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Implementing Bologna Process at the University of Mostar: Modernizing Higher Education in Europe

Read about the University of Mostar's adaptation to the Bologna Process, restructuring of degrees, and qualification framework. Learn about the approach, degree structures, study programs, and the evolution of higher education in Mostar.

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Implementing Bologna Process at the University of Mostar: Modernizing Higher Education in Europe

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  1. UNIVERSITY OF MOSTAR IMPLEMENTATING BOLOGNA PROCESSAT THE UNIVERSITY OF MOSTAR -University report- Snježana Rezić Dražena Tomić Vojo Višekruna Mostar, 26.-28. September, 2007.

  2. STUDYING AT UNIVERSITY OF MOSTAR The Senate of the University in Mostar has decided to follow the changes taking place in the high education around Europe, in order to avoid the isolation. The result of such a decision are the modern teaching plans and programmes of our studies, based on the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) (Decision - 2000 year.) Today, studies at the University of Mostar are adapted to Bologne process and to value students’ work in accordance to ECTS.

  3. OUR APPROACH • Promotion of the ECTS principles and philosophy • Comprehensive guide to ECTS • Open Forum on University level for promotion ofinstitutional, national and international experiences • Cooperation with student organizations • Participation in European networks and TEMPUSprojects • Analysis of current programmes based on ECTS principles • Regional cooperation in ECTS • Establishment of Total Quality Management System at University

  4. OUR APPROACH Infrastructure of the institution – Learning Space Human resource management - Staff Support activities Learning Technology development Procurement Operations Teaching and Learning Marketing and sales Employ-ment support Service Longlife Learning Inbound Logistics Recruiting Students Outbound logistics Exams Primary activities


  6. DEGREE STRUCTURE • It should be pointed out that starting with the academic year • 2005/2006 teaching process was organised according to the • Bologna Declaration as follows: • (3+2+3) Faculty of Agronomy, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanity, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computing (Computer studies), Faculty of Science and Education (except Music education (4 +0) and Primary education (5+0) ) • (4 + 1+3) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computing (Mechanical Engineering), Faculty of Economics • (5+0+3) Academy of Fine Arts, Faculty of Law • (6+0+3) Faculty of Medicine • (3) Medical college

  7. Obligatory courses Elective courses Human Courses Total % % % % Undergraduate study of mechanical engineering 240 ECTS - 4 Year 77,7 10 12,3 100 Graduate study of ME (60 ECTS – 1 Year Master of ME 60,4 31,2 8,4 100 Undergraduate study of computing 180 ECTS –3 Y Bachelor of Computing 77,7 10,8 11,5 100 Graduate study of Computing 120 ECTS –2Years of.C. 72,8 19,4 7,8 100 DEGREE STRUCTURE Example STUDY PROGRAMME Obligatory courses: basic (natural science, electrical engineering…) field related, advanced Elective course: field related, advanced courses Human courses: technology and society, economics, management, language….

  8. QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORK Bachelors degrees * knowledge and critical understanding of the well-established principles of their area of study, and of the way in which those principles have developed; * ability to apply underlying concepts and principles outside the context in which they were first studied, including, where appropriate, the application of those principles in an employment context; * knowledge of the main methods of enquiry in their subjects, and ability to evaluate critically the appropriateness of different approaches to solving problems in the field of study; * an understanding of the limits of their knowledge, and how this influences analyses and interpretations based on that knowledge.

  9. QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORK • Masters degrees • * a systematic understanding of knowledge, and a critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, much of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of their academic discipline, field of study, or area of professional practice; • * a comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to their own research or advanced scholarship; • * originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in the discipline; • * conceptual understanding that enables the student: • to evaluate critically current research and advanced scholarship in the discipline; and • to evaluate methodologies and develop critiques of them and, where appropriate, to propose new hypotheses.

  10. QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORK Doctoral degree * the creation and interpretation of new knowledge, through original research or other advanced scholarship, of a quality to satisfy peer review, extend the forefront of the discipline, and merit publication; * a systematic acquisition and understanding of a substantial body of knowledge which is at the forefront of an academic discipline or area of professional practice; * the general ability to conceptualise, design and implement a project for the generation of new knowledge, applications or understanding at the forefront of the discipline, and to adjust the project design in the light of unforeseen problems; * a detailed understanding of applicable techniques for research and advanced academic enquiry.

  11. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ECTS METHODOLOGY Curriculum development process • Define the basic function of the education to be offered • Define competencies and overall goals • Define the curriculum model • Work out the course formats, workload, and course and module content • Determine how the curriculum will be evaluated and developed • Criteria for accreditation

  12. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ECTS _ METHODOLOGY Goals of the curriculum restructuring • Studies at the University of Mostar are made with the aim to fulfil the following goals: • to equalize stated and effective length of study; • to rationalize students’ obligations concerning lectures and exams; • to adjust to market requirements at home and abroad; • to make the study attractive for new students.

  13. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ECTS _ METHODOLOGY Basic Parameters for curriculum development • The year is ~ 1600 hours of work on the part of the student • 800 hours per term • Students should not have more than 25 term classes (lectures, workshops, seminars etc.). • The student’s work week is ~ 40 hours, • One year is 60, each semester 30 ECTS • Students can have the most 9 exams per an academic year • Curriculum courses can be basic, specialized or elective. Number of certain courses depends on the type of study.

  14. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ECTS _ METHODOLOGY COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Course description • Expected learning outcomes/competences • Credits as measure of student workload or notional learning time required to achieve the expected learning outcomes • Content • Type of course/educational activity • Level of course/activity • Teaching/learning and assessment methods • Literature • The teacher studies the subject matter of his/her course in respect of scientific aspects and professional aspects. Outlining policies and procedures for the course as well as a week by week description

  15. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ECTS METHODOLOGY Course analysis Teacher sorts the components of the subject to the core categories

  16. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ECTS METHODOLOGY New teaching methods From lectures to more diverse teaching methods • Tutorials • Group work • Class rooms presentations • Role plays • Classroom discussions and debates • Papers, case studies • Resources • Exams (evaluation documentation) • Technological implementation expensive • Retraining of staff to learn about new working methods

  17. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ECTS METHODOLOGY Student workload • The process of defining student workload is not trivial because it has repercussions on the work of the student in relation to such issues as the number of hours in class, the preparation that students need before and after the class, the work done independently by the student or the professor’s method of teaching. • To determine a student’s workload measured in 5 day weeks • (One week = 40 h of a student’s work) • Different modes of studying (student’s Learning methods) • reading literature • preparing for exams • contact teaching • working on his/her own • doing written assignments, etc.

  18. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ECTS METHODOLOGY Student workload The implementation of ECTS in this study has consisted of collecting data from students and teachers about the workload. The Work group for implementation of ECTS a form was sent to every teacher responsible of subject, requesting these two data sets with respect to their subject area. A survey was distributed among every registered student who had passed their examinations in the subjects in question in the previous year, asking for these data for each subject. The data collected as a consequence of the process previously described have been analyzed on two levels. At one level, data grouped in years was analyzed by ECTS coordinator. At another level, data obtained on every single subject was sent to the teachers in charge of the subject, so that they could analyse them individually and make their own decisions.

  19. Learning outcomes Educational activities Assessment Estimated student work time in hours IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ECTS METHODOLOGY The course workload analysis FORM FOR CHECKING WORKLOAD OF AN COURSE (to be completed by the student and teachers)  Programme of Studies:…………………………………………………. Name of the course:……………………………………………………... Target group:……………………………………………………………. Level of the unit:………………………………………………………… Entrance requirements:………………………………………………….. Number of ECTS credits:……………………………………………….. Competences to be developed:………………………………………….. 1…………………………………………………………………………. 2…………………………………………………………………………. 3…………………………………………………………………………. 4………………………………………………………………………….

  20. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ECTS METHODOLOGY Challenges • Transfer regulations (including admission regulations, education abroad and transcripts) • Technical issues • Information about new degree structure, and transfer from old ones. • Recruitment to new degree structure. • ECTS documents • Information Package/Course Catalogue • ECTS Student Application Form • ECTS Learning Agreement • ECTS Transcript of Records • Diploma Supplement

  21. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ECTS METHODOLOGY ECTS Grading • The ECTS grading system was not designed to replace the national grading systems, but to enhance the understanding of them in other countries. • Use of the statistical data to define students into large groups to more easily make a ranking. • Government decision to implement it nationally.




  25. ECTS MANAGEMENT • University (Institutional) ECTS Coordinator ensures the commitment of the institution to implementation of ECTS principles and supervises the mechanism for the correct use of ECTS tools. • Faculty ECTS Coordinator is the contact person for students and academic staff within the faculty and deals with the practical and academic aspects of ECTS.

  26. DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT • Every student • Every type of degree • Upon graduation • Together with official diploma • Free of charge • ENGLISH language

  27. MOBILITY AND INTERNATIONALISATION Main prerequisites for ensuring mobility and internationalisation: • A common currency for measuring workload (ECTS) • A standardised format for the description of curricula , including desired learning outcomes, teaching/learning approaches and assessment methods • A standardised format for the description of students curricular choices and achievements (ECTS Transcript of records) • Greater international visibility • Comparable study programme • More reliable partners for student/teacher exchanges and joint programmes of study


  29. QUALITY ASSURANCEINFRASTRUCTURE Rector/Senate QMS Board at University Level Faculty Level DEAN’S OFFICE (Pro-Deans) Representative of Academic Staff Representative of Students External Stakeholder Administrative staff

  30. QUALITY ASSURANCE OF CURRICULA • Construction of curricula that can be completed in time • Greater emphasis on competences to be developed and employability of graduates • Greater attention to the learning process Study programme Quality? • Set up quality indicators • Student questionnaires • Teacher questionnaires • Teacher self evaluations • Evaluation of exams • Evaluation of programme flexibility • Evaluation of resources • Evaluation of the administrative support • Documentation • Information system • Staff portfolio • Enhancement measures • Public availability

  31. QUALITY ASSURANCE On-line students’ rating of teachers’ performance To set the system of regular teaching quality assessment (started during the academic year 2004/05). Student’s evaluation of individual courses Teachers’ perspective on quality in education at the Faculty To collect information on teaching quality from teachers’ perspective. All teachers should fill in the self-evaluation questionnaire compatible with the students’ one. Student perspective on quality in higher education at the Faculty To analyse the quality of student engagement and their learning experience.

  32. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN UNIVERSITY AND ENVIRONMENT Present situation The university is involved in the economic and social development of the surrounding region. The university is flexible, uses the existing resources in a creative way, reassign its staff according to the environment request. The university performs an independent activity, based on its own risk. University of Mostar establish cooperation with Universities and colleges in the region and EU (Croatia, Slovenia, Germany, Italy,Austria….) Industry in region (Focused on Individual Firms ) Public institution Other institution and company

  33. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN UNIVERSITY AND ENVIRONMENT Cooperation between university and the environment is developed on three major fields: Students education and training: by developing cooperation in practical placement, graduation / dissertation theses with subjects proposed by the economic environment; identifying the needs of the economic environment and changing the academic curricula in terms of these needs; Research and development: scientific research and technological transfer Training in alternative systems: life-long education, open distance learning, low frequency, by launching the university offer into the economic environment, on one hand, and by identification the needs of the environment and their tuning to the university offer, on the other hand.

  34. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN UNIVERSITY AND ENVIRONMENT Governments The representative of government are included in management of University. The university advisory board Members:4 members from University (represents from scientific staff from different faculties) 4 members from public institution (government) The term of office of the Board is two years. The external members taken together must have insight into matters relating to research, education, knowledge dissemination and knowledge exchange as well as experience in management, organization, and finance, including evaluation of budgets and accounts and must furthermore comply with the requirements of the University Tasks The University Board is the highest authority of University of Mostar. The Board is responsible for the university’s interests as an institution of education and research and as such lays down the directions for its organization, long-term activities, and development.

  35. FURTHER ACTIVITIES • Computerized management system • Degree programs structural description • Interface for signing up to courses at the beginning of the semester • Interface for signing up to exams at the end of the semester • Database of all the grades and other learning activities of students • Background of the automatic creation of diploma supplements • Serves as a communication surface (email, sms) • Connected with student bank account serves as financial • management surface • - Background of the e-learning system

  36. FURTHER ACTIVITIES • IT support of the processes at University • Formulate local, out-put oriented objectives in addition to national / regional ones • Focus on continuous development • Develop a system of indicators based on quantitative data and questionnaires • Make regular assessments using international teams • Internationalisation of faculty and student exchanges • Total quality approach


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