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Soil Descriptions and Interpretations of two Lake County Florida Spodosols

Soil Descriptions and Interpretations of two Lake County Florida Spodosols. By Ellen Bailey SOS 5716C Environmental Pedology. Temperature and Rainfall for Lake County Florida . Average annual rainfall – 50 inches Average temperature – 71 ºF. Location of Soils. Orlando.

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Soil Descriptions and Interpretations of two Lake County Florida Spodosols

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  1. Soil Descriptions and Interpretations of two Lake County FloridaSpodosols By Ellen Bailey SOS 5716C Environmental Pedology

  2. Temperature and Rainfall for Lake County Florida • Average annual rainfall – 50 inches • Average temperature – 71ºF

  3. Location of Soils Orlando Lake Apopka

  4. Location of Soils Soil 1 http://www.lakecountyfl.gov/visitors/maps.aspx Elevation -79 feet Soil 2

  5. Soil Survey Map Soil 1 – edge of 42 - Pompano Sand Soil 2 – 28 – Myakka Sand 1 2 http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/WebSoilSurvey.aspx

  6. Location and Vegetation Soil 1 • Open field on edge of Hardwood Swamp area • Blackberry vine and ground cover • Little disturbed

  7. Location and Vegetation Soil 2 – Myakka Sand • Under oak canopy. Little understory • Cabbage Palm, and Orange Trees • Surface covered with ½ cm of leaf litter. • Once used for housing area for farmers.

  8. Methods

  9. Soil 1 A 0-29cm 10yr 2/2 (very dark brown) (many roots) E1 29-62cm 10yr 5/3 (brown) 130cm E2 63-110cm 10yr 7/2 (light gray) (Organic and Fe conc. 1-2%) 180cm E3 111-130cm 10yr 6/3 (pale brown) (Fe conc 3%, medium roots) Bh1 131-140cm 7.5yr 4/3 (brown) Bh2 141-160cm 7.5yr 4/2 (brown) Bh3 161-170cm 7.5yr 3/2 (dark brown) Bh4 171-180cm+ 7.5yr 2.5/2 (very dark brown)

  10. Soil 1 • Sand throughout • Single Grain • Friable • Structureless Transition of A into E horizons

  11. Soil 2 - Myakka Sand • Sand throughout • Single Grain • Friable • structureless A 0-30cm 10yr 3/1 (very dark gray) AE 31-45cm 10yr 3/1 (very dark gray) E1 46-67cm 10yr 5/1 (gray) E2 68-78cm 10yr 5/2 (grayish brown) Bh1 79-90cm 7.5yr 3/2 (dark brown) (small rocks) Bh2 91-95cm 10yr 3/3 (dark brown) Bh3 96-110cm 10yr 4/4 (dark yellowish brown) (Fe conc. 7.5yr 2.5/2) Bh4 111-130cm+ 10yr 5/4 (yellowish brown)

  12. Soil 2 Upper Horizons Lower Horizons

  13. Interpretation of Soils

  14. Interpretation of Soils • Both soils are: • Upland, Marine Parent material, and nearly level. • Surface Runoff – very slow • Erosion Potential – very low • Epipedon – Umbric • Subsurface Horizons – Albic and Spodic • Order - Spodosols

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