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Foliar Applications of UAN32 in Irrigated Spring Wheat

Foliar Applications of UAN32 in Irrigated Spring Wheat. Ivan Ortiz-Monasterio CIMMYT. Materials and Methods Y05-06. Five soil N rates 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 kgN/ha (locations). Within each rate/location; two crops (Durum, Jupare and bread wheat, Kronstad) as main plots

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Foliar Applications of UAN32 in Irrigated Spring Wheat

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  1. Foliar Applications of UAN32 in Irrigated Spring Wheat Ivan Ortiz-Monasterio CIMMYT

  2. Materials and MethodsY05-06 • Five soil N rates 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 kgN/ha (locations). • Within each rate/location; two crops (Durum, Jupare and bread wheat, Kronstad) as main plots • Four foliar N rates 0, 30, 60, 90 kgN/ha as subplots. • Two reps • Plot size 1.8 x 5 m long (8 row plots, 20 cm between rows).

  3. Materials and MethodsY05-06 • Soil applications at planting with urea. • Foliar applications with 295 L water/ha. • Foliar application of 90 kgN/ha UAN 32 was 19 L UAN32 in a 20 L backpack sprayer.

  4. Materials and MethodsY05-06 • Planted Dec 02, 2005 • Foliar application with UAN32 on Jan 17, 2006. • Zadoks stage Z31 (46 days after planting).

  5. 8030 kg/ha Jupare 6927 kg/ha Kronstad 97% 86%

  6. 114% 106%

  7. 106% 100%

  8. 100% 91%

  9. 100% 99%

  10. Conclusions • As the rate of foliar N increased, levels of leaf necrosis also increased 9 DAA. • Necrosis due to UAN32 foliar applications was higher in Kronstand than in Jupare. • Both crops were able to fully recover by 36 DAA.

  11. Conclusions • Foliar applications of UAN32 at Z31 are a viable alternative to fully correct N deficiency in wheat, except perhaps for Kronstad under sever N deficiency.

  12. Thank you

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