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ending child hunger and undernutrition initiative overview of issues and moving forward Copenhagen, 19 June 2006. Session Overview. Overview of Initiative Where did it come from? What are its major elements? What’s new? What’s not? When will the Initiative be initiated?
ending child hungerand undernutritioninitiativeoverview of issuesand moving forward Copenhagen, 19 June 2006
Session Overview • Overview of Initiative • Where did it come from? • What are its major elements? • What’s new? What’s not? • When will the Initiative be initiated? • Major challenges moving forward • Field Highlights • Regional Level Political Mobilisation and Partnership Development in Latin America and the Caribbean • Partnering with Local Institutions for National Advocacy in India • Delivering the ‘essential package’ for child survival in Ethiopia • General Discussion • Global Campaign Efforts: Update on ‘Walk the World’
Initiative Reference Points • Agreed – MDG Targets and Indicators • Partnership with UNICEF • 2005 MOU between WFP and UNICEF • Shared conceptual framework • 30 country offices already collaborating on child hunger efforts • Key publications • Concept Note (WFP, UNICEF, World Bank) • Repositioning Nutrition as Central to Development, World Bank, 2006 • Progress for Children: A Report Card on Nutrition, UNICEF 2006 • Two Strategic Questions
1. why a specific focus on CHILD hunger? • major input and outcome synergies with other MDGs • less reliant than overall hunger on increased GDP and agricultural production for results • more subject to interventions focused on vulnerable children and their families
2. what is different now that makes this achievable? • increasing understanding of hunger, nutrition and growth • increasing national resources and capacities • financial • organizational and technical (e.g. in communications, media, and information networking) • civil society (e.g. improving gender equality and development) • increasing international assistance • increasing effectiveness and decreasing costs of information technology • global consensus on Millennium Declaration and Goals
MDG-1: two targets and five indicators Initiative target * Key Indicator for the Initiative Sources: 1. Progress for Children: A Report Card on Nutrition (UNICEF, 2006); 2. State of Food Insecurity in the World (FAO, 2004); 3. WFP working estimate
UNICEF and WFP: decades of partnership 1976MOU on consultation and exchange of information, joint action in assistance programmes, collaboration in development and nutrition policies and more. 1985Additional complementary parameters for cooperation on emergency response. 1998MOU on Emergency and Rehabilitation Interventions 1999Technical Agreement on Field Telecommunications, Global Coordination and Mutual Assistance 2001Technical Agreement for Logistics Co-operation 2005MOU with Technical Matrices on Education, HIV/AIDS and Nutrition
‘Agreed’ Hunger Definition • In the most fundamental sense, hunger exists when a person’s body lacks the required nutrients to grow and develop a productive, active and healthy life • It cannot be measured directly but the most appropriate way for monitoring progress on child is underweight.
Direct Contributors Disease prevention control Adequate dietary intake Access to adequate food Care for mothers and children Access to essential health services and a healthy environment Intermediate Contributors Appropriate education Formal and non-formal institutions Underlying Contributors Political, economic and cultural environment Potential resources Healthy growthfor children in society Healthy Growth Adapted from: “Strategy for Improved Nutrition of Children and Women in Developing Countries.” New York: UNICEF, 1990.
Major elements of the Initiative • mapping children at risk • ‘delivery system’ and interventions • ongoing costing and resource tracking • communications strategy for advocacy • accountability framework
mapping children at risk:micro-level targeting and implications for geographic focus
Distribution of Underweight Children in Latin America(Children per square kilometre) Source: Millennium Project Hunger Task Force: Halving hunger: it can be done, 2005
Distribution of Underweight Children in Asia(Children per square kilometre) Source: Millennium Project Hunger Task Force: Halving hunger: it can be done, 2005
Regional distribution of underweight children Latin America & Caribbean (3%) Central & Eastern Europe and CIS (1%) Middle East, North Africa (6%) East Asia/Pacific (15%) Eastern/Southern Africa (11%) West/Central Africa (12%) South Asia (53%) Source: UNICEF, Progress for children. Number 4, May 2006, Page2.
Distribution of Underweight Children in Africa(Children per square kilometre) Half of the approx. 32 million underweight children in Africa live in 22 percent of its geographic area – corresponding to less than 10 percent of its sub-national administrative units Source: Millennium Project Hunger Task Force: Halving hunger: it can be done, 2005
Distribution in 144 Countriesof underweight children Source: Calculated from Millennium Project Hunger Task Force: Halving hunger: it can be done, 2005
Ranking by global share of underweight children Source: UNICEF, 2006. The State of the World’s Children. Compiled from Table 2 and Table 6.
Ranking by prevalence of underweight children Source: UNICEF, 2006. The State of the World’s Children. Compiled from Table 2 and Table 6.
Low prevalence countries global distribution
High prevalence countries -5S -4S global distribution
Implications for Geographic focusof the Initiative • Global focus for advocacy, policy development and monitoring • efforts in 4-8 ‘large’ countriesfocused on technical collaboration projects in the 15-25 States/Provinces with the majority of underweight children • efforts in 10-20 ‘high prevalence’ countriesfocused on national program development and broad-based operations • efforts in 40-50 ‘moderate prevalence’ countriesefforts focused on highly targeted operations
Connecting children at risk to community support organizations • Map areas of high undernutrition • Identify potential outreach partners • Identify support organizations • Strengthen linkages between outreach partners and support organisations
A ‘live’ mapping and monitoring system is required to support partners in addressing child hunger …including: • Administrative boundaries, village locations, census blocks, population estimates • Health facility locations, schools, water supply • Linked databases for intervention monitoring • Partner intervention areas
Implications for levels of programming and targeting MDG deadline: 2015 global ensure the sustainable supply of affordable health and nutrition commodities and the delivery of increased financial resources macro integrate child health and nutrition needs into national policies, plans and budgets meso strengthen district and community health and nutrition systems; ensure access to water and sanitation micro:empower families to improve their health, . feeding and childcare practices
Available ‘Anti-Hunger’ Interventionsfor household and school level
Implications for programming priority: strengthen community capacity to assist families-in-need
Major components of Ending Child Hunger and Undernutrition Initiative 100 % Hunger Needs -
Essential Package Initiative interventions Complementary interventions • State & National Level • Micronutrient fortification • Ensure adequate diet • HIV prevention • Disease Control • Water and Sanitation • Household and School Level • Health and Nutrition Education(inc. breastfeeding and growth promotion) • Complementary, supplementary and therapeutic feeding • Micronutrient Supplementation (inc. Vit. A, Iron and prenatal vitamins) • Hygiene promotion • Household water treatment • Deworming • Primary and Secondary Education • ARI and Diarrhoea Treatment • Immunization • Birth spacing, safe motherhood and other reproductive health interventions
Summary of operational objectives: • map areas of high undernutrition • identify potential outreach partners • support linkages between key levels required to strengthen outreach capacityand deliver an essential package of interventions • leverage complementary interventions to the same geographic/demographic focus
Estimate 1: the cost of doing nothing • economic and social costs and consequences of 50 million child deaths by 2015 due to underlying hunger and undernutrition • prospects of achieving other MDGs is significantly jeopardized • higher costs of meeting other MDGs, to the extent that they can be met at all without addressing child hunger
The Cost of a ‘package’ of Household Level Interventions
Estimate 2: the cost of doing something: • country-specific cost estimates should form basis of global estimate • costing exercise should be related to model of Initiative inputs and outcomes • collaboration underway with academic and technical organisations and the World Bank to develop consensus on costing parameters • requires ongoing engagement of regional and country offices
Initial costing parameters • base initial costs on Initiative-specific interventions deliverable with existingcommunity infrastructure • phase in additional costs of interventions corresponding to anticipated expansion of infrastructure • consider limiting estimates to geographic areas corresponding to approximately 80% of undernourished children • consider givinghigher priority to interventions for children under five • include estimates to strengthen technical and managerial capacities for: • monitoring and evaluation • intervention adaptation and implementation • community organization development
communications strategy for advocacy:to mobilise political, financial and other resources
Advocacy Objectives • increase awareness and understanding of needs, opportunities and solutions • with an enhanced evidence base and metrics • strengthen national policies and programmes • with country-to-country exchange of experience and the promotion of the ‘Three Ones’ in country • mobilise adequate resources
Advocacy partnership approach • create shared ‘brand’, campaign entity and strategy • build a broad partnership that will create urgency and maximize outreach – all speaking in a ‘common voice’ • keep children and their families at the centre of the message • maximize linkages with other relevant campaigns at global and national level, e.g.: • Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health • International Alliance Against Hunger • Unite for Children Unite Against AIDS • Education for All
Major audiences (potential partners) • policymakers in both developing and industrialized countries including parliamentarians • donors and foundations • faith-based organizations • other international and national civil society NGOs • private sector – WEF Regional Process • opinion leaders and the media • technical and professional organisations • goodwill ambassadors and ‘champions’ • UN agencies
accountability framework:clarifying roles and responsibilities for WFP/UNICEF units and external partners
Initiative accountability: country level • oneagreed action framework that provides the basis for coordinating the work of all partners; • onenational coordinating authority, with a broad based multi-sector mandate; and • one agreed country-level monitoring and evaluation system
Initiative accountability: regional level Country-to-country experience exchange for: • Political Mobilisation • Partner Mobilisation • Technical Collaboration Partnerships • mapping • social marketing • monitoring and evaluation • costing and resource tracking
Initiative accountability: global level • annual global reporting of results through adaptation of Progress for Children: A Report Card on Nutrition • regular joint reports to Executive Boards of WFP and UNICEF on Initiative progress against milestones • explicit integration with WFP and UNICEF Strategic Plans • integrated workplansacross WFP and UNICEF units with implementation support responsibilities • related workplans of Partners Group membersto be compiled, monitored and updated annually
‘Light’ Global Level Partnership Process • Inclusive Partnership Group with sub-groups for civil society and NGOs, technical collaborators, UN agencies, the private sector, donors, and governments • Steering Group of limited size co-chaired by UNICEF and WFP Executive Directors • UNICEF-WFP Initiative Team to serve as secretariat to Steering Group and Partners Group – including for workplan development and monitoring
Major challenges moving forward • commitment to the goal • common organisational context withrespect to mandate: • bring hunger issues to the centre of the international agenda • advocate policies, strategies and operations that directly benefit the hungry poor • clarity of purpose and role in the Initiative • capacity and confidence • openness to change • internal and external collaboration • (cash)