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Recent Demographic Developments in Europe: New Findings from the Generations and Gender Surveys

Recent Demographic Developments in Europe: New Findings from the Generations and Gender Surveys. Andrej Kveder Andres Vikat. Introduction. Generations and Gender Programme Large-scale international survey Emphasis on International comparability Prospective observation. Comparability.

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Recent Demographic Developments in Europe: New Findings from the Generations and Gender Surveys

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  1. Recent Demographic Developments in Europe: New Findings from the Generations and Gender Surveys Andrej Kveder Andres Vikat EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  2. Introduction • Generations and Gender Programme • Large-scale international survey • Emphasis on • International comparability • Prospective observation EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  3. Comparability • Standardization • Survey definition • Data collection • Sampling • Measurement instrument • Centrally developed Core questionnaire • Data Harmonization • variable definitions • data cleaning • Tabular outputs • Standard Country Tables EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  4. Standard Country Tables • Standardized overview • Definitions of variables • Substantial • Technical • Preset • Cross-cutting variables • Substantial topics • Resulting • Currently 62 tables • Set of tables oriented towards the partnership • Gender specific characteristics • Developed by GGP Analysis Working Group EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  5. Cross-cutting variables Gender Age 10 year groups Education Lower, Medium, Higher Labour force status Employed, Unemployed, Non-active Income quintiles Parity Partnership status Marriage, Cohabitation, LAT, Single Topics Dwelling and HH char. Children Parents Fertility Health Life course events Work Partnerships Values Data quality Variables and Topics EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  6. Country Comparison • So far the data harmonization process was started for 2 countries • Russian Federation • Bulgaria • With thanks to the MPIDR for sharing the data EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  7. RUSSIA Jun 2004 – Aug 2004 n=19,718 n=11,261 BULGARIA Nov 2004 – Jan 2005 n=13,600 n=12,858 Study Description Time frame Starting sample Realized sample EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  8. Examples of Substantial Results EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  9. CHILD WISH EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  10. EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  11. EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  12. EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  13. PARTNERSHIP EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  14. EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  15. EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  16. EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  17. EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  18. n=16 n=26 EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  19. LIFE COURSE EVENTSGrandparenthood EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  20. EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  21. EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  22. Conclusions • Standardized outputs present a platform for international comparative research • GGS Standardization is still work in progress • For data harmonization • For preparation of standardized outputs • Iterative process • Conceptual work • Testing with the real data EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  23. Thank you for your attention! andrej.kveder@unece.org andres.vikat@unece.org EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  24. Child Wish EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  25. Partnership EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

  26. Grandchildren EPC, Liverpool, 24 June, 2006

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