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Age of Jackson. Sunday, October 26, 2014 TOTD: What is the American System ? How was it funded ? What was the goal of the program ? Newspaper Headlines (20 min to finish) Present Headlines! Finish page 14 notes Info Check p 14 Page 15 notes Jacksonian Nation: ABUSES
Age of Jackson • Sunday, October 26, 2014 • TOTD: What is the American System? How was it funded? What was the goal of the program? • Newspaper Headlines (20 min to finish) • Present Headlines! • Finish page 14 notes • Info Check p 14 • Page 15 notes • Jacksonian Nation: ABUSES • Jacksonian Newspaper
Election of 1824: • All were DRs • Personal and sectional interests differed • John Quincy Adams: son of Adams (Federalist president) repped the interests of the Northeast (high protective tariff); projected winner • Henry Clay (Kentucky): shared political views with Adams. Didn’t like each other: “the rigid New Englander versus the hard-drinking Westerner” • Andrew Jackson:(Senator from Tennessee and military hero: Battle of NO) drew Western support from Clay despite the fact that his political views were not well-known • William H. Crawford (repped Georgia but born in VA) • hoped to continue the "Virginia Dynasty;“ • he wanted to limiting the role of the central government • John C. Calhoun (South Carolina) wanted to be prez but backed out in the hope of securing the VP
KEEP IN MIND: Adams-84 vote Jackson -99 Crawford -41 Clay-37 • The 12th amendment (1804) Goes to HOR b/c it was super close • Clay: smallest number • Crawford : yikes…serious illness. • Jackson clearly expected to win, figuring that the House would act to confirm his strong showing. • However, Clay, as Speaker of the House, used his influence to sway the vote to Adams. • Jackson was a loud opponent of the Bank of the US a vital component of the American Sytem. • Clay also was not interested in doing anything to further the career of Jackson, his main rival in the West. • Adams was chosen and became 6th president. • He appointed Henry Clay as Secretary of State led to charges of a "corrupt bargain."
Election of 1824 -no winner of electoral college - House of Reps. Must decide based on popular vote - Henry Clay threw his support to Adams -John Q. Adams chosen over Jackson as President - John Q. Adams gives Henry Clay Secretary of State position -Called corrupt bargain because Jackson had most votes -Jackson’s supporters formed Democratic Party and opposed Adams’ policies
Election of 1828 -high voter turnout b/c voting requirements had been lowered -previous voting laws had limited voting to property owning white males -All white men could now vote -Jackson appealed to the “Common Man” - Martin Van Buren campaigns for him, wins Jackson many voters -Jackson becomes first western President -1832 Jackson re-elected first use of national nominating conventions
Jackson’s Presidency -”Common Man”’s President - Poor, orphaned, wounded in Amer. Rev. -creation of the Spoils System -Jackson gave Van Buren Secretary of State position (thanks buddy) - Jackson fired much of W.H. staff and gave his supporters jobs -greater democracy, but women and minorities still ignored -Great Silence over the issue of slavery
Nullification Crisis • -debate over high tariffs • -Tariff of Abominations – (Tarrif of 1828) exceptionally high tariff passed to protect American goods “BUY AMERICAN” • -John C. Calhoun - Jackson’s VP violently opposed tariff • -theory of nullification • Calhoun’s “S.C. Exposition and Protest” • -S.C. threatens secession and nullifies tariff – Calhoun resigns to a Senator seat • -Jackson threatens the use of force • -Henry Clay organizes a compromise
Indian Policy -different views about Indian policy -Jackson disagrees with Chief Justice John Marshal -Indian Removal Act, 1830 – negotiated exchange of land from SE to Oklahoma (Indian Territory) -Cherokee takes the issue to the Supreme Court and wins -Worchester v. Georgia “Marshal made his decision. Let’s see him enforce it.” -Jackson ignores the court and orders removal -Trail of Tears, 1838 – 16,000 Indians moved to Oklahoma. 4,000 died.
National Bank -Jackson disliked the Bank of the U.S. -thought it an abuse of power and served the wealthy first (bank investors) -thought it lacked the constitutional ability to exist -Jackson vetoed the new charter for the bank and withdrew all gov’t funds -Jackson placed gov’t funds in favored state banks which critics called the “Pet Banks” which led to a monetary crisis
Van Buren -Martin Van Buren was elected after Jackson -suffered b/c of Jackson’s bank policies -Panic of 1837left many in bad economic situations - Caused by growth of small, state banks, overissuing of money, INFLATION -Newly formed Whig party gains strength Whig party was for loose interpretation, high tariffs, national bank, internal improvements
Harrison and Tyler • -War hero William Henry Harrison becomes first Whig President • Named “Old Tip” for his win in the Battle of Tippecanoe • Campaign slogan “Tippecanoe and Tyler too!” • - Harrison gives inaugural address in wintery storm – catches pneumonia • -Harrison dies 1 month into office • -John Tyler is first V.P. to become President
How did Andrew Jackson abuse his powers as president? Provide at least 2 examples.