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Responsive Classroom Approach. Goals for today’s workshop:. Become familiar with the RC approach Develop understanding of two proactive discipline strategies: Morning Meeting & Interactive Modeling Identify resources to further develop understanding of RC approach.
Responsive Classroom Approach Responsive Classroom Sampler Presented by: Andrew Moral
Goals for today’s workshop: Become familiar with the RC approach Develop understanding of two proactive discipline strategies: Morning Meeting & Interactive Modeling Identify resources to further develop understanding of RC approach Responsive Classroom
Agenda Morning Meeting Introduction to Responsive Classroom approach 7 Guiding Principles of RC Dinner Break/ Museum Walk Interactive Modeling demonstration & application Closing Circle Responsive Classroom
Morning Meeting Greeting: Partner Chat Sharing: Just Like Me! Activity: Hands up Message Responsive Classroom
Hands Up Hands up / / For 2013 / / Gonna name / / Some _____ / / (Categories such as rivers, states, animals, etc.) One apiece / / No repeats / / No hesitation / / No duplication / / Starting with ____ / / _________ / / Responsive Classroom
Introduction to Responsive Classroom * What is the Responsive Classroom approach? (9 minutes) * What does it look like in a school? (12 minutes) What professional development services are available? (5 minutes) Responsive Classroom
Guiding Principles of RC Social curriculum = academic curriculum How children learn = what they learn Greatest cognitive growth occurs through social interaction CARES Knowing the children = knowing the content Knowing families is essential to children’s education How adults work together = individual competence Responsive Classroom
Teaching Practices Morning Meeting Creating Rules Interactive Modeling Teacher Language Logical Consequences Guided Discovery Academic Choice Classroom Organization Working with Families Collaborative Problem-Solving Responsive Classroom
Guiding Principles: Digging Deeper Read a card as a group & decide: Most relevant principle? Support/not support principle? Place tape on back of card. Place on selected principle & column. Repeat for remaining cards. Responsive Classroom
Guiding Principles: Digging Deeper Museum Walk & Dinner Break What do you notice about these examples? What was interesting to you about this activity? Responsive Classroom
Oliver Twist Oliver twist, twist, twist (hands on hip and twist body) Can’t do this, this, this (Tap right foot and shake forefinger) Touch his head, head, head (Touch head with hands) Touch his nose, nose, nose (Touch nose with hands) Touch his ears, ears, ears (Touch ears with hands) Touch his toes, toes, toes (Touch toes with hands) Responsive Classroom
What is Interactive Modeling? • Technique for teaching procedures, skills, and routines that the teacher expects to be done one, and only one way. • Shows students exactly how to do what we expect. • Active learning that includes: • Modeling • Observing • Responding • Coaching Responsive Classroom
Research that supports Interactive Modeling • E. Jensen (2005): • Recommends that teachers actively engage students, provide them, with interesting practice or repetition to learn skills • A. Bandura (1977): • Supports the idea that humans (and children) develop behaviors when they pay attention to a model, can retain and imitate what they see, and receive feedback about their behavior • R.J. Marzano (2007): • Summarizes research on effective teaching practices, including the power of stopping during demonstrations to ask students for their observations or when practicing a procedural skill Responsive Classroom
Why Interactive Modeling Works • Students learn why the routine or skill is important. • Students create a clear image of what’s expected. • Students do the noticing. • Students have the chance to practice and gain expertise. • Students receive immediate feedback. Responsive Classroom
Interactive Modeling can be used to teach: • Routines • Transitions • Supplies • Academic Skills • Social Skills Responsive Classroom
Steps for Interactive Modeling • Describe a positive behavior. • Demonstrate the behavior. • Ask students what they noticed. • Volunteers demonstrate the behavior. • Repeat step 3. • Students practice—teacher observes & coaches. • Provide Feedback Responsive Classroom
Step 1: Say what you will model and why • Plan exactly what you will say • Keep it brief • Use positive wording • Refer to the class (school) rules Responsive Classroom
Step 2: Model the Behavior • Model the positive behavior • Stay silent as you model • Tell students to notice what you model Responsive Classroom
Step 3: Ask students what they noticed • Use open-ended questions • Ask a follow-up question if needed • Emphasize what to do • Reframe “You Didn’ts” to “You Dids” • For example: • Student: “You didn’t run.” • Teacher: “So, how did I get there?” Responsive Classroom
Step 4: Invite one or more students to model. • Select students who will repeat your demonstration. • Who would like to demonstrate how to multiply fractions using the method I showed? • Instead of: Who else can show us how to multiply fractions? (too wide-open) • Have the demonstrator tell you what he/she will do before modeling. Responsive Classroom
Step 5: Again, ask the students what they noticed Responsive Classroom
Step 6: Have all students practice • Spread out this practice if needed • Focus on progress, not perfection Responsive Classroom
Step 7: Provide Feedback • Name the specific, positive actions you noticed • Redirect students respectfully but clearly Responsive Classroom
Video Clips of I.M. Lessons • How to choose a partner • How to go to timeout • How to sit in a circle • How to use scissors safely Responsive Classroom
Possible I.M. Lessons • Classroom Routines- • Responding to signal for quiet, where/how to sit, showing what active listening looks like, signaling a desire to speak during a discussion, chatting with a partner, what to do if you need help, independent work time routines • Transitions- • Putting/taking materials away/out, reading/interacting with the Morning Message, handling homework, signing up for lunch • Working with supplies: • Math manipulatives, Journeys small group readers, colored pencils, scissors, etc. • Academic/Social Skills- • Ask questions, partner chat, head one’s paper, fill out/check an answer, take notes, etc. • See the book Interactive Modeling: A Powerful Technique for Teaching Children by: Margaret Wilson Responsive Classroom
My Bonny My Bonny lies over the ocean. My Bonny lies over the sea. My Bonny lies over the ocean, So bring back my Bonny to me. Bring back, bring back, Oh bring back my Bonny to me, to me. Bring back, bring back, Oh bring back my Bonny to me. Responsive Classroom
Routines & Rituals For each ritual/routine, be looking for what skills and behaviors students need to know or exhibit to be successful at that time of day. Arrival Time Signals Energizers Middle of the day End of the day Responsive Classroom
Planning Guide for Interactive Modeling Lessons • Consider: • Why is this behavior or skill important? • What’s the learning goal for students- what do you want them to be able to do as a result of the lesson? • How will you introduce the lesson? • What exactly will you model? • What details do you want students to notice? • How will you coach students as they practice? What things might go wrong and how will you respond if they do? • What materials or additional support (if any) do you need? • How will you follow up with this lesson? • Interactive Modeling Planning Sheet Responsive Classroom
Closing Circle What is something you learned tonight that you want to take back to your own classroom? Responsive Classroom
Responsive ClassroomResources Northeast Foundation Website Responsive ClassroomYoutube Channel Andrew Moral: amoral@crsd.org Responsive Classroom