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Unit 5 Text B You Are Also What You Drink

Learn about various beverages and their impact on health. Discover the benefits of water and the risks of sugary drinks. Explore the link between beverages and common health issues like obesity and diabetes.

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Unit 5 Text B You Are Also What You Drink

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  1. Unit 5 Text B You Are Also What You Drink PPT can be downloaded from the course center (课程中心).

  2. Pair-work: • What did you drink in the last two days? • beverage: Any one of various liquids for drinking, usually excluding water. 饮料

  3. Drinks (饮料) Soft drinks (non-alcoholic beverage 不含酒精) water / ice water mineral water 矿泉水 soda water 汽水  coffee   tea (black tea红茶/green tea绿茶) milk  milk shake 奶昔    milk tea 奶茶 sprite 雪碧 cola (diet / regular) coconut milk 椰子汁 lemon tea 柠檬茶 • Juice  • sugar cane juice 甘蔗汁 • plum juice 酸梅汁 • star fruit juice 杨桃汁 • tomato juice  番茄汁 • grapefruit juice  葡萄柚汁 • vegetable juice  蔬菜汁 • lemon juice 柠檬汁 • orange juice  橙子汁 • lemonade 柠檬水  

  4. Alcoholic drinks/beverages 酒精饮料 • beer  • yellow wine  黄酒 • whisky  威士忌  • brandy  白兰地  • cocktail 鸡尾酒  • wine  葡萄酒

  5. A vineyard (葡萄园) near Cape Town (开普敦), South Africa

  6. Medical Words to catch What worries you most? Decaying teeth 龋齿 Thinning bones (thin: Not dense or concentrated 稀的) Heart disease Stroke 中风 Diabetes 糖尿病 Dementia 痴呆 cancer Obesity肥胖 =osteoporosis 骨质疏松 • (fat?No. She is obese or overweight. )

  7. Whatever tops your list, you may be surprised to know that all of these health problems are linked to the beverages you drink — or don’t drink. top: v. To be at the head of 位于顶部

  8. 1. the purpose of “Beverage Guidance System”(P126) Stop drinking their calories! Reason: They contribute little or nothing to their health and may actually detract from it. Contribute to = make contribution to促进 Eg. Exercise contributes to better health. Calorie? (small; gram; large, kilogram)

  9. Panel: A group of people /expert gathered to plan or discuss an issue 专门小组 Conference (大会) Panel discussion分组/专题讨论 Concurrent panel discussion分组讨论

  10. 2. the reasons for water being at the head of the list of preferred drinks No calories No hazards / no danger Only benefits

  11. Concerns / anxiety about water? bottled water fortified with nutrients vitamin-fortified sodas Why concerns about it ? Consumers tend not to eat certain nutritious foods. Page 121 P4

  12. Fortify: To strengthen or enrich food, as by adding nutrients (营养物) • water fortified with nutrients • vitamin-fortified sodas • fortified milk 强化乳 / 营养牛奶 • fortified soy milk 强化豆奶 • Fortified formula milk powder 营养强化配方乳粉 • calcium fortified milk 钙强化乳

  13. Problems with sweet drinks / suger-sweetened drinks Add caloric intake Reduced milk intake Number and amount (refill) (XXXL sizes) “weak satiety properties” ?? They do little or nothing to curb your appetite ?? Other health problems

  14. Coffee, Tea, and Caffeine Let’s have a look at the following sentences: 1. And a study of … linked cola consumption to the thinning of hip bones in women. 2. Several good studieshave linked … to a reduced risk of developing Type 2 diabetes… 3. One drink of alcohol a day has been linked in many studies to lower mortality rate…. Findings of studies Cause and effects

  15. (para. 15) 4. (Para 17) A study of 600 men suggested that +(conclusion) 5. (Para 17) The panel found no convincing evidence that… 6. (Para 20) A 10-year study of …. found that milk drinkers were less likely to develop …. Conclusion Findings / results

  16. Developbe affected with; contract, catch, advance, Cramps may develop in smooth muscle organs. She developed a rash.(皮疹) Not everyone who has been infected with HIV develops AIDS. In some cases, people who have been repeatedly exposed to HIV remain HIV-negative or never developAIDS. develop a new drug 出现 感染,传染 进展,发展 开发

  17. Medical Words to catch • Decaying teeth Thinning bones • Heart disease Stroke • Diabetes Dementia • Colorectal cancer Cholesterol level • Obesity gallstone • (have) a miscarriage Heart attack • Birth defect mortality rate • Cirrhosis • Hemorrhagic stroke • Postmenopausal hormones

  18. Next week • Patient-doctor relationship Text B: P180 Task 1 P181 Task 2 • Test 2 Nov. 19

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