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Kidztown Adult Training. Unit: Jesus’ Early Ministry – September 2014. Unit: Jesus’ Early Ministry. Week 1 : Jesus Met Nicodemus (John 3:1-21) Week 2 Jesus and John the Baptist (John 3:22-36) Week 3: Jesus Met a Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-26) Week 4: Rejection at Nazareth
KidztownAdult Training Unit: Jesus’ Early Ministry – September 2014
Unit: Jesus’ Early Ministry • Week 1 : Jesus Met Nicodemus (John 3:1-21) • Week 2 Jesus and John the Baptist (John 3:22-36) • Week 3: Jesus Met a Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-26) • Week 4: Rejection at Nazareth (Luke 4:16-30) Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus Met Nicodemus • Who is Nicodemus? • Pharisee (John 3:1) – • very difficult to explain their origins or paint with a broad brush • by NT times recognized as religious leaders Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Josephus writes, “extremely influential among the townsfolk; and all prayers and sacred rites of divine worship are performed according to their exposition. This is the great tribute that the inhabitants of the cities, by practicing the highest ideal both in their way of living and in their discourse, have paid to the excellence of the Pharisees” (Antiquities 18.15) Walter A. Elwell and Philip Wesley Comfort, Tyndale Bible Dictionary (Tyndale reference library; Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2001), 1027. Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus Met Nicodemus • Who is Nicodemus? • Pharisee (John 3:1) – • very difficult to explain their origins or paint with a broad brush • by NT times recognized as religious leaders • Committed to a two-fold notion of the Law1 • the written Torah (basically the Pentateuch), and • the oral Torah (the traditions of rabbinic teaching) Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
“These traditions, which sought to regulate the lives of the people before God, became more and more detailed over the course of time and were eventually brought together and written down as a single document, the Mishnah (dated c. ad 210). Somewhere in its development the view arose that the oral law itself had been given by God to Moses and thus shared divine authority with the Scriptures.”2 Walter A. Elwell and Philip Wesley Comfort, Tyndale Bible Dictionary (Tyndale reference library; Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2001), 1027. Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus Met Nicodemus • Who is Nicodemus? • Pharisee (John 3:1) – • very difficult to explain their origins or paint with a broad brush • by NT times recognized as religious leaders • Committed to a two-fold notion of the Law • the written Torah (basically the Pentateuch), and • the oral Torah (the traditions of rabbinic teaching) • Member of the Sanhedrin (3:1) – supreme judicial council with 71 members located in Jerusalem3 Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus Met Nicodemus • Who is Nicodemus? • Pharisee (John 3:1) – • very difficult to explain their origins or paint with a broad brush • by NT times recognized as religious leaders • Committed to a two-fold notion of the Law • the written Torah (basically the Pentateuch), and • the oral Torah (the traditions of rabbinic teaching) • Member of the Sanhedrin (3:1) – supreme judicial council with 71 members, located in Jerusalem • Seeker – “this man came to Him” . . . “unless God is with him” (3:2) Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus Met Nicodemus • Who is Nicodemus? • Fearful – he came to Jesus “by night” (John 3:2)4 • Humble – questioning, receiving rebukes • Moments of Bravery – John 7: 50-51; 19:39-415 • Is the working of miracles proof someone is sent from God? (3:2) • The magicians of Pharaoh (Ex 7:11-12, 22; 8:7) • Satan and his minions (2 Cor 11:11-13) • The antichrist (2 Thess 2:9) • Solution: test the spirits (1 John 4:1-3)6 Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus Met Nicodemus • Can the unregenerate mind believe in Jesus for eternal life? (3:3) “Truly, truly” or “Amen, amen” or “Verily, verily” (1 Cor 2:14)7 • Nicodemus proves his lost state by his question (3:4). He cannot “see the kingdom of God.” • What does it mean to be “born again”? (3:5-8) • Born of water8 and • Spirit Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus Met Nicodemus • Nicodemus still doesn’t get it (3:9) • He should’ve known Ezek 36:24-27 as “the teacher of Israel” (3:10) • Whatever Nicodemus and the Sanhedrin thought they knew of Jesus (3:2), it obviously wasn’t the whole picture (3:11-12) • No one can know heavenly things except the One who’s been there (3:13) • Jesus relates what’s necessary for salvation to an OT type (Num 21:4-9; John 3:14-15) • God’s love for mankind explained (3:16-18)9 Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus Met Nicodemus “’Eternal,’ the new life God gives, refers not solely to the duration of existence but also to the quality of life as contrasted with futility. It is a deepening and growing experience. It can never be exhausted in any measurable span of time, but it introduces a totally new quality of life. The believer becomes imperishable; he is free from all condemnation, he is approved by God.” Merrill C. Tenney, John, in The Expositors Bible Commentary: John and Acts (ed. Frank E. Gaebelein; vol. 9; Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1981), 950. Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus Met Nicodemus • Judgment defined (3:19-21) God has provided illumination to all mankind of what He requires for salvation: the acceptance of the life of Jesus in place of their own (see John 1:4-5). Unfortunately, most reject this ultimatum because they desire to do what they love – evil. Therefore they steer clear of Jesus. Those who accept the terms of the Father are drawn to the life of Jesus and desire the manifestation of the truth which they have accepted (their good deeds) should be made evident to all as proof of God’s work within them. Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus Met Nicodemus Truth for today.—”It is plain that God desires a relationship, not mere obedience to commandments. Like a father, he wants a loving trust, not fear. When any person exercises that faith in Christ, the resulting life can only be described as having come from ‘being born all over again.’” J. P. Allen, John, in The Teachers Bible Commentary (ed. H. Franklin Paschall and Herschel H. Hobbs; Nashville: Broadman and Holman Publishers, 1972), 669 Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus and John the Baptist • Jesus heads for the countryside to teach and baptize (3:22)1 Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus and John the Baptist • Jesus heads for the countryside to teach and baptize (3:22) • John “also” is in Aenon baptizing “because there was much water there” (3:23)2 • Prior to John’s arrest, he and Jesus preached and baptized in the same district (3:24) • An argument between a Jew and John’s disciples over purification raises a potentially embarrassing fact for John (3:25-26)3 Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus and John the Baptist • John bears witness of Jesus (3:27-36) • Our role in God’s kingdom comes to us from God Himself (27) • John understood his role and made it clear to everyone (28) • John rejoiced in the role God gave him (29) • Understanding his role, John anticipated and accepted his loss of notoriety (30) because – • Jesus spoke of heavenly things being from heaven (31) • God entrusted all things into Jesus’ hands (32-35) • Only Jesus has the words of eternal life (36)4 Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus and John the Baptist Truth for today.—”Perhaps the concluding part of this chapter should suggest a related truth. After birth, comes growth and maturity. That is as much a part of God’s plan as is the first step of spiritual rebirth. John the Baptist reflected that maturity when he was able to conquer the jealousy others suggested to him in Jesus’ popularity (v. 26). It takes a man, not an infant, to say, ‘He must increase, but I must decrease’” (v. 30). J. P. Allen, John, in The Teachers Bible Commentary (ed. H. Franklin Paschall and Herschel H. Hobbs; Nashville: Broadman and Holman Publishers, 1972), 670. Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus Met a Samaritan Woman • Jesus moves His ministry to Galilee (4:1-3)1 Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus Met a Samaritan Woman • Jesus moves His ministry to Galilee (4:1-3)1 • Jesus “had to pass through Samaria.” (4:4)2 Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Sychar Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus Met a Samaritan Woman • Jesus moves His ministry to Galilee (4:1-3)1 • Jesus “had to pass through Samaria.” (4:4)2 • Jesus stops in Sychar for water (4:5-6)3 • Jesus meets a Samaritan woman (4:7-26) • Elements for a great encounter (4:7-9) • A man at a well at mid day • A Jewish man at a well at mid day in Samaria • A Jewish rabbi at a well at mid day in Samaria • A Jewish rabbi at a well at mid day speaking to a woman in Samaria • A Jewish rabbi at a well at mid day speaking to a Samaritan woman in Samaria Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus Met a Samaritan Woman • Jesus elevates the conversation (4:10-14) • Jesus’ first reply attempts to move from the physical to spiritual realm (4:10) • The woman doesn’t make the spiritual leap (4:11-12)4 • Jesus’ second reply attempts to explain the difference in “waters” to which He’s referring (4:13-14)5 • The woman still doesn’t get it (4:15) • Jesus reveals His identity (4:16-26) • Jesus’ third reply forces the woman to realize she’s dealing with someone sent from God (4:16-18) • Now the woman realizes Jesus knows exactly who she is and abruptly steers the conversation away from herself (4:19-20) Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus Met a Samaritan Woman • Jesus elevates the conversation (4:10-14) • Jesus’ first reply attempts to move from the physical to spiritual realm (4:10) • The woman doesn’t make the spiritual leap (4:11-12)4 • Jesus’ second reply attempts to explain the difference in “waters” to which He’s referring (4:13-14)5 • The woman still doesn’t get it (4:15) • Jesus reveals His identity (4:16-26) • Jesus’ third reply forces the woman to realize she’s dealing with someone sent from God (4:16-18)6 • Now the woman realizes Jesus knows exactly who she is and abruptly steers the conversation away from herself (4:19-20)7 Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus Met a Samaritan Woman • Jesus’ fourth reply seizes upon the woman’s growing spiritual realization (4:21-24)8 • The woman now suspects (I think) Jesus isn’t just any prophet (4:25) • Jesus confirms her suspicion (4:26) for this was the reason “He had to pass through Samaria.” (4:4) Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Jesus Met a Samaritan Woman Truth for today.—”Another note is sounded by . . . the . . . narrative[ ] in chapter 4. It is the importance of invitation. The Samaritans ‘asked him to stay with them; and he stayed there two days’ (v. 40, RSV). . . . Jesus was able to do his work because he was accepted. In contrast, remember how on another occasion men begged Jesus to leave their territory (Mark 5:17). He did. But after all, this was the condition stated in John 1:12. God’s gifts are always ‘to all who received him” (RSV). They still are.’” J. P. Allen, John, in The Teachers Bible Commentary (ed. H. Franklin Paschall and Herschel H. Hobbs; Nashville: Broadman and Holman Publishers, 1972), 670-671. Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Rejection at Nazareth Jesus has finished his Judean ministry and now turns His attention northward to Galilee for ministry. (4:14) The opposition of the Jerusalem leadership has minimal impact the further He travels from there. Now He’s riding a wave of popularity. (4:15) Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Rejection at Nazareth • Nazareth, Jesus’ home (4:16) • “where He had been brought up” (4:4) • “Is this not Joseph’s son”? (4:22) • First century synagogue tradition (4:16-20) • Every Sabbath 7 people read: a priest, a Levite, & 5 ordinary Israelites (4:16-17)1 • ”the attendant” (4:20)2 • Jesus “sat down” (4:20)3 Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Rejection at Nazareth • Nazareth, Jesus’ home (4:16) • “where He had been brought up” (4:4) • “Is this not Joseph’s son”? (4:22) • First century synagogue tradition (4:16-20) • Every Sabbath 7 people read: a priest, a Levite, & 5 ordinary Israelites (4:16-17)1 • ”the attendant” (4:20)2 • Jesus “sat down” (4:20)3 • Jesus’ scripture choice (4:18-19) • Isaiah 61:1-2a4 • “the favorable year of the Lord” Jubilee5 Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Rejection at Nazareth • What’s missing – judgment6 • Jesus’ teaching in the synagogue (4:21-30) • Jesus proclaims He’s the fulfillment of the prophecy; i.e., the Messiah (4:21) • Was Jesus’ audience glad or mad? (4:22)7 • Jesus anticipates the crowd’s response of “prove it to us!” (4:23)8 • Jesus anticipates the crowd’s rejection (4:24-27)9 • The people reject their Messiah (4:28-30) Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.
Rejection at Nazareth Truth for today.—”The fact that a person has dedicated his life to God does not mean that he has won the battle over evil. A person may decide to follow God’s call to be a preacher or a missionary. But he must always struggle with the question: What kind of preacher? What kind of missionary? The desire for popularity, for success, for acceptance are strong pressures that may operate against God’s purposes for our lives. The decision to be true to God often means that the believer must face misunderstanding, contempt, and rejection. It was certainly true with Jesus.” Malcolm O. Tolbert, Luke, in The Teachers Bible Commentary (ed. H. Franklin Paschall and Herschel H. Hobbs; Nashville: Broadman and Holman Publishers, 1972), 640. Unit Christ Connection: Jesus was revealed as the fulfillment of Scripture, the promised Savior.