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Repsol Electronic Invoicing - Adquira Marketplace

Learn how to create, submit, and manage electronic invoices through the Adquira Marketplace platform for seamless transactions with Repsol. Get detailed instructions on individual and mass invoice creation, loading Excel files, error management, and more.

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Repsol Electronic Invoicing - Adquira Marketplace

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  2. CONTENIDO • ¿WHAT IS ADQUIRA MARKETPLACE? • ELECTRONIC INVOICING • How to create invoices through MKP platform • Creating a single Invoice • Loading Excel Invoice file • Massive attached files to Invoices • Copies of Invoices • Submit invoices through a PDF • Individual creation • Multiple invoices creation through PDF • Submit electronic invoices in invoice-e format • ERROR MANAGEMENT

  3. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) • WHAT IS MARKETPLACE? • Adquira Marketplace is a virtual market where buyers and suppliers can do business in a very easy way, optimizing processes of buying and selling. • Adquira Marketplaceoffers It offers the possibility of submitting electronic invoices to REPSOL from invoice-e format, from image format using a PDF file or also generating electronic invoices through Adquira platform. Both invoice-e- format and PDF format only may send a single invoice file (XML or PDF).

  4. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) • ELECTRONIC INVOICING • How to create invoices through MKP platform • Creating a single invoice To do this, from the “invoice creation wizard”, you have to select the “New invoice without purchase order reference” option.

  5. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) Let’s start by selecting the Repsol’s society we want to issue the document and then we will complete the data in the invoice header.

  6. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) Once the document data is included, we can also fill inif needed, the appropriate order data. To do this we will have the following fields available : • Purchase order ID (purchaser): should indicate the purchase order provided by Repsol. • Project ID / PEP Element:we can include the project data (not mandatory). • Supplier type: It should be marked if they belong to one of these groups: • R. Petróleo, Complejos Industriales • Central de Ingeniería • "Management Area": if the type of supplier is selected we MUST select make one of these options: • Cartagena (HCAR) • Coruña (HCOR) • Puertollano (HPLL) • Tarragona (HTAR) • Central de Ingeniería

  7. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) Later we will include the invoice lines by clicking the “Add line” button. In each line on the form we have to fill in the required fields (highlighted in yellow). And we will complete the field if needed. In the field “Other purchasing documents”, we have to register the order / record / maximum contract or the Central Engineering order. It is an optional field, with a length between 11 and 30 alphanumeric characters.

  8. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) Once we have included all invoice data we will proceed to Save the invoice. Files can be attached in order to complement it (if necessary) After including the corresponding files we will proceed to Save the invoice and we can see that in the “Actions” menu a sending option to Repsol will appear (without signing the document) Finally we will send the invoice to Repsol by clicking the “Send” button.

  9. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) Loading invoices using an Excel file We can create multiple invoices at once based on an Excel template. We Start with the Load invoice file option (in the New invoice without purchase order reference section). Depending on the EXCEL / CSV selected option we will have the template available in order to prepare the Excel document with all the invoice required fields to issue them to Repsol.

  10. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) Massive Files Annexed to Invoices For invoices we issue to Repsol, we can attach files in a massive way to the invoices at the same time. To do this, we will access to the list of composing invoices, and will see the “Attach files”button. This button will take us to a screen where we can select the excel document we want to be loaded:

  11. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) With the “Select File” button, the excel document can be selected with the list of invoices and files to attach. We will also have the possibility to download a template in order to look for the file format required. The information to be included in the file is: • Invoice number • File name The file will have the following format : By selecting the Excel document to load, in the table will appear the name and size of the selected file, enabling the “Upload file” button.

  12. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) Once the Excel file is loaded and if there is no problem with the process we will be requested to confirm if we want to continue with the loading process: When pressing the “Yes” button, it will take you to the screen in order to load each of the invoices annexes, afterwards we must press the “Select files” button and then you can select the documents you want to attach to the invoices from your computer.

  13. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) After selecting the attachments, a list of the selected files will appear, with the data, and size of each one. When you are selecting those files, and choose one that is not included in the loading file, an error will be displayed and the only files that are going to be loaded are the ones that are in the upload file. When pressing “Upload files” button, all valid files will be attached to each of their corresponding invoices. The progressing bar will display the uploading level of each file and when finishes the result will show OK!

  14. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) Once the uploaded process is finished, the files will be located in the corresponding invoice in the “Attachments” section

  15. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) • Copies of Invoices Once the invoice is signed, the option “Copy of invoices” will be available in the “Actions” button. This option is available only for invoices created as invoices without purchase order reference, and which are located in any status except in “Composing” status. Once you click “Copy of invoice” option, Marketplace will ask you for a confirmation so that it will create the copy.

  16. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) When pressing this option, it will copy the invoice, that is to say, the form will be copied with identical information of the original invoice, but in draft status and the invoice number field empty, allowing us to create a new invoice.

  17. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) • Invoices from PDF documents • Individual creation Through Marketplace you can send invoices created from a PDF document to Repsol’s system. So that we have to select the “Invoice File Upload”optionin the “Invoice Creating Wizard” Then we select the PDF file that we are going to send to Repsol.

  18. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) Once the document is selected, you have to press “Send” button. At that time a screen will be displayed where we have to include the required fields in order to manage the document: Receiving Society, tax base, invoice number, invoice date, etc. Once it is properly completed we will press “Save” button to create the invoice document.

  19. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) The invoice document will be created in Signed status (there’s no need to sign it again). The PDF attached will be sent to Repsol as a legal invoice document, so when pressing the send option, the PDF document will be sent to Repsol’s PDF reception system, where it will be validated and managed.

  20. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) Before sending the invoice, we can be able to attach files to it. When accessing to the invoice, by pressing the “Actions” button we can send the invoice. Also from this button you can download or delete it (if we have not sent it yet), etc.

  21. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) • Creating multiple invoices from PDF document In Marketplace we can also create, simultaneously, multiple invoices from PDF documents. To do this, select in the “Invoice Creation Wizard” the “Masive signed PDF invoices upload” option. From the template that you will find in our Marketplace platform you can elaborate an Excel file, where we have to fill in the invoice number, invoice date, buyer Tax ID number, PDF’s name, currency and amount.

  22. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) By pressing “select file” button, we look for the excel document we want to use to create the invoices. Once selecting the excel file with the invoices information we want to upload, we will press the “Upload file” button in order to start creating the invoices

  23. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) Once the file has been processed, the platform will ask for confirmation in order to to start uploading PDF files corresponding to each invoice. Then we select the PDF files indicated in the previous Excel file.

  24. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) When you are loading the PDF file and the file you have selected is not included in the Excel document list or its name does not match with it, Marketplace platform will warn you by an error display. It can also happen that if we do not select any of the PDF files our Excel document. In any case, Marketplace will process all the invoices. Marketplace will display all files that have been uploaded in the created invoice, afterwards we have to press “Upload File” button and we automatically will be taken to the signed invoices list where we can see all invoices created from the excel document.

  25. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) Invoices will be in Signed status. Those invoices that were not be found because they were not selected or the PDF name was not the right one, will be marked with an exclamation sign which shows “Missing required legal invoice file” message. Missing required legal invoice file We can access to the invoices identified with the error in order to attach the correct PDF document or proceed to delete them because the “Send” option will not be available until including a valid PDF document. The PDF document created by Marketplace is empty by default. In addition for all invoices created this way, we can include documents using the “Attach legal PDF invoice document” option in order to complement the invoice information if you find it convenient.

  26. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) We have to access to the corresponding invoice and replace the PDF document, so we select the empty one, press “delete” button and later using the “Attach legal PDF invoice document” option you will include the right PDF document.

  27. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) Once the correctPDF document is attached, the “Send” option will appear in order to send the invoice.

  28. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) • Submit electronic invoices in invoice-e format Through Marketplace we can send uploaded invoices without reference to a purchase order from a signed e-invoice document or not, where the information will be removed. In this case we can upload a signed or unsigned XML document, this document is saved as a legal document of the invoice, so the invoice digital signature is not required. For the invoices generated this way the final status will be “Sent” option. In order to create a single invoice, we wil make XML document uploding using “Invoice File Upload” optionthat will be found in “Invoice Creation Wizard”.

  29. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) Once the XML document is uploaded, the invoice will be generated in signed status and we will send it in order to be registered in Repsol’s system. We can also make the invoices uploading with XML documents using a compressed file (ZIP) in which we can include one or many XML documents. To do this, we will use the “Invoice File Upload”option.

  30. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) With the “Select” button we attach the Zip file in which the documents to upload are included. It is important to remember that one invoice will be generated one XML document uploaded Once all documents are selected, we press “send” option. Later we will access into Reports menu at “loaded Invoices” and press “show detail” and it will show us the result of the loading of XML documents included in the ZIP file.

  31. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) Seeing the details, will see the loading and invoices loaded correctly. From this screen we can manage invoices, in order to send to Repsol or access into any of them if we want to attach any additional document

  32. TRAINING EI (MARKETPLACE) • ERROR MANAGEMENT These are all the errors that may occur after sending the invoices:


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