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Ganesh chaturthi

Ganesh chaturthi. By Narayan group. Ganesh Chaturthi. Ganesh Chaturthi is also known as “ Vinayak Chaturthi ” It usually starts on the fourth day of the waxing moon period (usually between August 20 and September 15). The festival usually lasts 10 days.

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Ganesh chaturthi

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  1. Ganeshchaturthi By Narayan group

  2. GaneshChaturthi • GaneshChaturthi is also known as • “VinayakChaturthi” • It usually starts on the fourth day of the waxing moon period (usually between August 20 and September 15). • The festival usually lasts 10 days. • Ending on AnantaChaturdashi, and is traditionally celebrated as the birthday of Lord Ganesh.


  4. Interesting tale about the birth of Ganesh • Parvati wanted a son that would be loyal to her. • So she shaped the powder into the shape of her wanting, strong and beautiful, and then brought him to life. • Lord Ganesh was created by Parvati using sandalwood paste.

  5. Interesting tale about the birth of Ganesh • Parvatiasked him to guard the door while she bathed and tells him not to let anybody in without her permission. • After a long period of meditation on Mount Kailash Lord Shiva happened to visit Parvati. • Ganesh did recognize lord shiva, he stopped Shiva from entering as per his mother's advice.

  6. Interesting tale about the birth of Ganesh • Shiva tries to explain him that Parvati is his wife but Ganesh ignores him and refused to let Shiva into his home. • Shiva becomes furious and tries to battle him. • Shiva realizes that he was no ordinary boy so he sends his followers (ganas) to try to defeat the boy, but instead they were defeated by Ganesh.

  7. Interesting tale about the birth of Ganesh • Shiva goes more furious that he throws his trident at Ganesh and beheads him. • When Parvati saw beheaded Ganesh, she decides to destroy the world but Brahma asks for mercy and not to destroy the world. • Parvati agrees but only under conditions, if her son comes back to life.

  8. Interesting tale about the birth of Ganesh • Shiva apologizes and the sends his ganas (attendants) to get him the head of the first living creature they could find sleeping facing northern direction. • Ganas returned with the head of an elephant.(The head of Gajasura) • Brahma fitted the head of the elephant to the boy and sprinkled water on him. Ganesh was awake with the head of an elephant on his shoulders.

  9. Interesting tale about the birth of Ganesh • Shiva then confronts Parvati and announces that from then on the boy shall be named Ganesh, the chief of Shiva’s Ganas, and the remover of all obstacles. Shiva also says that Ganesh will be worshipped before any god.

  10. How did Lord Ganesh get a broken tusk? (ekadant) • When Sage VedVyasa comes up with the idea of Mahabharat, he looks around to find someone who would write the story down as he recited them. He decides to ask Ganesh to do it for him. Ganesh agrees to do it. To write the script Ganesh breaks off a tip of his tusk. • In south India there is a belief that when ploughing first began on earth, it was Lord Ganeshji who first ploughed using one of his tusks.

  11. Ganesh and the Moon • Lord Ganesh loved to eat sweets, especially pudding and ladoos. • On one of his birthdays he goes around getting as many sweets as he could. After he ate to his full Ganesh set off to his house on his loyal companion, his mouse.

  12. Ganesh and the Moon • On the way home the mouse sees a snake and gets frightened. • Because of this Lord Ganesh slips off of the mouse and falls.

  13. Ganesh and the Moon • Because of the fall Lord Ganesh’s stomach bursts open allowing all of the pudding and ladoos to fall out. • Lord Ganesh puts all the sweets back into his belly and ties the snake that had scared the mouse around his belly.

  14. Ganesh and the Moon • The moon who had seen all of this happening, he laughed. • Ganesh gave a curse to the moon, saying that whoever looks at the moon on Chaturthi day, Ganesh’s birthday, would get bad luck.

  15. Symbolism and Important. Since Ganeshji represents auspiciousness, his whole body has symbolic imports for devotees: • Large ears - signify listening to God's katha with great zeal. • Small eyes - to do the Lord's darshan minutely. • Large forehead - to develop great intellect to realise God. • Large stomach - depicts his great capacity to empathise with the woes of devotees. • Short legs - depicts patience. • Long trunk - symbolic of his deep scriptural wisdom.

  16. Symbolism and Important. • Mouse as vehicle - a hyperactive creature, symbolic of our indriyas. Therefore Ganesh sitting on such a vehicle represents a deity of control over the indriyas. • Four arms - which hold: • 'ankush' - symbol for control over the mind • ‘ladu' - for happiness • 'pash' - axe to punish the indriyas and antahkaran • 'ashirvadmudra' - blessings for the well being of humanity

  17. GaneshVivaha • Shiva and Parvati decided to have their sons, Kartikeya and Ganesh married. • Shiva and Parvati asked their sons, to go around the earth and the one who arrives first would be considered the best deity and would be married first. • Kartikeya flew off on his vehicle - a peacock. • Poor Ganesh's vehicle was a mouse which was no match for a peacock.

  18. GaneshVivaha • Being chaagla (favourite) of parvati. Parvati showed him a short cut. • Go around the cow, since the cow also symbolically represents another earth and he would have same benefit as going round the earth. • Going around parents would have the same benefits as going round the earth.

  19. GaneshVivaha • Ganesh offered pujan to his parent and went around his parent. • Ganapati hence married first showing that one who obeys his parents attains all his desired wishes. • Hence Ganeshji is worshiped first in all auspicious events, rites and rituals such as marriage, opening ceremonies, ground-breaking ceremonies, yagnas and so on.

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