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EDUC8464: ICT Curriculum. Assignment 2: Part 1 English, Year 10. Matthew Baltovich 20393505. Overview. Lesson One Use of GarageBand in discovering film conventions Lesson Two Creating a PowerPoint to accompany a students’ presentation to a class. Lesson Three
EDUC8464: ICT Curriculum Assignment 2: Part 1 English, Year 10 Matthew Baltovich 20393505
Overview • Lesson One • Use of GarageBand in discovering film conventions • Lesson Two • Creating a PowerPoint to accompany a students’ presentation to a class. • Lesson Three • Using Microsoft Word to provide peer feedback to student presentations.
Outcomes • Technology and Enterprise > Technology Process > Students apply a technology process to create or modify products, processes, systems, services or environments to meet human needs and realise opportunities. • - Technology and Enterprise > Information > Students design, adapt, use and present information that is appropriate to achieving solutions to technology challenges. • - Technology and Enterprise > Technology Skills > Students apply organisational, operational and manipulative skills appropriate to using, developing and adapting technologies. • Additional Outcomes • Lesson One: -nil • Lesson Two: English > Speaking and Listening > Students listen with purpose, understanding and critical awareness in a wide range of situations. Students speak with purpose and effect in a wide range of contexts. • English > Writing > Students write for a range of purposes and in a range of forms using conventions appropriate to audience, purpose and context. • Lesson Three: English > Speaking and Listening > Students listen with purpose, understanding and critical awareness in a wide • range of situations. Students speak with purpose and effect in a wide range of contexts. • English > Writing > Students write for a range of purposes and in a range of forms using conventions appropriate to audience, purpose and context.
Lesson One Description of Lesson • Using Apple GarageBand, students are required to demonstrate how a director uses the use of music is a film to portray characters. • Time allocated: 50 minutes
Initial Sequence • First, students are to be shown a 10 minute excerpt from a movie of the teachers choice which uses music in order to portray a character to the audience. • Students must discuss the director’s intention in pairing the music heard to the initial interaction with the character • 15 minutes
Activity • Then, students will, using Apple GarageBand, create their own soundtrack that portrays the selected character in a different light. • For example, if the chosen character is portrayed as a hero in the original soundtrack, students must change this in order to portray the character as a villian. • 20 minutes
Review • The students’ work will then be paired with the clip on a projector in front of the class to see if the desired outcome has been reached • Students will be marked on their creativity, willingness to participate and effectiveness is creating an altered accompanying soundtrack. • 15 minutes
Reflection • If this lesson has been successful, students should be able to: • Recognise that music plays a part in the portrayal of characters in a film, not just the action on screen • Use Apple GarageBand effectively • Enjoy the lesson and become motivated
Lesson Two Description of Lesson • Using Microsoft PowerPoint, students are to create a slide presentation which is to accompany them as they deliver a 2 minute speech to their peers on a chosen topic. • Time allocated: 50 minutes
Initial Sequence • Distribute handout detailing basic functions of Microsoft PowerPoint. Students should be relatively familiar with PowerPoint as it has been frequently used in previous learning. • ACTIVITY. Students must now use this handout to create a 5-slide PowerPoint on a topic of their choice. The slideshow must show evidence of: • - Background colour • - Transitional effects • - Images and video • - Dot points • Ask students to submit their mini-slideshow into their folders in the public drive. • Select 3 students at random to then come to the front of the classroom and present their power point to the class.
Assessment • Students must use their plot synopsis from their homework from last lesson to design a slideshow that will accompany a two minute speech presented to the class. Use of images and video are recommended. Students must be aware that the purpose of a PowerPoint slideshow is not for all the information to be on it; just the key points. The slideshow is to accompany, not dominate the presentation. The presentations will occur next week and will be formally assessed.
Review • The student will be marked on their ability to create an effective PowerPoint presentation with the use of transitions, images and appropriate use of information • Students must not read exactly what is written on their PowerPoint. • 15 minutes
Reflection • At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: • Be fluent with Microsoft PowerPoint and its features • Outline the key parts in the article and present them accordingly • Have an improved speaking and listening skills
Lesson Three Description of Lesson Using Microsoft Word, students must provide peer feedback to student presentations. Time Allocated: 50 minutes
Initial Sequence • Give students time to prepare their presentations for later in the lesson. Students should all have a USB with their PowerPoint presentations accompanying them. • Firstly, tell class how today will be a chance for peer feedback as well as simply being a listener.
Activity • Students must now use the ‘Table’ feature on Microsoft Word to design a 2 column by 5 row table across a single page. The columns must be labelled ‘Student Name’ and ‘Feedback’. Students must use the ‘Insert rows below’ feature to add more rows for more students. Each student must write a one paragraph feedback sheet for each presenter.
Review • Student presentations will take place from here on • All remaining students must give feedback in their tables created. • Students must be aware that their feedback will be submitted and marked.
Reflection • At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: • Give confident feedback on a student presentation • Design a marking table using Microsoft Word • Understand more of the features of Microsoft Word • Gain an improved speaking and listening skill.