语视听说教程 第二册 北京科技大学 高等教育出版社

  19. UNIT 1 McDonald’s Business Model: The Three-legged Stool

  20. UNIT-1 If we are together, nothing is impossible. If we are divided, all will fail. V A L U E S Winston Churchill

  21. UNIT-1 Agenda Background Information Unit Overview Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Supplementary Reading

  22. UNIT-1 Unit Overview Over the years, McDonald's has managed to maintain its competitive edge in the fast-food industry and become the largest fast-food chain restaurant. At the same time, it serves as the symbol of globalization, showing the world how the American way of life can be adapted to local needs. In this unit, McDonald’s working business model will be presented. Students will get to know the secrets of its business success through listening, viewing and reading. Various activities will inspire students to talk about McDonald’s impact on people’s lives by using the words and expressions in this unit. And finally, they will conduct a business-oriented project with their peers. In this unit, you will ❖ get to know McDonald’s business model through reading, listening and viewing ❖ talk about business models through guided activities ❖ conduct a business-oriented project with your peers ❖ pick up useful words and expressions in the area of business ❖ learn to reflect on your own learning and comment on that of your peers ❖ learn to think independently, critically and creatively

  23. UNIT-1 BackgroundInformation THE THREE-LEGGED STOOL: MCDONALD’S BUSINESS MODEL McDonald’s is committed to partnership within the system-characterized as a three-legged stool-with franchisees, suppliers and company employees making up each of the three legs: Franchisees – own and operate the majority of restaurants Suppliers – provide food and packaging and other products and services Company employees – support and deliver restaurant operations around the world V A L U E S

  24. UNIT-1 Lesson One Lead-in Audio studio Video studio Speaking workshop Project bulletin

  25. UNIT-1 Lead-in Task 1 Task 2 Task 3

  26. Task 1 Describing the Picture Describe the pictures first and then discuss McDonald’s Business Success. Do you or your family often dine at McDonald’s? Where are the two McDonald’s in the picture? What can you infer from the pictures? Why do people like it so much that they spend a lot of time in McDonald’s?

  27. Task 2 Reflecting on the Reading Read through the Supplementary Readingpassage on page x, and answer the following questions. 1. What does “The stool is only as strong as the three legs” mean? Answer:This means that the company, the franchisee owners and the suppliers each support the weight of McDonald’s equally. For one to prosper, the other two must prosper also. 2. What is special or unique about this partnership? Answer:This partnership is also a unique opportunity for an individual to own and operate a business, while at the same time having access to the resources of a major multi-billion dollar organization.

  28. Task 3 Expanding Your Vocabulary Read through the words in the left-hand column, and match each of them with the appropriate meaning in the right-hand column. • an act of increasing or making sth. increase in • size, amount or importance • B. to go to sb. for information or advice • C. to see or notice a person or thing • D. mainly • a group of shops/stores or hotels owned • by the same company • F. the act or process of buying sth. 1.Chain 2.Primarily 3.Purchase 4.Expansion 5.Sport 6.Consult

  29. UNIT-1 Audio Studio Word Bank 1. corporation (大) 公司 2. french fries 薯条 3. milkshake 奶昔 4. initially 最初 5. hangout 可以打发时间的地方 6. franchise 特许营销权 7. equity (公司的) 普通股 8. prominence 卓越 9. obesity 肥胖 10. ethic 道德 11. barbecue 烧烤 12. profitable 赢利的 13. overall 全面的 14. convince 说服劝说

  30. Audio Task 1 Identifying the Gist Listen to the audio clip, and choose the right answers to the questions. 1. What is the passage mainly about? A) Secrets of McDonald’s success. B) Brief history of McDonald’s. C) Changing of McDonald’s. 2. What has it become as McDonald’s expands? A)The symbol of globalization. B) The symbol of the spread of the American way of life. C) Both A & B.

  31. Audio Task 2 Checking the Facts Listen to the audio clip again and fill in the blanks according to what you have heard. Repeat the sentences after you have completed them. 1. McDonald’s Corporation (MCD) is one of the ________________________ in the world, touching the lives of people every day. 2. But after _________ the restaurant they served around ______, which were mostly barbequed. 3. The present corporation __________________the opening of a franchised restaurant by Ray Kroc on April 15, 1955. 4. In effect, Kroc opened his first and the overall ninth restaurant in Chicago, Illinois, and __________McDonald’s Corporation. 5. Its prominence also made it a frequent subject of public debates about obesity, corporate ethics and _________________. leading fast-food restaurant chains establishing 25 items dates its founding to gave birth to consumer responsibility Script Answer

  32. UNIT-1 Video Studio Word Bank

  33. Video Task 1 Matching &Predicting Complete the following statements with the phrases given below. Predict what will be talked about in the video. Then check your answers after watching the video clip. based on all the way had a huge impact on move forward learn from  • We’re looking today at this all-American company and what we can • its success. • 2. I understand that the company has ________________your life. • 3. It is about advancement that is _________achievement. • 4. I’ll be able to help them ___________with it, so that was the thinking behind it. • 5. And from the first crew person moving _________up to a store manager. learn from had a huge impact on based on move forward all the way Answer

  34. Video Task 2 Checking Your Comprehension 1. What is this interview mainly about? 2. What was McDonald’s recently voted for? 3. Aside from being the author of the book, what else do you know about Paul from the interview? 4. Why did Paul decide to write a book for other business people and clients? 5. What question is Paul constantly asked?

  35. Video Task 3 Bridging the Gap Highest Corporate Retention Rates Meritocracy Crossover Examples Name Working Time & Ranks Starting Position Jim Skinner ,present a , Michael Quinlan as a CEO forin a, Paul Facella Former Executive a crew person Watch this part of the video clip and complete the chart. Advancement 35 years CEO crew person 14 years mail room 16-year-old Script Answer

  36. UNIT-1 Speaking Workshop Expressions & Structures to Use Task 1 Summarizing Task 2 Debating

  37. Speaking Task 1 Summarizing Discuss with your peers and complete the following tips with the information you have learned in the video clip. Then prepare an oral presentation with the help of the tips.

  38. Speaking Task 1 Summarizing

  39. Speaking Task 1 Summarizing

  40. Speaking Task 2 Debating Motion We’re just lovin’ it (adapted from the McDonald’s international advertising slogan). Ready? Go!

  41. UNIT-1 Useful Arguments VS Pros Cons

  42. Pros

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