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“Moving Forward the Reform Agenda”

“Moving Forward the Reform Agenda”. 11 September 2008. FY 2009 Budget. Coverage Major Challenges Confronting Basic Education Thrusts and Strategies Proposed Budgets Priority Legislative Agenda. Presentation Outline. +. 12,304,207. +. 1,092,781. 5,126,459. +. 1,332,846. +.

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“Moving Forward the Reform Agenda”

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  1. “Moving Forward the Reform Agenda” 11 September 2008 FY 2009 Budget

  2. Coverage Major Challenges Confronting Basic Education Thrusts and Strategies Proposed Budgets Priority Legislative Agenda Presentation Outline

  3. + 12,304,207 + 1,092,781 5,126,459 + 1,332,846 + 19,856,293 = Coverage:88% of the total enrolment are in Public Schools 17.4M = 1 Central Office = 16 + 1 ARMM Regional Office = 195 Enrolment*, SY2007-2008 Schools Division Offices = 37,807 Public Elem. Schools 62% = 6,664 Private Elem. Schools 5% = 5,110 26% Public High Schools = 4,392 7% Private High Schools = 53,973 *Public Enrolment does not include SUCs data (Source: BEIS-SSM)

  4. Low readiness rate of Grade 1 entrants due to absence of preschool experience High cost of privately-provided preschool education Challenges:Preparing 5 Year- Olds for Formal Instruction

  5. Challenges:Increasing Participation by reaching the unschooled SY 2007-2008

  6. Challenges:Retaining those in school SY 1994-05 to SY 2007-08

  7. Challenges:Raising the proficiency level of those in school Grade 6 National Achievement Test, in MPS MPS-Mean Percentage Score

  8. 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Moving Closely Average Low Mastery Towards Approximating Mastered Mastery Mastery Mastery 8.18 49.17 38.72 3.92 SY 06-07 0 3.67 41.7 49.08 5.53 0.01 SY 07-08 Challenges:Raising the proficiency level of those in school

  9. Challenges:Increasing internal efficiency & effectiveness Key Performance Indicators, Public & Private, in % SY 2008-2009 Participation Rate is based on preliminary enrolment report

  10. Challenges:Increasing internal efficiency & effectiveness Key Performance Indicators from DepED Programs

  11. Challenges:Meeting the enrolment increases * * Public only ** Projected

  12. 2009 Estimated Requirements

  13. 2009 Estimated Requirements

  14. Challenges:Increase fundingin basic education N.B. The FY 2009 data refers to NEP level.

  15. Challenges:Increase fundingin basic education Average Share of Education Budget Per EDCOM Report of 19911960’s : 29% 1970’s : 11% 1980’s : 13% 1990’s : 13%

  16. Expanding opportunities for preschool education Increasing the number of DepED preschool classes Increasing resources for Service Contracting Scheme Providing financial assistance to PTCA-organized preschools Tightening standards for private preschools Increasing pupil participation by reaching the unschooled Strict implementation of “no collection” and “no uniform” policies Implementation of Distance Learning Program, Alternative Learning and Inclusive Education Implementation of Balik-Paaralan Para sa Out of School Youth and Adults (BP-OSA) Basic Madrasah Education Dropout Reduction Program Family Mapping Student Tracking System of the Child-Friendly School System Thrusts and Strategies

  17. 3. Raising the proficiency level of those in school On-going refinement of Basic Education Curriculum Every Child a Reader Program (ECARP) Project Turning Around Competency-Based Student Assessment 4. Focusing on human resource development Adoption of National Competency-Based Teacher Standard Certificate and Diploma programs for Non-Major Teachers Training Programs for English, Science and Math Teachers Training programs for Teaching Related and Non-Teaching Personnel Local and International Training Program/Scholarships 5. Improving the health and nutritional condition of school children Regular School Feeding Program Regular Medical and Dental Services to Students Thrusts and Strategies

  18. 6. Addressing crucial resource requirements Expansion of Education Service Contracting & Education Voucher System Rationalization of MOOE allocation to schools, divisions and regions Construction of classrooms, and provision of furniture, teachers, principal items and textbooks Optimizing various sources, including Official Development Assistance 7. Providing new resources for learning Provision of School Grant Additional MOOE for Specialized Schools Science and Tech-Voc Equipment, Laboratories and Workshops Computerization Program 8. Strengthen public-private partnership Adopt-A-School Program Brigada Eskwela Thrusts and Strategies

  19. Comparative Budget, 2008-2009 (P’000)

  20. Comparative Budget by Expense Type (P’000)

  21. Percent Share of PS, CO and MOOE to DepED Budget

  22. Trends in Personal Services, FY 2005-2009 PROPOSED NEP

  23. Trends in Capital Outlay and MOOE, FY 2005-2009(in PB) FY 2009 CO Proposed FY 2009 MOOE Proposed

  24. Priority Programs & Projects to address challenges

  25. Priority Programs & Projects to address challenges

  26. Priority Programs & Projects to address challenges

  27. Priority Programs and Projects to address challenges

  28. Legislative Agenda

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