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ROMER Absolute Arm

ROMER Absolute Arm. April 2014. Product Overview. ROMER Absolute Arm Configurations The ROMER Absolute arm comes in three configurations : Absolute: 6 axis arm for probing applications and tube measurement .

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ROMER Absolute Arm

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  1. ROMER Absolute Arm April 2014

  2. Product Overview ROMER Absolute Arm Configurations • The ROMER Absolute arm comes in threeconfigurations: • Absolute: 6 axis arm forprobingapplicationsandtubemeasurement. • Absolute SI: 7 axis arm withintegratedlaserscanner, forscanningapplications. • Absolute SE: 7 Axis withexternalscannerfor high-end scanningapplications. Compatiblewith CMS108 andPerceptron v5. • Eachconfigurationisavailableas a high precisionversion (75 series) oras a low-costsolution (73 series). A 71 Series arm isavailable in Asiaforsixaxisprobingapplicationsonly.

  3. Product Overview ROMER Absolute Arm 6 Axis • 6 axis arm fortactileandtubemeasurementapplications. • Automatic probe recognitionmeansthattheuserneverhastocalibrate a probe. • Absolute encodersmeanthatthe arm does not requirereferencing. • Nowarm-upisnecessary. • Class-leadingergonomics / one-handeduse. • Accuracyfrom 0.016mm. • Light andcamera. • Hapticfeedbackforworking in noisyenvironments.

  4. Product Overview ROMER Absolute SI with Integrated Scanner • 7 axis arm withtheworld’sfirstcompletelyintegratedlaserscanner: noscannercalibrationsarenecessary. • Universal scanningandprobingsolution. • Excellentperformance on difficultsurfaceslike high-glosscarbonfibre. • The onlyscannerwithfullB89 scanner + arm certification. • Nowarm-up time: just turn it on andscan. • Automatic probe recognition. • Absolute encoders. • Optional wi-fiscanning (with Feature Pack 3).

  5. Product Overview ROMER Absolute SE with CMS 108 • 7 axis arm, compatiblewiththe CMS 108 (suppliedseperately). • The high-end scanningsolution, usingflyingdottechnology. • Automaticlasercontrol. • Variable laserlinewidths, and variable pointdensities. • Full B89 scannercertification. • Excellentsystemaccuracy (from 0.053mm) • Class-leadingperformance on veryshinysurfaces.

  6. Laser Scanners / Non-Contact Probes

  7. Product Overview The RS2 • Integrated intothe Absolute SI Arm. • Excellentscanningperformance on ‘difficult’ surfaces. • Semi-automaticlasercontrol (appliedfromline-to-line). • Usesfixedlasertechnology. • Nocalibrationsrequired. • Best in itsclassandpricerange. • Suppliedwithfull B.89.4.22 certification.

  8. Product Overview The CMS 108 • Usedwiththe SE Arm. • White spray almostnevernecessary(even on milledsurfaces). • Totallyautomaticlasercontrol(applied down a singlescanline). The userdoes not needtochangeanyscanningsettings. • 3 different scanwidths. • 3 different pointdensities. • Usesflyingdotlasertechnology. • CMM compatible.

  9. Product Overview Tube Measurement • 6 tubeprobesareavailableforusewiththeRomer Absolute Arm. Formeasurementoftubes, cablesandpipesofdiameter 6mm-130mm. • Measurement usesinfra-redtechnology: themeasurementis non-contact (perfectforrubberandplastictubes). • The new ‘Z’ bar providescompletesystemcertificationfortubemeasurement. • Because all tubeprobesusethe TKJ mount, thereisnoneedforcalibration. • 2 dedicatedtubemeasurementsystemsare also available: 7325T and 7530T. • Theyhave a stronger gas-shock tokeepthe arm at a 45deg restposition. • Accuracyistypicallyaround 15% lowerthanforstandard 73 Series arm.

  10. Features and Benefits

  11. Features & Benefits Automatic Probe Recognition All ROMER Absolute Arms (exceptthe 71 Series) haveautomatic probe recognition, thankstotheTKJ (TESA Kinematic Joint) adaptor. This isourbiggestadvantageoverthecompetition. • This meansprobes (andscanners) canberemovedorswapped on thefly, withouthavingto stop measurementstomake a new probe calibration. • All probe informationisstored on the probe itself: theuserdoes not haveto ‘tell’ thesoftwarewhat probe isbeingused. • Opens thedoorto a large catalogueofaccessories. • If a probe doesneedcalibrating (forexamplebecausethestylusisbroken), theprocessishighly intuitive and easy to follow, thanksto RDS. • Developedby TESA in Switzerland.

  12. Features & Benefits Absolute Encoders All ROMER Absolute Arms aresuppliedwith absolute encoders. This meansthatthe arm does not havetobere-set beforemeasurement. • This meansnowarm-up timeforthe arm. It’sreadytogoassoonasyouswitchit on. • Perfectformeasuring in smallspaces, like under a CNC machine. • Developedby Leica in Switzerland.

  13. Features & Benefits RDS RDS isthe ROMER softwareplatform.Itsupports all ROMER products. • Extremely easy touse, requiresverylittletraining. • Containsverificationroutinesallowingtheoperatorto check the arm performanceaccordingto international standards (VDI/VDE, B89.4.22) withoutanypriorexperience. • The virtual ‘animated’ arm tellstheuserwheretopositionitduringaccuracychecks, probe calibrations etc.

  14. Features & Benefits Feature Packs The Feature Pack is a removableplug-and-play pack thatmanagesthe arm connection. Itcomes in 3 types: • Scanning Pack (FP1): Suppliedasstandard on all 7 axisarms (SI and SE). • Wi-fi Mobility Pack (FP2): Suppliedasstandard on all 75 Series 6 axisarms. • Wi-fi Scanning Pack (FP3): Optional extra, featuring hot- swappablebatteries, wirelessoperationandunlimiteduse. • Feature packsallowbetter thermal stability in the arm. • Theyare a platformthat will allowustocontinously bring newdevelopmentstothe arm.

  15. Features & Benefits Complete System Certification Romeraretheonlyconstructorthatofferscompletescanningcertification, in accordanceto an international standard(B89.4.22). • A matte greysphereisscanned in five different positionsthroughthearm’smeasurementvolume. • In eachposition, thesphereisscannedfrom 5 different positions. • The resultisthemaximum 3D centre-to-centredistanceofthe 5 measuredspheres. • Manycompetitorsuse a white plane…

  16. Features & Benefits Ergonomics: Haptic Interface When an encoderreachesthe end ofitsrotation, itstopsreadingitsposition, toavoidaccuracyproblemsand ‘bad’ measurements. • Until Version 3 oftheRomer Absolute Arm, theuser was notifiedby a beepwhentheencoderstoppedreading. In a workshopit’sdifficulttohearthisbeep. • The hapticinterfaceis a vibrationinsidethearm’swrist, thathappenswhentheencoderreachesits end point. • Suppliedwithall v3 Romer Absolute Arms (exceptthe 71 Series). • Thereis a settinginside RDS todecativatethisifnecessary.

  17. Features & Benefits Ergonomics: SmartLock • Locks andunlocksthe arm with a simple switch. Bettersecuritywhenthe arm is not in use. • WhenlockedtheSmartLockisusefulforcarryingthe arm around a shop-floor. • The arm canbelocked in intermediate positions at the C-axis (the ‘shoulder’). Goodforworking in tightspaces.

  18. Features & Benefits Ergonomics: Camera and Work Light The 6 axis 73 and 75 Series armsaresuppliedwith a cameraandwork light in thewrist: • The cameraisusedtotakephotosofset-upsandparts. These imagescanbeassociatedwithfiles in somemeasurementsoftware (PC-DMIS, PCDMIS Touch, DOCS) • The work light canbeusedwhenmeasuringinsidecavitiesorother ‘dark’ areas.

  19. Features & Benefits Ergonomics: SpinGrip and SpinKnob • SpinGripislocatedbetweentheelbowandwrist, andhas infinite rotation. • SpinKnobislocatedattheelbow, andalso hasinfinite rotation. • Bothcomeasstandard on 75 Series arms. • Theyreduceuserloadsandfriction. • Theygivebetter thermal stabilityandmaximiseaccuracy.

  20. Configurations

  21. Configurations • ROMER Absolute 6 Axis: 75 Series • Available sizes in 6 sizes: 2m, 2.5m, 3m, 3.5 m, 4m, 4.5 m. • Includes the ROMER Mobility Pack with Battery and WiFi. • All 75 Series arms (6 or 7 axis) include SpinGrip and SpinKnob as standard. • All 75 Series arms (6 or 7 axis) include Magnetic Base as standard. • All 75 Series arms (6 or 7 axis) include certified bar as standard.

  22. Configurations • ROMER Absolute 6 Axis: 73 Series • Available sizes in 7 sizes: 1.5m, 2m, 2.5m, 3m, 3.5 m, 4m, 4.5 m. • SpinGrip and SpinKnob are not included. • Magnetic Base is optional extra. • Certified bar is optional extra.

  23. Configurations ROMER Absolute SI • Available in 6 sizesfor 73 and 75 Series: 2m, 2.5m, 3m, 3.5m, 4m, 4.5m • All modelsincludethe Scanning Pack (FP1). ROMER Absolute SE • Available in 6 sizesfor 73 and 75 Series: 2m, 2.5m, 3m, 3.5m, 4m, 4.5m • All modelsincludethe Scanning Pack (FP1).

  24. ROMER Absolute Arm • Configuration overview

  25. Packaging Metrology to go

  26. www.hexagonmetrology.com

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