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Les objets directs/ indirects. Direct objects PNs (or “DOPS”). me (m’) = me nous = we Te (t’) = you vous = you Le (l’) = him, it les = them La (l’) = her, it les = them *Generally, DOPS will be seen IN FRONT OF a verb in French ( Tu aimes la pizza? – Oui , je l’ aime !).
Direct objects PNs (or “DOPS”) • me (m’) = me nous = we • Te (t’) = you vous = you • Le (l’) = him, it les = them • La (l’) = her, it les = them *Generally, DOPS will be seen IN FRONT OF a verb in French (Tuaimes la pizza? – Oui, je l’aime!)
Nous regardons la télé……….Nous LA regardons. • Il cherchesatasse de café…..Il LA cherche. • Remember: attendre (to wait for), écouter(to listen to), chercher(to look for), demander (to ask for), payer (to pay for), regarder (to look at) take a DIRECT OBJECT in French, NOT an indirect object.
Other uses for DOPS With voici/voila…… LEvoici! (Here he/it is!) LA voilà! (There she/it is!) In a negative phrase...always precedes verb. Je ne t’aime pas du tout. (I don’t love you at all.) In a question...still stuck with the verb LES aimes-tu? (Do you like them?) Est-cequetuLESaimes? Until the INFINITIVE verb comes along… Je ne veux pas VOUS aider. (I don’t want to help you) Il vaNOUS attendre. (He’s going to wait for us)
Commands • Affirmative – attached to verb after hyphen • Regarde – MOI (notice me changes to MOI) • Écoutez-LE • NEGATIVE commands – returns to position in front of verb (just when you thought you figured it out…) • Ne me regarde pas! • Ne l’écoutez pas!
Indirect object pronouns - IDOPS • Me = (to) me nous = (to) us • te(t’)= (to) you vous = (to) you • Lui – (to) him/her leur = (to) them Remember: Indirect objects answer “to” whom or “for” whom. In French, these are some verbs that take IDOPS: obéir à (to obey) donner à (to give to) désobéir à (to disobey) écrire à (to write to) téléphoner à (to call) montrer à (to show to) répondre à (to respond to) prêter à (to loan to) expliquer à (to explain to) rendrevisite à (to visit)
Here’s the clue: look for the à! • Il parle à son copain….Il LUIparle. • Je téléphone à mes grandparents… • Je LEURtéléphone. • Where is the IDOP placed in the sentence? IN THE SAME SPOT AS THE DOP! • Il leurobéit……….Il ne leurobéit pas. • Elle valuitéléphoner. Elle ne va pas luitéléphoner. • M’écriras-tu? • Dites – moi la vérité. Non…ne medites pas la vérité!