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Kidney Care Kit will give you better results as it has no side effects and is free from preservatives, fillers, additives, chemicals, etc. These natural remedies improve kidney function naturally. For more information kindly visit our blog https://www.chandigarhayurvedcentre.com/blog/how-to-improve-kidney-function-naturally/<br>
How to improve kidney functionnaturally? chandigarhayurvedcentre.com/blog/how-to-improve-kidney-function-naturally/ By KaranvirSingh The kidneys are the small organs in the lower abdomen that filter waste products from the blood and send them out of the body in the urine. These are also responsible for balancing the fluid and electrolyte levels in the body. The kidneys perform these tasks and several conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, may affect their ability tofunction. What causes kidneydisease? Some of the conditions that increase your risk of CKD include: DiabetesMellitus High blood pressure Heart-relateddisease Geneticfactor Above the age of 60years Polycystic kidneydisease Glomerulonephritis in which there is an inflammation in the glomeruli Interstitial nephritis means inflammation in the kidney’s tubules and its other surroundingstructures Obstruction in the urinary tract, from conditions such as enlarged prostate, kidney stones, and somecancers Various diseases that cause chronic kidney diseaseinclude:
Type 1 or type 2diabetes High bloodpressure Glomerulonephritis, an inflammation of the kidney’s filtering units(glomeruli) Polycystic kidneydisease Vesicoureteral reflux, it is a condition in which the urine gets back up into your kidneys Recurrent kidneyinfections What are the symptoms of kidneydisease? Symptoms of kidney disease develop slowly and cause the damaging of kidneys. Symptoms of kidney disease mayinclude: Vomiting Loss of appetiteNausea Fatigue Weakness Sleep-relatedproblems Excessive or nourination Decreased mentalsharpness Muscle twitches andcramps Swelling of feet andankles Persistentitching Chest pain, if there is an accumulation of fluid around the lining of theheart Shortness of breath, if fluid gets accumulated in thelungs What is the Ayurvedic treatment to improve kidneyfunction? If you are facing acute or chronic kidney disease then don’t take allopathic medicines as they have so many side effects. Chandigarh Ayurved Centre is providing you the best and effective treatment for increasing the life-span and functioning of the kidneys. This Kidney Care Kit will give you better results as it has no side effects and is free from preservatives, fillers, additives, chemicals, etc. These natural remedies improve kidney functionnaturally. Description of allproducts: GokshuruCapsules: Gokshuru capsules are pure Ayurvedic formulation that works on the kidneys and acts as an anti-inflammatory that reduces the swelling of the abdomen. It also acts as a diuretic which increases the urine secretion from the body and also removes all the toxins of the body. These are prepared from the pure extract of Gokshura (Tribulus Terrestris). It treats other kidney-related disorders like chronic renal failure, cystitis, and urethritis, nephropathy, and urinary tract infections. These capsules boost the kidney function naturally. It also improves kidney functions inAyurveda.
Recommended Dosage: Take one capsule twice daily with normalwater. Nerve Plustablet: Nerve Plus tablet shows Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, and immune-modulator properties that increase the immune system of the body. The ingredients present in it are Kali Mirch (Piper nigrum), Giloy satav (Tinospora cardifolia), Ghritkumari (Aloe barbadensis), shudha kuchala, shudha shilajit, shudha vatsnabh, etc. These tablets act as a nerve stimulant that stimulates the nerves and provides strength. It also increases appetite, and aids in digestion. Other symptoms like inflammation, general weakness, shortness of breath in kidney patients are naturally managed with thistablet. Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twicedaily. GokshuradiGuggulu: Gokshuradi Guggulu is a classical herbal formulation that contains ingredients like Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris), Pippali (Piper longum), Amla (Emblica officinalis), Black Pepper (Piper nigrum), Shuddha Guggulu (Commiphora Mukul), etc. Its anti- inflammatory, anti-hypertensive, analgesic, and muscle relaxant, etc properties improve kidney functioning. Being a diuretic, it treats urinary tract infection, difficulty in passing urine, kidney stones, excessive uric acid,etc. Recommended Dosage: Take 2 tablets twice daily with normalwater. Kidney CareChurna: The kidney care churna is composed of Bhumiamla (Phyllanthus niruri), Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), and Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa). This combination of herbs shows anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antioxidant, and analgesic properties. It maintains the function tests like serum creatinine, urea, sodium, potassium, chlorine, & uric acid, etc in the normal range. Its regular use removes kidney stones, treats urinary tract infection, general weakness, and fatigue, etc related to kidneypatients. Recommended Dosage: Take 1 teaspoonful twice daily with normalwater. UTI CareTablet: UTI Care Tablets are specially formulated to treat Urinary tract infections associated with organs like kidney, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. It also contains ingredients like Yavakshar (Hordeum vulgare), Swarna Gairik (Red ochre), Naushadar (Ammonium chloride), kalmi Shora (Pottasium nitrate), etc. These tablets also treat kidney stones, chronic kidney disease, renal colic, burning sensation during micturition, etc. Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice a day with normalwater. Detox PremiumPowder:
Detox Premium Powder contains all the Ayurvedic herbs and ingredients which increases the immune system of the body and prevents the body from various infections. The powder includes effective minerals and herbs like Parwal Pishti, Shukta Pishti, Giloy Satva, Kamdudha Ras, Akik Pishti, Gandhak Rasayan, and Sutshekhar Ras. These herbs pacify the pitta as well as kapha dosha, relieve ama, and also increase digestion. It also improves the strength of the body and relieves the abdominal distention. This powder is a great antibacterial, and antiviral, anti-pyretic, analgesic, & blood purifier. It also reduces other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, fever, headache, restlessness,etc. Recommended Dosage – Take 1 sachet twice a day with normalwater. KIDNEY CAREKIT Share on: WhatsApp