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Market Trials DAM/RUC/SASM. Weekly Update. June 18, 2010. Antitrust Admonition. ANTITRUST ADMONITION
Market TrialsDAM/RUC/SASM Weekly Update June 18, 2010 http://nodal.ercot.com 1
Antitrust Admonition ANTITRUST ADMONITION ERCOT strictly prohibits Market Participants and their employees who are participating in ERCOT activities from using their participation in ERCOT activities as a forum for engaging in practices or communications that violate the antitrust laws. The ERCOT Board has approved guidelines for members of ERCOT Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups to be reviewed and followed by each Market Participant attending ERCOT meetings. If you have not received a copy of these Guidelines, copies are available at the Client Relations desk. Please remember your ongoing obligation to comply with all applicable laws, including the antitrust laws. DISCLAIMER All presentations and materials submitted by Market Participants or any other Entity to ERCOT staff for this meeting are received and posted with the acknowledgement that the information will be considered public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Operating Procedure. http://nodal.ercot.com 2
Agenda • DAM/ RUC/SASM summary • QSE Activities for Next Week • General Reminders/Updates • Environment Report • Outages • Known Issues • Question and Answers / General Discussion • Appendix ERCOT asks that Market Participants log into the WebEx session using their company name and then their name. This will allow ERCOT to take roll-call offline. http://nodal.ercot.com 3
Market Trials 2010 Roadmap http://nodal.ercot.com 4
Follow up on Operating Day 6/10 Follow up from last week - High LZ_South prices • SPP at LZ_SOUTH was due to a 69 KV constraint which only can be resolved by clearing less LZ_SOUTH bids, which are cleared at a higher price. • binding constraint VICTORIA to N_VICT 69 KV under contingency SVICMAG9 • no settlement point behind N_VICT and only the load behind the line can solve this constraint. DAM does not control the individual physical load so that constraint can only be resolved by bids in LZ_SOUTH. http://nodal.ercot.com 5
Submission Overview for Monday June 14 DAM submission overview • 216 QSEs participated for Op Day 6/15 • Energy Bids in the range of 46,626 to 89,338 MW per hour • Cleared 32,720 to 48,832 MW energy per hr • Cleared 1,007 to 3,835 PTP bids per hr • Four major Load Zone prices ranged from $30.33 to $139.18 http://nodal.ercot.com 6
Submission Overview for Tuesday June 15 DAM submission overview • 190 QSEs participated for Op Day 6/16 • Energy Bids in the range of 46,586 to 91,277 MW per hour • Cleared 36,072 to 52,523 MW energy per hr • Cleared 1,402 to 4,059 PTP bids per hr • Four major Load Zone prices ranged from $25.98 to $138.32 http://nodal.ercot.com 7
Scenario Overview for Tuesday June 15 http://nodal.ercot.com 8 • Operational Scenario: DAM AS insufficiency. The insufficiencies were passed to DRUC to procure the insufficient AS. • DAM publish was delayed due to the work required to simulate the AS insufficiency – data and configurations had to be manipulated for the scenario • In DRUC, operators selected units to procure the insufficient AS. • Neglected to include the AS MW quantity in the reason field • Also, two displays must be updated by the operator to ensure that the award reports go out properly and this was not done in all cases. Only one QSE received their DRUC awards for AS procurement • This scenario will be repeated in August
Submission Overview for Wednesday June 16 Submission overview • 216 QSEs participated for Op Day 6/17 • Energy Bids in the range of 47,481 to 94,919 MW per hour • Cleared 33,726 to 51,971 MW energy per hr • Cleared 2,211 to 4,473 PTP bids per hr • Four major Load Zone prices ranged from $34.09 to $250. http://nodal.ercot.com 9
Submission Overview for Thursday June 17 Submission overview • 200 QSEs participated for Op Day 6/18 • Energy Bids in the range of 54,993 to 102,437 MW per hour • Cleared 35,496 to 53,971 MW energy per hr • Cleared 1,578 to 4,783 PTP bids per hr • Four major Load Zone prices ranged from $35.32 to $500. http://nodal.ercot.com 10
RUC Execution Overview for this week RUC overview for the week: http://nodal.ercot.com 11
Next Week’s Activities Next week – Op Days are 6/22-6/26 DAM executing on 6/21-6/25 • No guardrails - Bids/offers should be reasonable • COPs should reflect zonal throughout the week. We are requesting no COP updates as a result of nodal market processes. • Operational Scenarios: • On June 22, ERCOT will: • Cancel a previous RUC commitment in HRUC (DRUC instructions from Monday will be canceled) • Manually commit and decommit Resources • If your QSE would like to receive a RUC instruction during this test, please email markettrials@ercot.com by COB Monday. We have previously tested sending a RUC instruction to all QSEs but some QSEs may need a retest. http://nodal.ercot.com 12
Next Week’s Activities DRUC executing on 6/21-6/25 after DAM HRUC and SASM executing on 6/22-6/25 • HRUC and SASM • HRUC will be executed on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 1 pm (target Operating Hours will be the balance of the Op Day) • SASM will be opened if needed based on system conditions (with the exception of operational scenarios) Next week • Reminder that we transfer zonal outages to nodal every week on Monday • This transfer represents approximately 85% of the actual zonal outages • Again, next week ERCOT may do workarounds outside the normal business process to sidestep any issues that arise. Furthermore, we may approve the results of the RUC software even if the result is operationally unreasonable. The purpose of this is to exercise settlement and billing determinants related to RUC. http://nodal.ercot.com 13
General Reminders/Updates • Network Model Update • Last data load was 6/15 • An updated settlement points and MP short name list was posted for the 6/15 load at http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/index.html • Next scheduled load is 7/1 • On Wednesday, we will overwrite COPs using zonal resource plan data prior to running DRUC for Operating Day 6/24. • Reminder regarding External Interfaces Specification v1.19M • Posted at http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/sandbox/index.html • Targeted for delivery on 7/9 http://nodal.ercot.com 14
Support Metrics Market Participant Inbound Questions Last Week This Week * This week, 20 out of 225 questions were responded to outside of the 24 hour time frame. http://nodal.ercot.com 15
Day-to-day operations summary: Planned / Unplanned Outages Outages • Planned Outages • 06/18/2010 6:00 P.M. – 7:30 P.M. • Hardware site failover is planned for this period and will affect availability of the following application services: • EWS ( Web Services) • OS UI • Market Manager (MMS UI) • Unplanned Outages • 06/15/2010 12:55 P.M – 01:20 P.M. • Application link to Market Manager system was unavailable on the MIS portal due a LDAP synchronization issue. • 06/15/2010 01:00 P.M. - Ongoing • Users are currently unable to view TPO awards via the Market Manager An application defect has been identified as the root cause and necessary fix is being addressed (the report is available as a downloadable file on Market Manager and can also be obtained via EWS). http://nodal.ercot.com 16
Environment Report-Known Issues Full DAM/RUC/SASM known issues list will post every Friday night at http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/dam/index.html New DAM/RUC/SASM known issues • TPO awards are not displaying on the Market Manager. The xml download file is available and correct, however. • DAM software not properly handling when a settlement point with DAM Energy Only Offers/Bids is disconnected due to a contingency. Fix is to treat it similar to a generation outage. http://nodal.ercot.com 17
Summary of DAM/RUC/SASM market trials Next week: - Focus on quality will continue to supersede timelines (i.e., may re-run DAM/RUC late to get better solution) • ERCOT continuing to address data issues • In short-term continue to need COPs to reflect actual plans (to compare with zonal) • On Wednesday, we will overwrite COPs using zonal resource plan data prior to running DRUC for Operating Day 6/24. • More communication between ERCOT and MPs to address submission/data issues • We will continue to contact QSE periodically to address zonal/nodal COP inconsistencies to assist QSEs in identifying mismatches. http://nodal.ercot.com 18
Q&A Q&A / Open Forum http://nodal.ercot.com 19
Appendix Appendix • AS Info for the week • Pre- and post-DAM reports • Special Topics http://nodal.ercot.com 20
Submission Overview for June 14 http://nodal.ercot.com 21
Submission Overview for June 15 http://nodal.ercot.com 22
Submission Overview for June 16 http://nodal.ercot.com 23
Submission Overview for June 17 http://nodal.ercot.com 24
Other Note: • All transactions will be supported. • Trade submission and confirmation (Energy, Capacity and AS Trades) may be exercised at this time. • DAM notifications will be active. • Phase 2 Validation process will be active and supported. • QSE transactions that do not follow the guidelines are subject to cancellation at ERCOT’s discretion. • ERCOT may run DAM on non-supported days. No QSE participation is requested, and ERCOT staff will not be available to answer questions regarding the outputs of these non-supported processes. • CRR information from the market trials auction will be integrated into the market system. CRR Offers (by NOIEs) must contain CRR IDs from this auction in order to be valid. http://nodal.ercot.com 25
Supplemental Materials http://nodal.ercot.com 26 Slide 26
Report Postings Posted by 6 am: • Ancillary Services (AS) Plan • Load Ratio Shares (these will be static based on Zonal production data as of October 16, 2009) * • AS Obligations * • Wind Generation Resource Power Potential (WGRPP) forecast * and Aggregated WGRPP forecast • List of all Settlement Points and the mapping to Electrical Buses • Load forecasts for ERCOT system, Weather Zones and Load Zones • Load forecast distribution factors • Distribution Loss Factors and forecasted Transmission Loss Factors • Weather assumptions * Denotes MIS Certified reports http://nodal.ercot.com 27
Report Postings Posted after each DAM: • Awards (AS Offers, Energy Offers, DAM Energy-Only Offers, DAM Energy Bids, CRR Offers, and PTP Obligation Bids) * • DAM Clearing Price for Ancillary Services (MCPC) • Day-Ahead hourly Settlement Point Prices (SPPs) • Day-Ahead hourly Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs) • Shadow Prices • Quantity of AS Offers • Aggregated AS Offer Curve • Total quantity of energy (in MWh) bought and sold in DAM See DAM Handbook for a list of all DAM/RUC/SASM reports available starting in Phase 4.0 - http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/dam/index.html. See MIS Handbook for a comprehensive list of reports available - http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/mis/index.html. * Denotes MIS Certified reports http://nodal.ercot.com 28
Special Topics Phase 2 Validation reports and process • Phase 2 validation re-evaluates all submitted transactions at 7 am in the day-ahead with updated information, such as AS Obligation, CRR ownership, credit limits, etc. • If there is a validation error, ERCOT will cancel the transaction • We send a notification that a Phase 2 report is available for a particular transactions type, and notification containing the cancellation for the transaction. • You can query for the Phase 2 report via web service or on the Reports page of the Market Manager in order to view the reason for the cancellation. • Correct and resubmit prior to 10 am. • Note that submissions are locked out during the Phase 2 process, which is currently taking about 10 minutes to complete. http://nodal.ercot.com 29
Special Topics Day-Ahead Self Commitment DAM clearing engine treats your TPO differently if you submit Startup and Minimum Energy (SU/ME) costs as $0 vs. NULL • If you submit with SU/ME as $0, DAM engine treats this as a normal offer where the QSE is not requesting SU/ME to be covered. HSL/LSL constraints will be respected. Also, if you are selected for an online Ancillary Service, you will also be awarded at least LSL on your offer curve. • If you submit with SU/ME as NULL, DAM engine is signaled to ignore the HSL/LSL constraints for the resource. In this scenario, the offer curve submitted will start at 0 MW and go to the max MW quantity desired – again, DAM will ignore LSL/HSL constraints. If the offer curve submitted doesn’t start at 0 MW, it will be extended to 0 MW by DAM. If the resource is selected for Ancillary Services, no requirement to also award TPO at LSL (since no LSL constraint honored in this case). http://nodal.ercot.com 30
Special Topics Day-Ahead Self Commitment The purpose of the NULL: It allows a QSE to use part of a Resource to serve its own load, and then offer in the rest to the DAM and enable the offer to be co-optimized with its AS Offer. Example: A Resource has 100 MW LSL and 400 MW HSL, and the QSE has already committed 300 MW of the Resource through some other mechanism. The QSE wishes to offer the remaining 100 MW, which would otherwise be ignored due to the 100 MW LSL. Then going into real-time, so QSEs will need to update their TPO to cover the full capacity of the resource, from LSL to HSL, rather than from 0 MW. TPOs for real-time should always cover the entire capacity of the resource to avoid the proxy curve creation. To do the TPO update if the resource is awarded in the DAM, the QSE must provide a reason code, which is DSCM. This functionality came about due to TPTF subgroup on the issue. It has not yet been added to the protocols but will during our protocol traceability/cleanup effort. http://nodal.ercot.com 31
Special Topics Bid/Offer efficiencies • ERCOT has identified efficiencies in Bid/Offers submission with regard to the format of submission • This applies to all transaction that use a Bid ID or an Offer ID (Energy Only Offers, Energy Only Bids, PTP Obligation Bids, and CRR Offers) • Preference is for QSEs to submit the same Bid/Offer ID for each hour in the submission, versus submitting a different Bid/Offer ID for every hour. The market system treats the submission the exact same way, regardless of which format is used • Using the preferred format will optimize DAM system performance • For xml examples detailing this issue, please view a document that will be posted along with this presentation on the calendar page at http://www.ercot.com/calendar/2010/04/20100409-MT • This was discussed at NATF 4/6, we send an email to the nodal technical contacts that we have on file for all QSEs, and we will add it to the External Interfaces Specification http://nodal.ercot.com 32
Special Topics JOUs and COP consistencies • In DAM, if the different owners of the jointly-owned unit have submitted conflicting COP statuses for the current day, online statuses will overwrite offline statuses when DAM is determining the initial condition of the unit (i.e., is the unit online or offline at the start of the next operating day). • In RUC, if the different owners have conflicting COP statuses for the next operating day: • If any owner has OUT status for any hour then the unit is considered OUT. • If all owners have submitted a COP, and at least one of them has an online status in a particular hour then the resource status for the unit is online (unless any owner has OUT) http://nodal.ercot.com 33
Special Topic – Jointly Owned Units JOUs are modeled as a single physical unit • DAM uses the separate logical resources when evaluating energy and ancillary services, but Network Security Monitoring (NSM), which is a sub-process of DAM, must consider the physical unit. • http://nodal.ercot.com/docs/pd/ida/wp/sgrm/IDA041_White_Paper_for_Split_Generation_Resource_Modeling_v1.doc JOUs offering into DAM • Owners offer their share into the DAM separately, but the physical unit must be committed together • All owners have to offer in the unit (energy or AS) to the DAM or else it cannot be committed to any owner (one exception for a self-commitment scenario described below). DAM must make a commitment decision about the physical unit, which it cannot do without offers from all the owners. • Self-commitment examples (assume three owners) – remember that self-committing by submitting Startup and Minimum Energy Costs as ‘NULL’ (leaving them out of the submission altogether rather than submitting zeroes) signals the DAM software that it doesn’t need to make a commitment decision and to ignore resource constraints. • If two owners self-commit (startup/minimum energy costs are NULL) and the other submits nothing, the unit can be awarded without making a commitment decision. • If one owner self-commits, another submits a TPO with startup/minimum energy costs, and the third submits nothing, the unit cannot be awarded • If one owner self-commits, and the other two submit TPOs with startup/minimum energy costs, the unit can be awarded after making a commitment decision based on the resource constraints and the submitted startup/minimum energy costs. • Note that if self-committed, do not submit an OFFNS offer. That offer negates the self-commitment and the DAM software will not consider it as a self-committed resource (since the QSE is requesting ERCOT to evaluate the unit offline) http://nodal.ercot.com 34