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World War II

World War II. The Great Depression. Collapse of American Stock Market in 24 October 1929 – Crisis of Capitalism and the Free Market Overproduction of Agricultural Products Worldwide ripple effect of “global economy”. Manchurian Invasion of 1931. JAPAN in the Pacific. Spanish Civil War,

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World War II

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Presentation Transcript

  1. World War II

  2. The Great Depression • Collapse of American Stock Market in 24 October 1929 – Crisis of Capitalism and the Free Market • Overproduction of Agricultural Products • Worldwide ripple effect of “global economy”

  3. Manchurian Invasion of 1931

  4. JAPAN in the Pacific

  5. Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 Popular Front vs Nationalists (Fascists) Popular Front of Socialists and Communists Nationalists of army, church, wealthy elites. Francisco Franco 1892-1975

  6. Franco and Hitler Francisco Franco 1892-1975

  7. The Spanish Civil War • 793

  8. Rome-Berlin Axis 1936 Anti-Comintern Pact 1936 Pact of Steel 1939 Mussolini and Hitler

  9. German Expansion • 1936 – Reoccupation of the Rhineland • 1938 – Anschluss, Austria incorporated into Germany • 1938 – Sudetenland Crisis – Munich Conference • 1939 -- Germany Invades Rest of Czechoslovakia • August 23, 1939 -- German/Soviet Non-aggression Pact • September 1, 1939 – Invasion of Poland

  10. German Expansion, 1936-1939

  11. Signing of the Munich Agreement, 1938

  12. Liberal Democracy in Retreat Neville Chamberlain Returns to England from Munich with “peace for our time”

  13. German Expansion, 1936-1939

  14. German Expansion • 1936 – Reoccupation of the Rhineland • 1938 – Anschluss, Austria incorporated into Germany • 1938 – Sudetenland Crisis – Munich Conference • 1939 -- Germany Invades Rest of Czechoslovakia • August 23, 1939 -- German/Soviet Non-aggression Pact • September 1, 1939 – Invasion of Poland

  15. War In Europe • Invasion of Poland – September 1, 1939 • Britain & France Declare War on Germany • Invasion of Belgium, Netherlands & France, May 1940 -- France Surrenders • Battle of Britain – Fall 1940 • Invasion of Soviet Union – June 1941 • Battle of Stalingrad – 1942-43 • German Defeat in North Africa – 1943 • Allied Invasion of Italy – September 1943 • D-Day – June 1944 • Germany Surrenders – May 1945

  16. World War II in Europe

  17. War In Europe • Invasion of Poland – September 1, 1939 • Britain & France Declare War on Germany • Invasion of Belgium, Netherlands & France, May 1940 -- France Surrenders • Battle of Britain – Fall 1940 • Invasion of Soviet Union – June 1941 • Battle of Stalingrad – 1942-43 • German Defeat in North Africa – 1943 • Allied Invasion of Italy – September 1943 • D-Day – June 1944 • Germany Surrenders – May 1945

  18. The Final Solution • “The Jewish Question” • Kristallnacht (1938) “Nuremberg Laws’ • Emigration • The SS and the Einsatzgruppen1941-1945 • The Death Camps and the Final Solution Auschwitz, Buchenwald

  19. Triple Alliance In 1940 Japan Joins Germany & Italy to Form Triple Alliance Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941

  20. World War II in the Pacific

  21. July 16, 1945 5:29am First A-Bomb

  22. Europe after WWII

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