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Estimating the Cost of Operations

Two candidates for the best logical query plan. How to estimate costs without executing the query. Rules and examples for estimating sizes of tuples in relations using selection and natural join operations.

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Estimating the Cost of Operations

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  1. Estimating the Cost of Operations

  2. Two candidates for the best logical query plan. Which one to choose? Initial logical query plan Why estimate the costs?

  3. Estimating Costs • How can we estimate the number of tuples in an intermediate relation? • We don’t want to execute the query in order to learn the costs. So, we need to estimate them. Rules about estimation formulas: • Give (somehow) accurate estimates • Easy to compute

  4. Projection • The size of a projection is the only one we can compute exactly. • Projection  retains duplicates, so the number of tuples in the result is the same as in the input. • Result tuples are usually shorter than the input tuples.

  5. Selection Let S = A=c (R) We can estimate the size of the result as T(S) = T(R) / V(R,A) Let S = A<c (R) On average, T(S) would be T(R)/2, but more properly: T(R)/3 Let S = Ac (R), Then, an estimate is: T(S) = T(R) * [ (V(R,A)-1)/V(R,A) ], or simply T(S) = T(R)

  6. Selection ... Let S = C AND D(R) = C(D(R)) First estimate T(D(R)) and then use this to estimate T(S). Example S = a=10 ANDb<20(R) T(R) = 10,000, V(R,a) = 50 T(S) = (1/50)* (1/3) * T(R) = 67 Note: Watch for selections like: a=10 AND a>20(R)

  7. Selection ... • Let S = C OR D(R). • Simple estimate: T(S) = T(C(R)) + T(D(R)). • Problem: It’s possible that T(S)T(R)! A more accurate estimate • Let: • T(R)=n, • m1 = size of selection on C, and • m2 = size of selection on D. • Then T(S) = n(1-(1-m1/n)(1-m2/n))Why? • Example: S = a=10 OR b<20(R). T(R) = 10,000, V(R,a) =50 • Simple estimation: T(S) = 3533 • More accurate: T(S) = 3466

  8. Natural Join R(X,Y) S(Y,Z) • Anything could happen! Extremes • No tuples join T(R S) = 0 • All tuples join: i.e. R.Y=S.Y = a T(R S) = T(R)*T(S)

  9. Two Assumptions • Containment of value sets • If V(R,Y) ≤V(S,Y), then every Y-value in R is assumed to occur as a Y-value in S • When such thing can happen? • For example when: Y is foreign key in R, and key in S • Preservation of set values • If A is an attribute of R but not S, then it is assumed that • V(R S, A)=V(R, A) • This may be violated when there are dangling tuples in R • There is no violation when: Y is foreign key in R, and key in S

  10. Natural Join size estimation • Let, R(X,Y) and S(Y,Z), and suppose Y is a single attribute. • What’s the size of T(R S)? • Let r be a tuple in R and s be a tuple in S. What’s the probability that r and s join? • Suppose V(R,Y)  V(S,Y) • By the containment of set values we infer that: • Every Y’s value in R appears in S. • So, the tuple r of R surely is going match with some tuples of S, but what’s the probability it matches with s? • It’s 1/V(S,Y). So, T(S)/V(S,Y) tuples of S would match with tuple r. • Hence, T(R S) = T(R)*T(S)/V(S,Y) • By a similar reasoning, for the case when V(S,Y)  V(R,Y), we get • T(R S) = T(R)*T(S)/V(R,Y). • Summarizing we have as an estimate: • T(R S) = T(R)*T(S)/max{V(R,Y),V(S,Y)}

  11. T(R S) = T(R)*T(S)/max{V(R,Y),V(S,Y)} • Example: • R(a,b), T(R)=1000, V(R,b)=20 • S(b,c), T(S)=2000, V(S,b)=50, V(S,c)=100 • U(c,d), T(U)=5000, V(U,c)=500 • Estimate the size of R  S U • T(R S) = • 1000*2000 / 50 = 40,000 • T((R S)U) = • 40000 * 5000 / 500 = 400,000 • T(S U) = • 20,000 • T(R (S U)) = • 1000*20000 / 50 = 400,000 • Equality of results is not a coincidence. • Note 1: estimate of final result should not depend on the evaluation order • Note 2:intermediate results could be of different sizes

  12. Natural join with multiple join attrib. • R(x,y1,y2)  S(y1,y2,z) • T(R  S) = T(R)*T(S)/m1*m2, where m1 = max{V(R,y1),V(S,y1)} m2 = max{V(R,y2),V(S,y2)} • Why? • Let r be a tuple in R and s be a tuple in S. What’s the probability that r and s agree on y1? • From the previous reasoning, it’s 1/max{V(R,y1),V(S,y1)} = 1/m1 • Similarly, what’s the probability that r and s agree on y2? • It’s 1/max{V(R,y2),V(S,y2)} = 1/m2 • Assuming that agreements on y1 and y2 are independent we estimate: • T(R S) = T(R)*T(S)/ m1*m2 • Example: • T(R)=1000, V(R,b)=20, V(R,c)=100 • T(S)=2000, V(S,d)=50, V(S,e)=50 • R(a,b,c) R.b=S.d AND R.c=S.e S(d,e,f) • T(R  S) = (1000*2000)/(50*100)=400

  13. Another example: (one of the previous) • R(a,b), T(R)=1000, V(R,b)=20 • S(b,c), T(S)=2000, V(S,b)=50, V(S,c)=100 • U(c,d), T(U)=5000, V(U,c)=500 • Estimate the size of R  S U • Observe that R  S U = (R U)  S • T(R  U) = • 1000*5000 = 5,000,000 • Note that the number of b’s in the product is 20 (=V(R,b)), and the number of c’s is 500 (=V(U,c)). • T((R U)S) = • 5,000,000 * 2000 / (50 * 500) = 400,000

  14. Size estimates for other operations Cartesian product: T(R S) = T(R) * T(S) Bag Union: sum of sizes Set union: larger + half the smaller. Why? Because a set union can be as large as the sum of sizes or as small as the larger of the two arguments. Something in the middle is suggested. Intersection: half the smaller. Why? Because intersection can be as small as 0 or as large as the sizes of the smaller. Something in the middle is suggested. Difference: T(R-S) = T(R) - 1/2*T(S) Because the result can be between T(R) and T(R)-T(S). Something in the middle is suggested.

  15. Size estimates for other operations Duplicate elimination in (R(a1,...,an)): The size ranges from 1 to T(R). T((R))= V(R,[a1...an]), if available (but usually not available). Otherwise: T((R))= min[V(R,a1)*...*V(R,an), 1/2*T(R)] is suggested. Why? V(R,a1)*...*V(R,an) is the upper limit on the number of distinct tuples that could exist 1/2*T(R) is because the size can be as small as 1 or as big as T(R) Grouping and Aggregation: similar to , but only with respect to grouping attributes.

  16. Computing the statistics • Computation of statistics is triggered automatically or manually. • T(R)’s, and V(R,A)’s are just aggregation queries (COUNT queries). • However, they are expensive to be computed.

  17. Incremental computation of statistics • Maintaining T(R): • Add 1 for every insertion and subtract 1 for every deletion. • What’s the problem? • If there is a B-Tree on any attribute of R, then: • Just keep track of the B-Tree blocks and infer the approximate size of the relation. • Requires effort only when? • On B-Tree changes, which is relative rare compared with the rate of insertions and deletions.

  18. Incremental computation of statistics • Maintaining V(R,A): • If there is an index on attribute A of a relation R, then: • On insert into R, we must find the A-value for the new tuple in the index anyway, and so we can determine whether there is already such a value for A. If not increment V(R,A). • On deletion… • If there isn’t an index on A, the system could in effect create a rudimentary index by keeping a data structure (e.g. B-Tree) that holds every value of A. • Final option: Sample the relation.

  19. 4 7 rest Most frequent values Histograms 1-2 3-4 4-5 6-7 8-9 Equal width Advantage: more accurate estimate of the join size.

  20. Example (freq. values histogram) Estimate U = R(a,b)  S(b,c) V(R,b) = 14. Histogram for R.b: 0:150, 1:200, 5:100, rest: 550 V(S,b) = 13. Histogram for S.b: 0:100, 1:80, 2:70, rest: 250 • Tuples in U • on 0: • 100*150 = 15,000 • on 1: • 200*80 = 16,000 • on 2: • 70 * (550/(14-3)) = 3500 • on 5: • 100 * (250/(13-3)) = 2500 • on the 9 other values: • 9*(550/11)*(250/10) = 9*1250 We have 9 values, because V(S,b)<V(R,b), and by the preservation of value sets assumption, all the 9 values we didn’t consider yet in S, will be in R as well. Total T(U) = 15000 + 16000 + 3500 + 2500 + 9*1250 = 48,250 Simple estimate (equal occurrence assumption) T(U) = 1000*500/14 = 35,714

  21. Example (equal width histogram) • Schemas: Jan(day,temp) July(day,temp) • Query: Find the pairs of days in Jan and Jul that had the same temperature. SELECT Jan.day, July.day FROM Jan, July WHERE Jan.temp=July.temp; • Size of join of each band is T1*T2/Width • On band 40-49: 10*5/10 = 5 • On band 50-59: 5*20/10 = 10 • size of the result is thus 5+10 = 15 • Without using the histogram we would estimate the size as • 245*245/100 = 600 !!

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