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Adult Training Requirements and Opportunities

Adult Training Requirements and Opportunities. BSA Adult Training Continuum. Joining. Basic. Supplemental. Advanced. Joining Training. Youth Protection Training All registered adults and MB counselors Recommended for all adults Accessed through my.scouting.org. Basic Training.

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Adult Training Requirements and Opportunities

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  1. Adult Training Requirements and Opportunities

  2. BSA Adult Training Continuum Joining Basic Supplemental Advanced

  3. Joining Training • Youth Protection Training • All registered adults and MB counselors • Recommended for all adults • Accessed through my.scouting.org

  4. Basic Training • Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters • SM/ASM Position-Specific Training • Intro to Outdoor Leader Skills • Hazardous Weather • Committee Members • Troop Committee Challenge • Merit Badge Counselors • Charter Organization Representative • CoR Training

  5. SM/ASM Position Specific • Available online or in-person • What is covered? • Program Basics including aims and methods • What are the Scoutmaster/ASM roles • Patrol Method • Meetings • Planning • Resources

  6. Introduction to Oudoor Leader Skills • Only available in person • Typically 1 ½ days – including overnight • Opportunity to learn and practice skills your scouts will learn up to 1st class rank • Opportunity to practice the patrol method • Ropes, map & compass, cooking, packing, hiking techniques, plant & animal identification, etc…

  7. Hazardous Weather • Only available through Scouting U. (online) • Review various hazardous weather conditions you might encounter on scouting activities

  8. Troop Committee Challenge • All committee members should take • Offered online or in person • Great to do as part of a committee meeting • Covers the roles and responsibilities of the committee, aims and methods, the chartered organization

  9. Merit Badge Counselor • Available online or in-person • Covers advancement and how it works • Roles and responsibilities of various groups within scouting and how they relate to advancement

  10. Chartered Organization Representative • Available online or in-person • Helps CORs understand their role, responsibilities, and rights

  11. Why Get Position Trained? • Program standardization/baseline • Policy awareness • Resource awareness • Opportunity to meet other leaders • Share ideas for program

  12. Supplemental Training • Outings often require additional program specific or safety trainings • CPR/First-Aid • Drive Safely • Swimming – Safe Swim Defense • Boating – Safety Afloat • Climbing – Climb On Safely

  13. SupplementalTraining • High Adventure/Back Country activities have their own set of trainings • Trek On Safely • Offered online • BCOLS (Back Country Outdoor Leader Skills) • 2 weekend training • Wilderness First Aid • Council organized, often at Camp Snyder

  14. Supplemental Training • Certain activities/merit badges require adults with specific qualifications. You can enhance your programs by having certified adults in your troop • Swimming/Lifesaving -- Lifeguards • Canoeing -- BSA Aquatics Instructor or Certified Canoeing Instructor • Shooting -- certified BSA national shooting sports director or National Rifle Association firearms instructor • Archery – USA archery instructor, BSA certification • Scuba – Divemaster required

  15. Supplemental Training • Roundtable • Fundamentals of Training • Trainer’s EDGE • Scoutcast • University of Scouting • Commissioner’s College • Scouting University (online portal)

  16. Supplemental Training • National Training Conferences • Training opportunities for many different aspects of the program • Often geared towards District and Council operations – but not exclusive! • Philmont Training Center • Florida Sea Base Conference Center • Summit at Bechtel • John D. Tickle National Training and Leadership Center • Tillerson Leadership Center • J.W. Marriot Leadership Center (coming 2020)

  17. Advanced Training • Woodbadge • Two 3-day-weekends • All registered leaders are encouraged to attend • Offers leadership training similar to corporate leadership trainings • Models a month in the life of a troop • Models the patrol method • Provides goals for bettering your unit • Opportunity to meet many other local scouters

  18. Advanced Training • Leadership Challenge • Week long outdoor, experiential course • Builds on concepts taught in Wood Badge • Builds on concept of servant leadership • Taught at Philmont and Summit

  19. Advanced Training • Powder Horn • Introduces high adventure activity opportunities • Hands-on (you go scuba diving, rock climbing, etc…) • Connections with local businesses/consultants who can help with high adventure

  20. Advanced Training • Kodiak Challenge • 6 day trek-based course • Meant for older scouts, venture scouts, and adult scouters • Challenge participants with activities outside of comfort zone • Implement leadership skills learned in other training courses • Can be done at the unit level

  21. Youth Training Joining Basic Supplemental Advanced Introduction To Leadership Training For Troops National Youth Leadership Training National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience

  22. Questions Now go get trained!

  23. Questions?

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