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Abundance and Distribution Levels of Milfoil Weevils on Lake Minnetonka

Abundance and Distribution Levels of Milfoil Weevils on Lake Minnetonka. by William Inglis 2004-2005. Introduction. Eurasian milfoil, Myriophyllum spicatum , is an invasive species. Introduction.

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Abundance and Distribution Levels of Milfoil Weevils on Lake Minnetonka

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  1. Abundance and Distribution Levels of Milfoil Weevils on Lake Minnetonka by William Inglis 2004-2005

  2. Introduction • Eurasian milfoil, Myriophyllum spicatum, is an invasive species

  3. Introduction • Eurasian milfoil has drastically changed ecology of many bodies of water by forming dense mats of vegetation

  4. Current Methods of Control • Mechanical harvesting • Aquatic herbicides • Only temporary solutions

  5. Effective Biological Methods • Indigenous milfoil weevils, Euhrychiopsis lecontei • Effective when weevil population density greater than 0.5 weevils per milfoil stem

  6. Ideal Weevil Conditions • Northern United States and southern Canada • Summers in water on milfoil plants • Over-winters in shoreline soil

  7. Introduction • Weevil larvae burrow through vascular tissue of milfoil meristem for nourishment. Larvae create chamber in milfoil stem where they pupate • Once pupae evolve into adults, they exit stem • Effective in limiting Eurasian milfoil because their development cycle disrupts nutrient supply to milfoil roots

  8. Introduction • Predators such as sunfish feed on weevils, reducing their population density • Mechanical harvesting cuts and removes the top meristem of Eurasian milfoil where weevils develop • Harvesting is a temporary control and is very expensive

  9. Previous studies • Observation of weevils in experimental tanks • Chemical cues and milfoil weevil host choice • Monitoring weevil and milfoil populations • Lake factors that affect weevil densities

  10. Goals 1 • To survey Eurasian milfoil weevils at nine sites on Lake Minnetonka, MN, to compare population densities and determine what factors affect weevil abundance in bays that had been harvested of Eurasian milfoil and those that had not

  11. Methods • Chose nine sites on Lake Minnetonka for sampling and requested Lake Minnetonka Conservation District (LMCD), to not harvest my sites for Eurasian milfoil during the course of my study • LMCD continued harvesting in surrounding bays for all sites except Smith’s Bay

  12. Methods • Sampled each site 3 times during summer, collecting randomly 10 stems from 15 stations along a saved GPS grid at each site • This was done by snorkeling and placing the stems in labeled zip lock bags • Milfoil samples were placed in an iced cooler and were counted for weevils within 24 hours

  13. Methods • Under a lighted magnifying glass, I counted for weevil eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults. • All insects were preserved in vials with 80 % ethanol, labeled by sampling date, site, and station. • Data compiled to find average weevil density for each site • Weevil density levels at sampled sites were compared to LMCD records of % acres harvested from each site with a linear regression

  14. Results: Weevil survey

  15. Results: Weevil survey

  16. Conclusion • Data show a clear inverse relationship between number of acres harvested and weevil population density • This suggests that mechanical harvesting extracts weevils from milfoil beds, affecting population densities of entire bay • This presents a strong reason for discontinuing mechanical harvesting

  17. Further Study • The results from my study will hopefully persuade the LMCD to stop harvesting so that weevil densities will rise and naturally control Eurasian milfoil.

  18. Goals 2 • Designing and building this trap became the final goal of my study as a means of redistributing weevils into lakes with low population densities. • Uracil, a compound that attracts weevils to meristem, was used to catch weevils in trap

  19. Methods • Took a 13 x 13 x 4 cm hermetic container and cut four holes in bottom for tubes, serving as points for weevils to enter the trap • Cut blocks of Styrofoam and wrapped them around container for buoyancy • Tied strings to all four corners of trap and attached a brick for anchoring • Prepared bait by adding 10 mL of dH2O to 0.10 g of agar in a 50 mL beaker. • In boiling bath, I added 0.01 g of uracil until uracil dissolved. • Poured agar/uracil solution into pitri dish where it cooled.

  20. Methods • After agar solidified and became gel-like, I cut agar into thin strips, and placed them in a 13 cm long dialysis bag, tied off the ends of the bag, and placed them in the trap • Tested trap at the lab in a tank of Eurasian milfoil with weevils. • Tested at Smith’s Bay on Lake Minnetonka, the site with the most weevils • Anchor trap and pull four E. milfoil stems through tubes in trap to serve as a latter for weevils

  21. Results: Trap

  22. Conclusion • The weevil trap was not as effective as anticipated • Many variables involved with trap, and may be more effective with different uracil concentrations

  23. Further Study • Further trials should be done using different concentrations of uracil, to find a concentration that best attracts weevils to the trap. If the trap proves successful, further studies should include a control trap. • Increasing diameter of entry tubes might increase chance of capturing weevils. Future development of this weevil trap could serve in eradicating Eurasian milfoil by redistributing weevils into lower density regions.

  24. Acknowledgements • Dr. Ray Newman for his expertise, laboratory, and curiosity • Mrs. Lois Fruen for her ongoing support and motivation, and her inspiring passion for science • Team Research for the moral support, suggestions, and comradery

  25. Abundance and Distribution Levels of Weevils on Lake Minnetonka by William Inglis 2004-2005

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