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EUROPEAN PROGRAM COMENIUS. How to reduce CO 2 Emissions of our School An Example: compensating energy consumption of a Physiscs Laboratory with Solar Power. ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano” Pavia - Italy. The School.

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  2. How to reduce CO2 Emissions of our SchoolAn Example: compensating energy consumption of a Physiscs Laboratory with Solar Power ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  3. The School • The Institute, titled to Girolamo Cardano, in addition to offices and common areas, • includes • 44 classrooms, • 5 technical drawing rooms, • 30 laboratories, • gymn hall, • biblioteque • canteen. • Built in 1970, was completed with new buildings in 1990. ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  4. Project Objective “To evaluate total power consumption of a Physics laboratory, its CO2pollution and corresponding footprint. To define characteristics of a solar photovoltaic plant to compensate the calculated consumption and pollution” ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  5. Methodology Electric Power Consumption Room Lightning Catalog of sources Evaluation of yearly average usage time Consumption evaluation Laboratory Instruments Catalog of instrument Evaluation of yearly average usage time Consumption evaluation Heating Power Consumption Catalog of sources Evaluation of yearly average usage time Consumption evaluation ( % of total school cons.) …continue… ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  6. Methodology Evaluation of total power usage Evaluation of corresponding CO2pollution Carbon footprint evaluation Solar Plant design What type ? Where to locate it ? Specification Main design Cost evaluation ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  7. Energy waste sources catalog Room Lightning 24 neon tubes Laboratory Instruments 14 Computers Compressor Continuous Power transformer Digital Chronometer Measure Instruments Room Heating 4 sources, 12 elements at 70° ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  8. Room Lightning 24 Neon Tubes in 12 pairs Standard type, 36 W power Usage estimation: 800 hours/year Consumption Evaluation: 36 W => 129600 Joule/hour => 103680 kJ/year 103680 kJ/year = 28.823 kW/h 28.823 kW/h * 24 = 691.752 kW/h Room Lightning Consumption 691.7 kW/h ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  9. Instruments Usage estimation: 400 hours/year Lab Instruments Consumption 1418.4kW/h ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  10. Room Heating 4 sources, 12 elements cad. Estimated cons. for any elements => 83Kcal Yearly => 41832 kcal 41832 kcal = 175025088 Joule = 48.6 kW/h Total Cons. = 48.6 x 4 x 12 = 2332.8 Kw/h Room Heating Consumption 2332.8 kW/h ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  11. Carbon Footprint Evaluation Total Consumption 2332.8 kW/h Gas 1418.4kW/h + 691.7 kW/h =2110.1 kW/h Electric Power Grand Total: 4442.9 kW/h Laboratory Carbon Footprint 1.48 tons CO2 ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  12. Ideas for saving energy • Using natural light • Use of sources with high luminous efficiency • Use of high efficiency power supplies • Use of regulators of luminous flux • Proper maintenance of facilities • Appropriate control systems for plant management • Thermal insulation • Solar energy ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  13. Using natural light At our school we have many windows that allow natural light to the most appropriate school classes. To maintain this condition we undertake to periodically clean windows and skylights. ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  14. Use of sources with high luminous efficiency Still at our school we use many neon lights that allow adequate lighting at relatively low cost. We could adopt a more energy-efficient lighting systems with which to reduce our consumption and therefore our CO2 emissions ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  15. Use of high efficiency power supplies Are commercially available power supplies with higher efficiency than the other and with lower consumption. For example, in computers there is a certification that guarantees the quality of the product. ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  16. Use of regulators of luminous flux At our school we are not equipped with flow regulators bright but we are convinced that the installation of these apperecchiature might significantly reduce energy consumption.As we allow the light intensity depending on the time and the time of year. ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  17. Proper maintenance of facilities Proper maintenance can significantly reduce consumption and allow us to quickly identify causes of energy waste. ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  18. Appropriate control systems for plant management Using equipment such as thermostats or sensors can manage to keep the consumption on the appropriate values. ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  19. Thermal insulation Windows and doors using appropriate energy saving methods is remarkable.We can do this by installing double-glazed windows, providing them with appropriate joints, checking that the doors are completely isolated from the outside and have an automatic closing. ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  20. Solar energy Would be very successful installation of photovoltaic systems for electricity production.The school has large surface sufficiently lit and therefore suitable for this purpose.Currently there are a number of technologies being developed that allow the exploitation of solar control glass and walls by using special coatings and films. ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  21. Photovoltaic Plant High Level ProjectDimensioning PAVIA: Average Solar Radiation 1408 kW/h yearlyAverage power production 1110 kW/h for any 1 kWp (peak) plant Laboratory Consumption: 4442.9 kW/h Needed Plant ( kWp ) 4442.9 / 1110 = 4.002 kWp ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  22. Photovoltaic Plant High Level ProjectEvaluating Main School Building: Flat roof, permits optimizing angle (about 36 ° ) permits optimizing orienteering, South Hypotesis Photovoltaic Panels silicium monocrystalline Average Surface needed: 8 m/kWp Needed Photovoltaic Surface: 8 x 4.002 = 32.016 mq ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

  23. L = 1,2 m L = 1,2m Photovoltaic Plant High Level ProjectPlacing Photovoltaic Panels - silicium monocrystalline Dim 800 x 1600 mm Needed: 25 panels Design: 5 rows of 5 panels Needed Roof Surface: 7,5 x 4,0 m = 30 mq 36 ° Lx = 0,97 m Lt= 1,51 m (min) ITIS & Technological Lyceum “G. Cardano”Pavia - Italy

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