UPDATE FOR TEAMS OF HEALTH THROUGH CAMPAIGNS, WARNING ABOUT CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLLopes, Jane Moraes; Furtado, Erikson Felipe Program of Integrated Action for Prevention and Attention to Alcohol and Drug Use in the Community (PAI-PAD)School of Medicine of RibeirãoPreto, University of São Paulo/ Brazil BACKGROUND: The training has been presented as an alternative to maintaining the health professionals engaged in preventive activities. After training of primary care teams forthe implementation of BI, the PAI-PAD has offered technical support and proposed to carryout campaigns warning about the consumption of alcohol. METHODS: This study aimed to relate one experience of a campaign for health warning to students from 10 to 14 years about alcohol abuse, which was conducted by a health primary care team as part of support and supervision that PAI-PAD offered after training for BI implementation. The study highlighted the effects of the strategy of combining support and supervision after training. FINDINGS: 1 - PAIPAD proposed ALERT CAMPAIN ABOUT ALCOHOL ABUSE : “Alcohol abuse consumption causes health damage” 2 - Health primary care team requested supervision. WHAT IS THE APPROPRIATE WAY TO COMMUNICATE THIS MESSAGE TO ADOLESCENTS? HOW DOES TO BRING THE ISSUE TO THE REALITY OF ADOLESCENTS? 3 - Two technical visits were carried out lasting 30 minutes each. DISCUSSION: The campaign warning seemed to be a good strategy for the team to incorporate the basics of training, updating them about the demands and needs which were experienced by them. Although motivated, the professionals had difficulty in addressing the issue of alcohol. The health team included the idea of prevention of alcohol abuse in other issues of health and hygiene, overcoming the difficulty in addressing this issue with teenagers. Erikson F. Furtado, MD, DPH, PhD. Psychiatry professor – PAI-PAD´s coordinator FMRP-USP – Depto. Neurologia, Psquiatria e PsicologiaMédica 14049-900 RibeirãoPreto, SP - Brazil E-mail: efurtado@fmrp.usp.br / Homepage: www.fmrp.usp.br Note: If requested the reference list could be provided - water waste - processed foods - beverages EXAGGERATION is harmful to health “There are a lot of inadequate behaviors” First visit: Explanation of objectives Definition of target audience - social acceptance - being attractive - save money WHAT ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS FOR TEENAGERS ? - few words - fast communication - current /simple speech WHAT’S THE BETTER KIND OF COMUNICATION? Second visit: PLANNING ACTION The students produced: essays, drawins, posters, songs and poems Health Professionals decides: - to work in partnership with the school - to present the topic in a theater