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How Do Drugs Affect the Nervous System? …. Understanding Neural Transmission. Drugs act on Neurons and their communication with other cells. Beauty in the nervous system?. The Basis of the Nervous System . Neurons – Single cell unit of the nervous system 10 billion in the brain alone
How Do Drugs Affect the Nervous System? …. Understanding Neural Transmission Drugs act on Neurons and their communication with other cells
The Basis of the Nervous System • Neurons – Single cell unit of the nervous system • 10 billion in the brain alone • Receives, processes and transmits information • Each neuron in the brain received signals from thousands of other neurons.
But is different in that it can produce electrical impulses near its cell body region
A Classical Study showing the RESTING MEMBRANE POTENTIAL (RMP) of the Neuron
The RMP • The RMP for a typical neuron is about -70mv
“Threshold” voltage change (depolarization) triggers the “Action Potential” Hyperpolarization- in the case of neurons means to make the RMP more negative. Depolarization means to make the RMP more positive Threshold level of depolarization Triggers an ACTION Pot.
Once triggered, the AP is all or none, and “one-way.” The AP will travel to the terminal and there initiate a chemical event
The Neuronal communication process can be thought of as an “electro-chemical” event. Most Psychoactive drugs directly affect the chemical portion of the process
Terminal Boutons end adjacent to other cells… The Synapse- a very small space between the boutons of one neuron and typically the dendrites of another.
The Synapse: PRESYNAPTIC and POSTSYNAPTIC processes Any process associated with the terminal bouton of Neuron “A” are considered to be presynaptic processes. Any process associated with effects of NT release on neuron “B” are considered postsynaptic processes.
PRESYNAPTIC Exocytosis The Action Potential leads to release of Neurotransmitter substance (exocytosis) into the synapse.
Synaptic release of Neurotransmitter substances may in turn affect “postsynaptic” neurons
Neurotransmitters There are many different Neurotransmitter Families. Different NTs are found in different pathways and are involved in different functions/ or different components of functions.
Some Classical NTs, terminology and postsynaptic effects NTs TerminologyPost synaptic effects Acetylcholine/ACH Cholinergic +/- Serotonin/5-HT serotonergic +/- GABA(gamma-amino-butyric acid) GABA-ergic- Glutamate/GluGlutamatergic+ Norpinephrine /NE Adrenergic +/- Dopamine /DA Dopaminergic +/- Enkephalin/Endorphin +/- Many other neurotransmitters are derived from precursor proteins, the so-called peptide neurotransmitters. As many as 50 different peptides have been shown to exert their effects on neural cell function.
Some Basic Functions Associated with Different NT Families: • Acetylcholine-(ACH,cholinergic) • -Skeletal Muscle control • -Parasympathetic Autonomic functions • -Thirst • -Memory: Alzheimer’s disease
Pattern of projection pathways associated with acetylcholine brain nuclei ( cholinergic systems
Norepinephrine- (NE, noradrenergic, a catecholamine) • Sympathetic ANS functions • hunger • mood
Dopamine- ( DA, dopaminergic, a catecholamine) • movement (Parkinson’s disease) • “wanting” • mood • attention, and learning. • Dopamine excess may be involved in Schizophrenia.
Parkinson’s Disease • Parkinson’s disease, dopamine and the substantia nigra
Parkinson’s disease and MPTP • 1980’s “designer drugs” MPPP/MPTPP and the case of the frozen addicts
Serotonin ( 5-HT, serotonergic, an indolamine) • -sleep, dreaming, mood
Endorphins • Modulate the experience of pain • Involved in breathing and heart rate, cough reflex, nausea and vomiting • Involved in feelings of euphoria and reward
GABA • Most prevalent inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain • GABA secreted by “local” interneurons all over the brain. • Implicated in relaxation/anti-anxiety
Glutamate • Most prevalent excitatory NT. • Involved in many brain circuits, but especially important in the formation of memories. • Brain injury is associated with release of Glut. In high concentration, which in turn may be toxic to neurons.
Neurotransmitters bind to receptor sites to produce postsynaptic effects
A given NT substance will only activate specific receptor proteins, and can not activate receptors for other NTs NT-Receptor Specificity • Lock & Key Model • NT = key • Receptor = lock Activation of a receptor will lead to either Excitation or Inhibition.
How can one NT sometimes produce excitatory postsynaptic effects and in other cases produce inhibitory postsynaptic effects? NTs TerminologyPost synaptic effects Acetylcholine/ACH Cholinergic +/- Serotonin/5-HT serotonergic +/- GABA(gamma-amino-butyric acid) GABA-ergic- Glutamate/GluGlutamatergic+ Norpinephrine /NE Adrenergic +/- Dopamine /DA Dopaminergic +/- Enkephalin/Endorphin +/- Many other neurotransmitters are derived from precursor proteins, the so-called peptide neurotransmitters. As many as 50 different peptides have been shown to exert their effects on neural cell function.
One Neurotransmitter may activate any of a “family” of receptor subtypes ACH in the ANS can activate the “Muscarinic” ACH receptor (mACH), a metabotropic receptor type. Activation of the mACHr leads to an inhibitory response. ACH release in the somatic branch of the PNS activates the “Nicotinic” ACH receptor (nACHr). An ionotropic receptor type. Activation of the nACHr leads to an excitatory response.
Deactivation of NT’s • Enzyme Breakdown • Reuptake
NT-receptor interactions must stop!Enzymatic degradation ACH is broken apart in the synapse by the enzyme acetylcholine-esterase (ACHE). The importance of the termination of NT-receptor interactions is critical for normal function…..
Most nerve gases produce their effects by blocking the breakdown of ACH ( by binding to and blocking the action of ACHE).
Effects of Nerve gas exposure The blockade of ACHE leads to too much ACH in ACH synapses, and exaggerated postsynaptic effects.
Monoamine Oxidase: MAO • MAO acts to break down NE and 5-HT
Reuptake The serotonin transporter enzyme is responsible for terminating the effects of 5-HT in serotonergic synapses
Of Interest??? Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors- Bind to and reduce the effectiveness of the 5-HT transporter SSRIs approved to treat depression, with their generic, or chemical, names followed by available brand names in parentheses: Citalopram (Celexa) Escitalopram (Lexapro) Fluoxetine (Prozac, Prozac Weekly) Paroxetine (Paxil, Paxil CR, Pexeva) Sertraline (Zoloft) These medications may also be used to treat conditions other than depression. Side effects of SSRIs All SSRIs have the same general mechanism of action and side effects. However, individual SSRIs have some different pharmacological characteristics. That means you may respond differently to certain SSRIs or have different side effects with different SSRIs.
Of interest??SSRI possible side-effects Side effects of SSRIs include: Nausea Sexual dysfunction, including reduced desire or orgasm difficulties Dry mouth Headache Diarrhea Nervousness Rash Agitation Restlessness Increased sweating Weight gain Drowsiness Insomnia
How Do Drugs affect the nervous system? • Ligand – a fancy term for substances that bind to receptors • -neurotransmitters • -drugs
In general we classify drug effects into 2 basic types: • Drugs may act as Antagonists: • The ligand may block the receptor, or in indirect ways decrease the effect of the NT at its receptor. • Drugs may act as Agonists- • the Ligand may mimic the NT and activate the receptor, or facilitate the natural effects of the NT in indirect ways
Drug Action • Direct Agonist: Ligand Activates receptor • Direct Antagonist: Ligand Blocks receptor • Indirect agonism or antagonism • Alters enzyme activity • Blocks reuptake • Etc…
Forms of Drug Action at the Synapse • Ways to agonize • Stimulate release • Receptor binding • Inhibition of reuptake • Inhibition of deactivation • Promote synthesis • Ways antagonize • Block release • Receptor blocker • Prevent synthesis 8. Autoreceptors