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ISDRIM Sustainability outcomes, problems, new organization at university and faculty levels, future of international cooperation. UKLO INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS –transitional period Steps for adaptation to the new ways in University International communication
ISDRIM Sustainability outcomes, problems, new organization at university and faculty levels, future of international cooperation
UKLO INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS –transitional period Steps for adaptation to the new ways in University International communication Redefining of some previous University bilateral agreements for cooperation Intensifying the International cooperation with EU universities and other world universities (USA, Australia…) Participation in related PHARE TEMPUS Projects
Some important events/dates for UKLO International cooperationAccess in the existing EU programs – PHARE, TEMPUS,Multi country (after the established membership of MKD in the Council of Europe-1996)Active participation in TEMPUS Program: JEP-s, Compact measures,SCM, Individual mobility projects (1996-2007)Reactivated membership in EU(2003)Republic of Macedonia signs the Bologna Declaration - 1995
As a very important advantage UKLO can consider the experience gained from 3 Tempus projects carried from University central level AC_JEP- 14359-1999: Modernization of Public Administration and Public policy in Macedonia Administration and management of the universities in Macedonia and especiallyISdRIM (Integration and structuring of the IR cooperation in the universities in Macedonia) project dedicated to the modernization and restructuring of the traditional forms of University International cooperation
After ISdRIM • Redefined activities of the Central IR Office • Established network between the central and institutional level • Improved communications between IR offices at the universities in Macedonia • Introduction of the principles for transparency, information and communication for the main IR initiatives and activities at central and institutional level
Central IR Office Redefined activities and responsibilities/1 Bilateral cooperation Providing: Information Logistic Administrative follow-up Preparing: agreements for bilateral cooperation Implementing the established procedures for bilateral cooperation (action plans,programs, organization of bilateral meetings) Realization, follow-up and evaluation of the realized bilateral cooperation
Central IR Office Redefined activities and responsibilities/2 Project cooperation Following opportunities for project cooperation and participation in international programs Informing the relevant structures (the managing team of the University, the faculty coordinators/cells for IR) about the possibilities for project cooperation Establishing Adequate procedure for follow-up the project cooperation: (starting with letters of support true realization of the project activities until implementation and dissemination of the project results) Providing logistic/administrative support in designing applications Coordination between the partners and the projects carriers Monitoring the sustainability of the project
Central IR Office Redefined activities and responsibilities/3 Incoming and outgoing nobilities Providing administrative support of the concept for student mobility within the frames of the European programs (Socrates/Erazmus/Leonardo etc.) Identifying/ Exploring opportunities for certain exchange programs, professional studies (specialization, postgraduate and doctoral studies), study visits, summer seminars and schools for students and teaching staff Organizing study visits for the academic staff at foreign universities Initiating and supporting the visiting professors' and students' stays from foreign universities at UKLO and vice-versa Establishing a network for information exchange concerning nobilities
Central IR Office Redefined activities and responsibilities/3 Follow-up the Bologna action lines and its impact on the activities of the IR office Promotion of the necessary European higher education dimensions especially in the development of the study programs, institutional cooperation, mobility schemes and integrated study, training and research programs Intensifying regional cooperation Undertaking initiatives for regional network connection Undertaking initiatives for joint diplomas Organizing regional mobility, round tables, conferences and other forms
IR Management and organizationInternational cooperation at the university level is the responsibility of the Rector.Central levelCurrent Organization form : Central Office at University level with main logistic provided by 2 International Relations officer in charge of international and public relations activitiesInstitutional levelOrganization form: Coordinator (if exist) or contact persons (active academic staff running international projects)
Present and future IR orientationInternationalization- strategic goal of UKLORegional cooperation – seen as a very important step in all international activitiesEstablishment of new partnerships with foreign universities and especially universities from the RegionProviding opportunities (facilities and other logistics) in order to establish a good practice in student exchange programs