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Third organisational meeting Committee of the Regions 10 May 200 6

This meeting agenda includes topics like programme statistics, decentralised events, registration, Investors' Café, promotion/coverage of the event, official reception, planning & tasks workshops, and more.

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Third organisational meeting Committee of the Regions 10 May 200 6

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  1. Third organisational meeting Committee of the Regions 10May 2006

  2. Agenda of the meeting • Programme - Programme statistics • - Programme overview • - Decentralised events • - Registration • Investors´ Café • Promotion/Coverage of the event • Official reception • Planning & Tasks

  3. Workshops by topic and organiser Programme statistics

  4. Speakers’ countries Programme statistics

  5. Speakers - Organisational Affiliation Programme statistics

  6. Programme overview Tuesday10 October Wednesday 11 October Thursday 12 October

  7. Decentralised events • 68 events in total • not balanced/completed information from conglomerates

  8. Registrations OPEN DAYS programme CoR/DG REGIO/Conference Secretariat Central Management System Administrator 1 Administrator 2 Individual registrations Administrator X

  9. Next steps OPEN DAYS programme • to be checked: - programme overview • - summary of conglomerates workshops • - summary of DG REGIO workshops • - summary of decentralised events • last version to be approved till Friday 12 May • all Brussels events will be re-coded • the programme version of Friday 12 May will be used for the printed brochure • Internet registrations - 22 May: training for administrators • - 30 May: system operational • programme updates for the web site possible after 31 May

  10. OPEN DAYS - Workshop codes Date Tuesday 10 October 10 Wednesday 11 October 11 11A05 Thursday 12 October 12 Sequence Number Theme /Heading 01 04 Investing in competitive enterprises and high quality of jobs D Support PPP for larger infrastructure projects A 02 … Cutting red tape: managing SF between 2007-2013 B E Fostering regional innovation 03 XX Investing in sustainable use of resources and environmental technologies Investor´s Café F C

  11. OPEN DAYS programme Opening session Workshops/seminars (81) (regional offices in Brussels) Closing session Decentralised events in Europe´s regions and cities Investors'Café (CoR building, rue Belliard 101)

  12. Elements Investors´ Café • exhibition of participating regions/cities and official partners • events - opening of the exhibition • - series of seminars • networking point • cafeteria • bilateral meetings • individual meetings with representatives of business and banking sector

  13. Exhibition Investors´ Café • a „village“ will be established for each conglomerate • staff to be present at the village for the duration of the exhibition (Tue/Wed 8:30 – 17:00, Thu 8:30 – 13:30) • - representatives of regions/cities (majority!) • - investment/developement agencies Banner with the names of the conglomerate/regions/cities Space for displays/banners from regions/cities

  14. Events Investors´ Café • opening of the exhibition • seminars/workshops/conferencies – confirmed organisers: • European Investment Bank • Eurochambres/European Economic and Social Committee • European Citizens Action Service • private companies: Alcatel Intel • BT Microsoft • Cisco Philips • Deutsche Telekom SAP • Ericson Siemens • France Télecom Telecom Italia • HP Telefonica • CIRCOM briefing • in total 17 events

  15. OPEN DAYS – The public • Workshops/seminars • in regional offices • Local and regional politicians • Members of the Committee of the Regions • Members of the European Parliament • Representatives of the EU Presidency • Members of the European Social and Economic Committee • Representatives of European and national associations of local and regional authorities • Representatives of European and national business federations • Public and private companies and business entrepreneurs • Representatives of the banking sector • Officials of regional and city administrations • Officials of EU Institutions • Experts in the field of managing and evaluating Structural Funds´ programmes • Representatives of NGOs • Representatives of trade unions • Media • 3000 participants • Investors' Café • Public and private companies and business entrepreneurs, corporations • Representatives of the banking sector • Representatives of European trade and professional associations • Representatives of national trade associations • National employers´federations Representatives of NGOs • Representatives of trade unions • Think tanks • Consultants • Interest groups • 3700 contacts

  16. Promotion - tools Internet (www.opendays.europa.eu) First Brochure (A5, 12 pages) Second Brochure (A4, about 60 pages) Posters – EU map Posters – pictures (A0) Individual invitations Advertisements in EU magazines/periodics Advertisements in EU magazines/periodics Investors´ Cafe specific promotion

  17. Promotion – printed brochures CoR/DG REGIO Conglomerates First Brochure (A5, 12 pages) • European Commission/European Parliament • Speakers of DG REGIO workshops • Presidents of EU regions • Mayors of biggest EU cities • CoR members • Europe Direct/European Documentation Centres • EuroInfo Centres • Structural Funds Managers • Participants of OPEN DAYS 2005 • 4500 • regional politicians • officials of regional administrations • Structural Funds managers • private companies • developement agencies • universities • libraries • regional clients • ? Second Brochure (A4, about 60 pages) • European Commission/European Parliament • Speakers of DG REGIO workshops • Presidents of EU regions • Mayors of biggest EU cities • CoR members • Europe Direct/European Documentation Centres • EuroInfo Centres • Structural Funds Managers • Participants of OPEN DAYS 2005 • Investors´Café clients 9000 • regional politicians • officials of regional administrations • Structural Funds managers • private companies • developement agencies • universities • libraries • regional clients • ?

  18. Promotion – regional databases Second Brochure (A4, about 60 pages) CoR Conglomerates Option A Conglomerate demands number of brochures Mailing CoR provides requested number of brochures Option B Mailing Conglomerate provides regional database

  19. Promotion/coverage of the event • CoR/DG REGIO offers reimbursement for 4 journalists per conglomerate • - at min. one journalists should be from TV • - accommodation: max. two nights during the week • regional TV journalists - CIRCOM regional • 1) all regional TV to receive a letter from CIRCOM • 2) regional offices to contact their regional TV • directors of communication in EU regions/cities

  20. Official reception • menu to be proposed by each conglomerate • value of 2000€ • by 16 June • all technical details to be communicated next time

  21. Planning & Tasks 12 May approval of the programme 16 May names of administrators of registration system 22 May training for administrators of registration system 26 May decision on a way of promotion - Option A: to provide number of brochures needed - Option B: to provide database of contacts 30 May registration on-line 8 June fourth organisational meeting 9 June BAT for second brochure 16 June proposal of the menu for the official reception 23 June second brochure printed

  22. Planning & Tasks Any task to be send to opendays@cor.europa.eu Please specify always the subject as follows: Programme – workshops Programme – decentralised events Registration system Promotion Official reception – menu etc.

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