Strategic Intelligence It is the purest form of intelligence. It provides an overview or summary of capabilities of criminals their trends and motives as well as what they are capable of. This information relates to specific areas such as bhang trafficking. in Washington. This method of collecting analyzing and distributing information on criminal activities. Preparation of this kind of information requires deep knowledge of specific people, groups or organizations. It also requires wide knowledge of areas prone to criminal activities. It allows law enforcement agencies enough time to prepare to combat crime. It takes a year or more to develop this knowledge to the point of application. The intelligence question in this case could be who are these criminals.?Where can we find them?
Tactical Intelligence This form of intelligence leans towards case prosecution as opposed to tracing criminals. It targets a specific criminal activity. It works towards combating the criminal activity by making it powerless. For instance, if there is information from an informant that there is a load of marijuana, law enforcement agencies may make immediate steps to deal with this case. This form of intelligence is short term in that it is developed day by day. This form of intelligence is mainly used in combating criminals who deal in narcotics. An intelligence question with regard to tactical intelligence could be what proof do we have about the gang?
Intelligence Gathering Disciplines MASINT It refers to Measurement and Signature Intelligence. It may grouped into Electro-optical MASINT Spectroscopic MASINT Hyper spectral Imagery MASINT Space-based Staring Infrared Sensors Airborne Electro-0ptical Missile Tracking MASINT Tactical Counter mortar Sensors Optical measurement of Nuclear Explosions LASER MASINT Infrared MASINT Effects of Ionizing Radiation on materials Space-based Nuclear Energy detection Radiation survey dosimetry
Intelligence Gathering Disciplines ELECTRO-OPTICAL MASINT Seismic MASIN Gravitimetric MASINT Acoustic MASINT ACOUSTINT or ACINT Effects of Ionizing Radiation on materials Geophysical MASINT Weather and Sea Intelligence MASINT Magnetic MASINT Radio Frequency MASINT Electromagnetic Pulse MASINT Frequency Domain MASINT Unintentional Radiation MASINT
Line-of-Sight Radar MASINT Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) MASINT Non-Cooperative Target Recognition Multistatic Radar MASINT Passive Covert Radar Materials MASINT Nuclear test analysis Biological Materials MASINT Chemical Materials MASINT Space-based Staring Infrared Sensors Nuclear MASINT Space-based Nuclear Energy Detection Radiation survey and dosimetry Effects of Ionizing Radiation on materials
Intelligence disciplines COMINT This refers to Communications Intelligence ELINT It refers to Electronic Intelligence which criminal experts get from gathered from electronic signals. In these signals there is no trace of speech or text. that do not contain speech or text FISINT It stands for Foreign Instrumentation Signals Intelligence,. Formerly, it was referred to as TELINT or Telemetry Intelligence. It encompasses collection and analysis of data from telemetry sources. Data from the targets missile or aircrafts tests may collected and analyzed.