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Although most freelancers tend to be very committed persons, sometimes there might be a lack of extrinsic motivation. Luckily we have found these great applications which faciliate setting and achieving goals...
FREELANCER TIPS 5 Apps that help you set and achieve your freelance goals © kaboompics_Pixabay You can find more freelancer tips on www.freelancermap.com/freelancer-tips
Setting goals and retaining the motivation to achieve them is often the best way towards success. This is true for both personal and professional goals. Freelancers are prone to having problems with that since they mostly work alone. As such, they rarely get external motivation and must rely on their own intrinsic drive. And while freelancers tend to be very committed individuals (how else would you create your own business?), a little push in the right direction can never hurt. In case you often find yourself wanting some additional external information, you’ve come to the right place! This article summarizes five of the best goal-setting tools out there. The best part? Almost all of them are free. info@freelancermap.com
1. Irunurun The creators of Irunurun describe it as a “greatness app”. It focuses around the motto that actions speak louder than words and essentially helps you hold yourself accountable. Irunurun “gamifies” the process of goal-setting, which a lot of productivity apps do, but this is arguably the one that feels most like a game. To use it, you enter a few actions that you want to consistently complete each week and assign them priorities. Throughout the week, you track your progress and at the end, get up to 100 points according to how well you did. Irunurun lets you sign up for free with their “personal” version and only asks you to pay for a team or enterprise account. info@freelancermap.com
2. Goalsontrack Goalsontrack has a ton of features, probably most than any other of the popular ones out there. It guides you through the process of creating a goal, breaking it down into small, manageable chunks and tracks your progress. Additionally, it also allows you to set helpful habits you want to make your own and write down your thoughts in a goal journal. Last but not least, Goalsontrack focuses on helping you visualize the desired outcome, pushing your motivation even further. The app itself is very visually appealing, but can be a bit overwhelming. Goalsontrack offers a lot. Which is why it’s the only paid app that made it on our list. It costs $68 a year or a little over $5 a month. info@freelancermap.com
3. Lifetick Lifetick is a web-based app that follows the SMART methodology. This means that your goals should be specific, measurable, assignable, realistic and time-specific. That method really helps you create goals that make sense and might be worth taking a look at regardless of how you manage your daily motivation. Lifetick also focuses on core values and lets you invite other people to track your progress. It has a free individual version, but it only allows you to track four goals at a time. info@freelancermap.com
4. Coach.me This next app is one of the most popular and oldest ones out there. Previously called Lift, this app helps you track your habits. It’s all about being part of a community and getting external motivation from that. You can create your own personal plans or let yourself be inspired by other members of Coach.me. If you’re the type of person that likes to share their goals with others and be held accountable from them, this is definitely an app you should try out. The app is free and has the option of hiring a personal coach starting at $15 a week. info@freelancermap.com
5. StickK StickK is a free goal-setting tool with a unique twist. Created by behavioral economists from Yale, it lets you set stakes for completing a goal. You can freely decide to depose a certain amount of money and a neutral referee who will track your progress. If you fail to achieve your goal, you lose the money. Now all of that is on a strictly voluntary basis. However, the creators say that referees increase your chances of success two times and financial stakes make you as much as three times more likely to achieve your goal. info@freelancermap.com
Further freelancer tips available on http://www.freelancermap.com/freelancer-tips Contact freelancermap.com Contact person: Doreen Schollmeier - International Affairs Mail: info@freelancermap.com Skype: doreen.schollmeier Phone: +49-911-37750286 facebook: www.facebook.com/freelancermapInternational Twitter: freelancer_INT © freelancermap.com