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Understanding Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs)

Learn about the basic structure, operations, characteristics, and applications of BJTs in this lecture. Explore the transistor's structure, voltages, currents, operational regions, and key parameters. Gain insights into using BJTs as amplifiers, switches, and troubleshoot common issues.

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Understanding Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs)

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  1. Lecture 4 BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTORS (BJTs) By: Syahrul Ashikin Azmi PPKSE

  2. INTRODUCTION • What is transistor? • A three-terminal device whose output current, voltage and/or power are controlled by its input. • Commonly used in audio application as an amplifier, in switching application as a switch and in power supply voltage and current regulator circuit. • 2 basic transistor types: BJT and FET • These two transistor differ in their operating characteristic and their internal construction.

  3. OBJECTIVES • Describe the basic structure of the bipolar junction transistor (BJT) • Explain and analyze basic transistor bias and operation • Discuss the parameters and characteristics of a transistor and how they apply to transistor circuits

  4. LECTURE OUTLINE • 1. BJT structure • 2. Basic BJT operations • 3. BJT Characteristics and Parameters • 4. BJT as an amplifier • 5. BJT as a switch • 6. Troubleshooting • Summary


  6. 1. BJT STRUCTURE • The BJT is constructed with three doped semiconductor regions separated by two pn junctions. • The three region are called emitter (E),base (B) and collector (C) • The BJT have 2 types: 1. Two n region separate by a p region – called npn 2. Two p region separated by a n region – called pnp • The pn junction joining the base region and the emitter region is called the base-emiter junction • The pn junction joining the base region and the collector region is call base-collector junction • The base region is lightly doped and very thin compared to the heavily doped emitter and the moderately doped collector region


  8. 1. BJT STRUCTURE (CONT.) • BJT schematic symbol • The arrow on schematic symbol is important because: • Identify the component terminal. The arrow is always drawn on the emitter terminal. The terminal opposite emitter is collector and the center terminal is base. • The arrow always points toward n-type material. If the arrow point toward base, transistor is pnp type. If it points toward emitter, transistor is npn type.

  9. 1. BJT STRUCTURE (CONT.) • Transistor terminal current

  10. 1. BJT STRUCTURE (CONT.) Transistor Currents: • The directions of the currents in npn transistor and pnp transistor are shown in the figure. • The emitter current (IE) is the sum of the collector current (IC) and the base current (IB) • IB << IE or IC • The capital letter – dc value • Transistor is a current-controlled device ; the value of collector and emitter currents are determined by the value of base current. • An increase or decrease in value of IB causes similar change in values of IC and IE. Current gain (β)  factor by which current increases from base of transistor to its collector.

  11. 1. BJT STRUCTURE (CONT.) • Transistor Voltages: • VCC – collector supply voltage. This is a power supply voltage applied directly to collector of transistor. • VBB – base supply voltage. this is dc voltage used to bias base of transistor. • VEE – emitter supply voltage. dc biasing voltage and in many cases, VEE is simply a ground connection.

  12. 1. BJT STRUCTURE (CONT.) • Transistor Voltages: • VC – dc voltage measured from collector terminal of component to ground • VB – dc voltage measured from base terminal to ground. • VE – dc voltage measured from emitter terminal to ground.

  13. 1. BJT STRUCTURE (CONT.) • Transistor Voltages: • VCE – dc voltage measured from collector to emitter terminal of transistor. • VBE – dc voltage measured from base to emitter terminal of transistor. • VCB – dc voltage measured from collector to base terminal of transistor.


  15. 2. BJT OPERATION • To operate the transistor properly, the two pn junction must be correctly biased with external dc voltages. • The figure shown the proper bias arrangement for both npn and pnp transistor for active operation as an amplifier.

  16. 2. BJT OPERATION (cont..) • Transistor is made of 3 separate semiconductor materials that joined together to form two pn junction. • Point at which emitter and base are joined forms a single pn junction  base-emitter junction. • Collector-base junction  point where base and collector meet.

  17. 2. BJT OPERATION Region • Cutoff region • Both transistor junctions are reverse biased. • With large depletion region between C-B and E-B, very small amount of reverse current, ICEO passes from emitter to collector and can be neglected. • So, VCE = VCC

  18. 2. BJT OPERATION Region • Saturation region • Both transistor junctions are forward-biased. • IC reaches its maximum value as determined by VCC and total resistance in C-E circuit. • IC is independently from relationship of β and IB. • VBE is approximately 0.7V and VCE < VBE.

  19. 2. BJT OPERATION Region • Active region • BE junction is forward biased and the BC junction is reverse biased. • All terminal currents have some measurable value. • The magnitude of IC depends on the values of β and IB. • VCE is approximately near to 0.7V and VCE falls in ranges VBE<VCE<VCC.


  21. 3. BJT CHARACTERISTICS & PARAMETERS DC Beta ( ) and DC Alpha ( ): • The ratio of the dc collector current (IC) to the dc base current (IB) is the dc beta ( ) = dc current gain of transistor • Range value : 20< <200 • Usually designed as an equivalent hybrid (h) parameter, on transistor data sheet – • The ratio of the dc collector current (IC) to the dc emitter current (IE) is the dc alpha ( ) – less used parameter in transistor circuits • Range value-> 0.95< <0.99 or greater , but << 1 (Ic< IE )

  22. 3. BJT CHARACTERISTICS & PARAMETERS (CONT.) Current and Voltage Analysis: • The current and voltage can be identified as follow: • Current: Voltage: dc base current, dc voltage at base with respect to emitter, dc emitter current, dc voltage at collector with respect to base, dc collector current, dc voltage at collector with respect to emitter, forward-biased the base-emitter junction reverse-biased the base-collector junction Transistor current & voltage

  23. 3. BJT CHARACTERISTICS & PARAMETERS (CONT.) Current and Voltage Analysis: • When the BE junction is forward-biased, like a forward biased diode and the voltage drop is • Since the emitter is at ground (0V), by Kirchhoff’s voltage law, the voltage across is: …….(1) • Also, by Ohm’s law: ……..(2) • From (1) ->(2) : • Therefore, the dc base current is:

  24. 3. BJT CHARACTERISTICS & PARAMETERS (CONT.) Current and Voltage Analysis: • The voltage at the collector with respect to the grounded emitter is: • Since the drop across is: • The dc voltage at the collector with respect to the emitter is: where • The dc voltage at the collector with respect to the base is:

  25. Example 1 • Determine IB, IC, IE, VCE and VCB in the circuit below. The transistor has a βDC=150.

  26. When BE junction is FB, act as normal diode. So, VBE=0.7V. The base current, Collector current, Emitter current, Solve for VCE and VCB. Solution example 1

  27. BJT CHARACTERISTICS & PARAMETERS (CONT.) Collector Characteristic Curve: • Using a circuit as shown in below, we can generate a set of collector characteristic curve that show how the collector current, Ic varies with the VCE voltage for specified values of base current, IB. variable voltage

  28. BJT CHARACTERISTICS & PARAMETERS (CONT.) Collector characteristic curve:

  29. BJT CHARACTERISTICS & PARAMETERS (CONT.) Collector Characteristic Curve: • Assume that VBB is set to produce a certain value of IB and VCC is zero. • At this condition, BE junction and BC junction are forward biased because the base is approximately 0.7V while the emitter and the collector are zero. • IB is through the BE junction because of the low impedance path to ground, therefore IC is zero. • When both junctions are forward biased – transistor operate in saturation region. • As VCC increase, VCE is increase gradually, IC increase – indicated by point A to B. • IC increase as VCC is increased because VCE remains less than 0.7V due to the forward biased BC junction. • When VCE exceeds 0.7V, the BC becomes reverse biased and the transistor goes into the active or linear region of its operation.

  30. BJT CHARACTERISTICS & PARAMETERS (CONT.) Collector Characteristic Curve: • Once BC junction is RB, IC levels off and remains constant for given value of IB and VCE continues to increase. • Actually IC increases slightly as VCE increase due to widening of the BC depletion region • This result in fewer holes for recombination in the base region which effectively caused a slight increase in indicated in point B and C. • When VCE reached a sufficiently high voltage, the reverse biased BC junction goes into breakdown. • The collector current increase rapidly – as indicated at the right point C • The transistor cannot operate in the breakdown region. • When IB=0, the transistor is in the cutoff region although there is a very small collector leakage current as indicated – exaggerated on the graph for purpose of illustration.

  31. BJT CHARACTERISTICS & PARAMETERS (CONT.) DC Load Line: • Cutoff and saturation can be illustrated in relation to the collector characteristic curves by the use of a load line. • DC load line drawn on the connecting cutoff and saturation point. • The bottom of load line is ideal cutoff where IC=0 & VCE=VCC. • The top of load line is saturation where IC=IC(sat) & VCE =VCE(sat) • In between cutoff and saturation is the active region of transistor’s operation.

  32. Example 2 • Determine whether or not the transistor in figure below is in saturation. Assume VCE(sat) = 0.2V

  33. Solution example 2 • First, determine IC(sat), • Now, see if IB is large enough to produce IC(sat), • With specific βDC, this base current is capable of producing IC greater than IC(sat). Thus, transistor is saturated and IC = 11.5mA is never reached. If further increase IB, IC remains at its saturation value.

  34. BJT CHARACTERISTICS & PARAMETERS (CONT.) More About beta, : -Important parameter for BJT -Varies both IC & temperature -Keeping the junction temperature constant, IC cause -Further increase in IC beyond this max. point cause to decrease Maximum Transistor Ratings: -Specified on manufacturer’s data sheet -Given for VCE,VBE,VBC,IC & power dissipation -The product of VCE and IC must not exceed the max. power dissipation -Both VCE and IC cannot be max. at the same time.

  35. BJT CHARACTERISTICS & PARAMETERS (CONT.) Derating: -Specified at 25°C, for higher temp, PD(max) is less. -Data sheet often give derating factor for determining at > 25°C -Example: derating factor of 2mW/°C indicates that the max. power dissipation is reduced 2mW for each degree increase in temperature. Transistor Data Sheet: -See Figure 4-20, pg. 179 -Max. VCEO = 40V – indicated that the voltage is measured from C to E with the B is open -The max. IC is 200mA - for several values of IC -VCE(sat) is 0.2V max for IC(sat) = 10mA



  38. 4. BJT as an Amplifier • Transistor amplify current because • IB is very small, so IC ≈ IE. • Amplification of a small ac voltage by placing the ac signal source in the base circuit. • Vin is superimposed on the DC bias voltage VBB by connecting them in series with base resistor RB. • Small changes in the base current circuit causes large changes in collector current circuit.

  39. 4.BJT as an Amplifier Voltage gain: • Ac emitter current isIe ≈ Ic = Vb / r’e. • Ac collector voltage, Vc equals ac voltage drop across Rc. • Since , ac collector voltage is • Vb is considered as ac input voltage where Vb=Vin - IbRB. Vc as the transistor • ac output voltage. The ratio of Vc to Vb is ac voltage gain, Av of the circuit. • Substituting IeRC for Vc and Ier’e for Vb, yields:

  40. 5. BJT AS A SWITCH

  41. 5. BJT as a switch • A transistor when used as a switch is simply being biased so that it is in: • cutoff (switched off) • saturation (switched on)

  42. 5. BJT as a switch Conditions in Cutoff Neglect leakage current and all currents are zero. BE junction is reverse biased. Conditionsin Saturation Since VCE(sat) is very small compared to VCC, it can be neglected.

  43. Example 3 • For the transistor circuit in below figure, what is VCE when VIN=0v? • What minimum value of IB is required to saturate this transistor if βDC is 200? • Calculate the maximum value of RB when VIN=5V.

  44. Solution example 3 • When VIN=0V, the transistor is in cutoff (act as open switch), so VCE(cutoff)=VCC = 10V. • Since VCE(sat) is neglected (assumed 0V), This is the value of IB necessary to drive transistor to point of saturation. c) When transistor is ON, VBE=0.7V. The voltage across RB is VRB=VIN – VBE = 5 – 0.7 = 4.3V By Ohm’s Law, the maximum value of RB is:


  46. 6. Troubleshooting Troubleshooting a live transistor circuit requires us to be familiar with known good voltages, but some general rules do apply. Certainly a solid fundamental understanding of Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws is imperative. With live circuits it is most practical to troubleshoot with voltage measurements.

  47. 6. Troubleshooting Possible faults are open bias resistors, open or resistive connections, shorted connections and open or short internal to the transistor itself. Voltage measurements that are typically low are caused by a point that not “electrically connected to ground”. This called a floating point. This is typically indicative of an open. More in-depth discussion of typical failures are discussed within the textbook. Correct voltage measurement

  48. 6. Troubleshooting Testing a transistor can be viewed more simply if you view it as testing two diode junctions. Forward bias having low resistance and reverse bias having high resistance.

  49. 6. Troubleshooting The diode test function of a multimeter is more reliable than using an ohmmeter. Make sure to note whether it is an npn or pnp and polarize the test leads accordingly.

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