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The Role of Universities in developing/developed world: Healthcare for homeless and orphans

The Role of Universities in developing/developed world: Healthcare for homeless and orphans. Vladimir Krcmery St. Elizabeth University, Shelters Bratislava, Dolná Krupá, Malacky, Slovaki a and St. Maximilian Kolbe Tropical programes, Cambodia 8.12. 2012 Warsaw. INTRODUCTION.

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The Role of Universities in developing/developed world: Healthcare for homeless and orphans

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  1. The Role of Universities in developing/developed world: Healthcare for homeless and orphans Vladimir Krcmery St. Elizabeth University, Shelters Bratislava, Dolná Krupá, Malacky, Slovakia and St. Maximilian Kolbe Tropical programes, Cambodia 8.12. 2012 Warsaw

  2. INTRODUCTION • 0,2 % of Slovaks are homeless • New phenomenonin Slovakia • The term „homeless“ is not recognized in Slovak law • Health and social care for the homeless is rather the domain of church and non-profit NGOs • Organizations targeting only homelessness do not exist

  3. DEFINITION OF HOMELESS PEOPLE Lost of housing → lack of „fixed“, regular, and adequate nighttime residence Social contacts Marginalization Isolation

  4. „HELP YOURSELF“ ACCOMODATION • „ ON THE STREET“ Homeless without any shelter, bus stations 2. „ SELF-MADE SHELTERS“ empty houses, tunnels, garden houses - living in small groups (migration) - specific rules - violence

  5. Lodging houses Hostels Warming centers Rehabilitation centers - drugs - alcohol Food, clothing and possibility of personal hygiene Health care, social counseling and prevention Internal rules Limited time Payments SHELTERS PROVIDED BY INSTITUTIONS


  7. SHELTERS FOR HOMELESS PEOPLE • 48 homeless shelters, daily stationers, refugee houses, health centers and hygiene houses in 15 cities in Slovakia • St. Elisabeth University involved in the field of homelessness since 2003 • Provides -the only shelter in the capital city available for all homeless people -two asylum houses for battered woman with children


  9. MEA CULPA SHELTER, BRATISLAVA • No tolerance of alcohol • Fee 1€ per night • Stay: max. 2 months • Services: dinner, laundry, hygiene, counseling, law and social services inc. job search, primary health care • Education: failed primary education up to University • The most frequent age category 31 - 60 years • 12% of clients are women

  10. BETHANY, ASYL CENTRE MALACKY • Fee 15 USD / month • Target group: battered women with children, released from prison, from orphanages • Maximum 1 year • Accommodation, clothing, food, health care, counseling

  11. PUBLIC OPINION ABOUTHOMELESSNESS • Homeless people are satisfied with that what they do and do not want to change their life • There are transmitting serious diseases such as bacterial diseases, TB, HIV and hepatitis

  12. WE ARE BREAKING MYTHS Questionnaire: 634 homeless people during 6 months 14% satisfied with their life 26% would like to change what they do but they don't know how to do it 60% of homeless people decided to change their life None serious infection confirmed 104 homeless → 42 had positive cultivation of pathogens • 21 Staph. aureus • 13 Candida albicans • 3 Strept. pneumoniae • 3Klebsiela pneumoniae • 2 Staph. pyogenes

  13. STRATEGY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE ST. ELISABETH TO HELP HOMELESS • Educate social and health professionals to work with this targeted group • Connection of academic study of social work, nursing and health to support homeless people • Close cooperation with media helps breaking myths about homelessness

  14. HIV PROGRAM PRE SIROTY V Kambodži Clinic of St. Maximilian Kolbe, House of Family (2003) House of Smile (2006) Peter Pavol Gojdic Children’s Hospital (2007) Daniela’s House of Family (2008)

  15. Iniciálne diagnózy u hiv pozitívnych sirôt zaradených do hiv programu (neliečené n=137)

  16. Oportúnne infekcie a koinfekcie pozorované v súbore liečených pacientov, N=137 (2003 – 2011)

  17. 8 ročný monitoring spektra patogénov a rezistencie na antiinfektíva(N = 882 kmeňov)

  18. Prehľad multirezistentných kmeňov baktérií izolovaných od HIV-pozitívnych sirôt

  19. Záver • Potreba edukácie zdravotníckych pracovníkov v oblasti špecifických ochorení a zdravotných potrieb tejto cieľovej skupiny • Prepojenie akademického prostredia a praxe pri tvorbe projektov zameraných na riešenie zdravotných a sociálnych problémov

  20. „Maybe this is what it´s like being poor and ignored today“ Liu Bolin, China’s Invisible Man artist Ďakujem za pozornosť!

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