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A Language Arts Christmas Carol Webquest. Introduction.
Introduction You are about to read the classic novel, A Christmas Carol, written by Charles Dickens, but in the form of a play. As you begin to read, you will come across some strange items such as a Smoking Bishop, Plum Pudding, and others. So before you begin, here’s a chance to become an expert on Dickens’ life and the Victorian times in which he lived.
Tasks • Answer the following questions by visiting various sites on the Internet. • Each answer must be in complete sentences. • When the tasks are complete, ensure your name and Core period is on the paper (first AND last in the top right corner), and hand it in to the Core tray.
Task #1 Read the biography of Charles Dickens and write down five important facts from his life. http://www.incwell.com/Biographies/Dickens.html
Task #2 Visit this website and select ten or more important events in Charles Dickens’ life. Place the events on a timeline in correct order. http://www.victorianweb.org/authors/dickens/dickensbio2.html Or http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/famouspeople/charles_dickens/
Task #3 Tiny Tim was a little boy who had an illness, which made it difficult for him to walk without a crutch. What disease did he have? http://charlesdickenspage.com/christmas.html Hint: scroll down to Tiny Tim’s Ailment. Describe his illness.
Task #4 The story takes place during the Victorian Era. A period of history from 1837-1901 during the reign of the Queen Victoria. Dickens' London Map (paste into search bar, not address bar) Use the printed map and attach it to your webquest. Circle Camden Town, The Marshalsea, and Westminster Abby on your map. You may have to resize it to print.
Task #5 Plum Pudding and Smoking Bishop are two treats mentioned in A Christmas Carol. What are their main ingredients? What did they make it in? http://charlesdickenspage.com/christmas.html The information can be found in the left column. Scroll down – you’ll find it!
Task #6 Back in the Victorian era, their coins were called: pound, shilling, and pence. Scrooge paid his worker “fifteen shilling a week.” What could you buy with that? Scroll down to find “Fifteen Bob a week” http://charlesdickenspage.com/carol.html
Task #7 Visit http://www.foodtimeline.org/christmasfood.html Using the foods they ate, design a Victorian menu for a Christmas Dinner.
Task #8 When Scrooge is asked to donate money to the poor, he refuses and asks, “Are there no prisons? And Union workhouses?” What is a Union Workhouse? What was it like? What did they eat? http://www.judandk.force9.co.uk/workhouse.html You must answer all three questions for full credit.
Task #9 Create a list of at least 5 hardships that child laborers (Working Children) faced during Victorian Times. http://www.freeessays.cc/db/18/ehc33.shtml
Assessment Your questions will be evaluated on the following: • 1. All questions are answered completely. • 2. All questions are answered in complete sentences.
When You Are Finished…. Double check that your name is on all the papers.