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How To Survive BIO 104 (& UMF in general)

How To Survive BIO 104 (& UMF in general). GARY L. PACE. Biology, UMF. A University of Michigan Education. What it is NOT! NOT a “tech” degree intended to train you only for a specific, narrow job. Not getting by with the minimum - but getting the most out of it.

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How To Survive BIO 104 (& UMF in general)

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  1. How To SurviveBIO 104(& UMF in general) GARY L. PACE Biology, UMF

  2. A University of Michigan Education • What it is NOT! • NOT a “tech” degree intended to train you only for a specific, narrow job. • Not getting by with the minimum - but getting the most out of it. • Not easily obtained! Requires dedication, hard work, persistance, and willingness to learn. • University - introduction to the “universe” of ideas, diversity of cultures, fields of knowledge, and ways of knowing • Levels of Learning - Necessities for Any Career • Ability to learn facts to facilitate consideration and discussion • Ability to recognize facts / ideas stated in different ways • Ability to associate facts / ideas drawn from different fields • Ability to understand similarities among different facts / ideas • Ability to understand differences among similar facts / ideas • Ability to construct new ideas / explanations from facts / ideas • Ability to think critically about ideas and form decisions • The Love of Learning as a Journey, not as a Means to an End. • A necessity in an ever changing world (e.g., Flint & GM) • A key to a long and fruitful life

  3. Personal Goal Statement • What Do IREALLY Want To Do With My Life? • Attitude is Everything! • If you love what you do, you don’t ever have to “go to work!” • Without a goal, is it worth the time & money? • What do I want and what am I willing to sacrifice to get it? • Some Know, Many Don’t - Many Change: It’s O.K. • Having a definite goal provides the inspiration and drive to jump hoops, study seemingly irrelevant topics. We often become inspired in areas formerly unknown. This is a benefit of • A broad university experience • General education requirements • “Core” courses in your major • Write A Out Carefully Considered Goal Statement • You’ll need one for your resume or graduate school application • Share it, discuss it. You may decide it is not really what YOU want - or that for the sacrifices you’d really rather have a different result

  4. *This presentation was created in 2008 by Emeritus faculty member Dr. Gary Pace using tuition and fees of that time – Today’s costs are much higher* SHOW ME THE MONEY! • Tuition: $ 3483 / 12 (or 16) credit hours (In state, Lower Level, UG) • Fees: • Registration: $50 Student Activities: $20 Recreation: $23 • Technology: $81 Lab Fee: $25 Fee Total: $199 • Books: - LOTS • Transportation / Food / Lodging - LOTS! • Money NOT made while in school - LOTS! • Without a goal, is it worth the time & money? • Over $300 / credit hour for TUITION AND FEES • Over $15.00 / hour of class - DON’T MISS IT, WASTE IT! • Can I Afford a Part Time Job While Going to School? • Minimum Costs: $4,000 X 8 or 10 or 12 semesters - ($32K, $40K, $48K) • Cost of NOT earning “real” wage / extra year in college ? ($30K, $50K, $100K) • Total Cost of Extra Year or Two: $8,000 - 16,000 + 1 or 2 years starting salary! • A minimum of $38,000 for each year over 4 years! GET IT DONE! • Scholarships - YES! (See Financial Aid Office) • Loans - ONLY IF ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY! NO CREDIT CARDS!! • SHOW THIS TO PARENTS, SPOUSE, KIDS, BOSS - ANYONE WHO CAN HELP!

  5. Survival Kit • How To Become a Nerd in One Easy Lesson - with thanks to: • Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Students (SPECS) • National Educational Research and Development Society (NERDS) • RULE NUMBER ONE: Read and Follow instructions - Starting NOW! • MAKE A PLAN AND FOLLOW IT! • TIME BUDGETING • Studying • Getting Good Letters of Recommendation

  6. Time Budget • Class Time: 2 x 3 hour classes (6 cr) = 6 class hours • 2 x 6 hour classes (8 cr) = 12 class hours (2 Lab Science Classes) • = 18 class hours • Homework: = 36 study hours • 54 UMF hours! • Weekly Time Budget: • Total Hours Per Week = 168 hours (Absolute) • Sleep (7 hours/night) = -49 hours (Minimum Suggested) • Conscious = 119 hours (Hypothetical Average) • UMF Commitment -54 hours (Absolute Minimum) • Your "Other Life" = 65 hours (Hypothetical Average) • (Eat, Work, Play) NOT BAD! • SHOW THIS TO YOUR PARENTS, SPOUSE, KIDS, BOSS

  7. Time Management • What to Schedule - • Class Time, Study Time, Work Time, Play Time, Sleep Time, and UNSCHEDULED TIME. • Exam Dates, Due Dates for assignments, Holidays, Family Obligations (Birthdays, Anniversaries, Sister's Graduation, Laundry or Lawn mowing day, etc.), and Date Dates! • Calendars / Planners / PDAs / Computer Calendar • Large Wall Calendar - Shows Entire Semester - Long Range Planning • Exam Dates / Term Paper Due Dates - beginning preparation times • Holidays, Family Obligations • Special Events / Tasks • Appointment Calendar / PDA - Carry with you - update frequently; make changes as they occur - info goes back to Wall Calendar & Weekly • Weekly / Daily Calendar - Schedule of Regular Events / Regular Routine • Class / Study Times; Work Times; • Unscheduled Times, Relaxation Times • Some Helpful Hints: • Plan ahead - get a head start / bad stuff always happens at the last minute! • Make best use of time between classes • Schedule Classes Close Together Or far enough apart to find a quiet place to study - and do it! • Include specific times for relaxing! • Use this plan! Check early in semester & change it if needed - Plan the Work / Work the Plan!

  8. Studying: Learning How to Learn & How to Love Learning • Finding What’s Best for You - If it hasn’t worked before, it won’t work next time! • Different Courses / Different Techniques • Try Many Techniques / Test Others’ Methods • Involve All Your Senses • Grade Expectations - Judging Achievement • Achievement = Intellect + Effort • Intellectual Abilities - from genes • Effort - from desire and willingness to work smarter and harder • “A” Students • Preparation: "A" students are prepared for class. They always read the assignment. Their attention to detail is such that they occasionally catch the teacher in a mistake. • Curiosity: "A" students show interest in the class and in the subject. They look up or dig out what they don't understand. They often ask interesting questions or make thoughtful comments. • Retention: "A" students have retentive minds. They are able to connect past learning with the present. They bring a background with them to class. • Attitude: "A" students have a winning attitude. They have both the determination and the self- discipline necessary for success. They show initiative. They do things they have not been told to do. • Talent: "A" students have something special. It may be exceptional intelligence and insight. It may be unusual creativity, organizational skills, commitment — or a combination thereof. These gifts are evident to the teacher and usually to the other students as well. • Results: "A" students make high grades on tests — usually the highest in the class. Their work is a pleasure to grade.

  9. Studying: Learning How to Learn & How to Love Learning • Lecture Preparation: • Study notes from previous lectures - review everything from the beginning or from last test regularly • Write out questions for instructor concerning anything you don’t understand • Preview lecture outline to get an idea of material to be presented today • Check text to see if similar material is covered there. If so, skim or read “lightly” • Note Taking • Carefully take notes of the lecture - ask for clarification if you don’t understand • Tape recorders may be useful although they require listening to the entire lecture again, or time consuming searching • Review your notes ASAP. This will allow you to “fill in” material from memory that you didn’t have time to write. It will also help your learning and will point out immediately questions to be asked

  10. Studying: Learning How to Learn & How to Love Learning • Note Taking (Continued): • Rewrite your notes - say them as you read and rewrite them • Concentrate! Use as many senses as possible • Memorization: Memorize only what you understand! • Terms, Facts, Definitions, Anatomical Parts, Organism Names • Learn associations (relationships / interactions) among terms • Learn concepts, principles, laws, mechanisms • Use the five R's of note-taking (the Cornell system): • Record. The meaningful ideas and concepts. • Reduce. After lecture, summarize the main ideas and concepts. • Recite. Say out loud in your own words the main ideas of the lecture. • Reflect. Take a few minutes to ponder over the main ideas of the lecture. • Review. Once a week review the ideas of all the term's lectures.

  11. Studying: Learning How to Learn & How to Love Learning • Studying • Use daylight hours. • Study before each discussion class. • Study each subject in a one-hour block of time. • Allow time for sleep. • Create the right atmosphere for cramming. Why? • If cramming for an exam is to be effective, the original studying and learning must take place each day. • A good schedule facilitates this type of learning. • Set realistic study schedules for yourself. • Study at a desk, no TV, Music, other distractions! It increases your learning efficiency. • Recite while studying. Why? If you will recite while writing, you will be learning while using your eyes, ears, and muscles. • If you can't say it, you don't know it.

  12. Get Known In Your Department! • Why? • Good for Resume • Professors Can Write Better Letters of Recommendation if they Know you! • How? • Speak up in class, lead discussions, ask thoughtful questions • Work in department office - a good place to start even before you have taken many courses or gained lab skills • Go on field trips if available • Get involved in student clubs & activities • Volunteer to help out in departmental open houses • Ask to assist in teaching, grading, tutoring, lab assisting • Ask to assist in research • Another reason to NOT work too much off campus

  13. Attitude is Everything!

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