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China Frontier European Commission Brief Introduction June 22nd - 23rd, 2006 Beijing, P.R. China

China Frontier European Commission Brief Introduction June 22nd - 23rd, 2006 Beijing, P.R. China. by Carlos SARAIVA MARTINS DG RTD - Unit B1 – NEST activity. The European Commission.

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China Frontier European Commission Brief Introduction June 22nd - 23rd, 2006 Beijing, P.R. China

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  1. China Frontier European Commission Brief Introduction June 22nd - 23rd, 2006 Beijing, P.R. China by Carlos SARAIVA MARTINS DG RTD - Unit B1 – NEST activity

  2. The European Commission The European Commission is the executive body of the European Union and it is one of the three main institutions governing the Union European Parliament Council of the European Union

  3. The European Commission • The Commission consists of 25 Commissioners, one from each member state of the EU • They are supported by an administrative body of several thousand European civil servants divided into departments called Directorate-General. • The term "the Commission" is generally used to refer both to the administrative body in its entirety, and to the team of Commissioners who lead it. • We are all (Commissioners and civil servants) independent of Member States. We represent the interests of the citizens of the EU as a whole.

  4. The European Commission • It has the power of initiative (the authority to initiate legislation) • It takes the role of guardian of the treaties (taking responsibility for initiating infringement proceedings at the European Court of Justice against Member States and others) • It negotiates international trade agreements (in the World Trade Organization) and other international agreements on behalf of the EU. • It adopts technical measures to implement legislation adopted by the Council and the Parliament • also regulatescompetition in the Union, vetting all mergers with Community-wide effects and initiating proceedings against companies which violate EU competition laws

  5. The European Commission • The Commission is divided into departments known as Directorates-General (DG): • Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) • Competition (DG COMP) • Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN) • Energy and Transport (TREN) • Education and Culture (EAC) • Information Society and Media (INFSO) • Research (RTD) • …..

  6. Mission of Research DG • to develop the EU policy in the field of RTD and thereby contribute to the international competitiveness of European industry; • to coordinate European research activities with those carried out at the level of the Member States; • to support the Union's policies in other fields such as environment, health, energy, regional development etc; • to promote a better understanding of the role of science in modern societies and stimulate a public debate about research-related issues at European level.

  7. Organigramme of Research DG • Commissioner: Janez Potočnik • Director General: J.M. Silva Rodriguez • Directorates : • Directorate A - Coordination of Community activitiesDirectorate B - Structuring the European Research AreaDirectorate C - Science and societyDirectorate D - The human factor, mobility and Marie Curie activitiesDirectorate E - Biotechnology, agriculture and foodDirectorate F - HealthDirectorate G - Industrial technologiesDirectorate H - TransportDirectorate I - EnvironmentDirectorate J - EnergyDirectorate K - Social sciences and humanities; foresightDirectorate M - Investment in research and links with other policiesDirectorate N - International scientific cooperationDirectorate R - Resources

  8. Background • Dr. Carlos Saraiva Martins has a degree in mechanical engineering and holds a Master of Science degree in Polymer Science and his doctoral degree is in Material Science, Ceramics. He worked in industry and National Research Institutes in Portugal and the Joint Research Centre in Petten, the Netherlands. Before joining the European Commission in Brussels, he worked as Assistant Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, Portugal.  • At the European Commission for the last eleven years, he has been a member of the Standards, Measurements and Testing  Programme and later on a member of the Knowledge-based multifunctional materials' unit. He joined NEST in January 2003 at the outset of the activity, being the contact point for the NEST Support and more recently for the PATHFINDER Measuring theImpossible initiative.

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