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Market Trials DAM/RUC/SASM

Market Trials DAM/RUC/SASM. Weekly Update. April 23, 2010. Antitrust Admonition. ANTITRUST ADMONITION

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Market Trials DAM/RUC/SASM

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  1. Market TrialsDAM/RUC/SASM Weekly Update April 23, 2010 http://nodal.ercot.com 1

  2. Antitrust Admonition ANTITRUST ADMONITION ERCOT strictly prohibits Market Participants and their employees who are participating in ERCOT activities from using their participation in ERCOT activities as a forum for engaging in practices or communications that violate the antitrust laws. The ERCOT Board has approved guidelines for members of ERCOT Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups to be reviewed and followed by each Market Participant attending ERCOT meetings. If you have not received a copy of these Guidelines, copies are available at the Client Relations desk. Please remember your ongoing obligation to comply with all applicable laws, including the antitrust laws. DISCLAIMER All presentations and materials submitted by Market Participants or any other Entity to ERCOT staff for this meeting are received and posted with the acknowledgement that the information will be considered public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Operating Procedure. http://nodal.ercot.com 2

  3. Agenda • DAM/RUC summary for 4/20 and 4/22 • QSE Activities for Next Week • General Reminders/Updates • Environment Report • Planned/unplanned outages • Known Issues • Dashboard Update • Settlements/COMS • Question and Answers / General Discussion • Appendix ERCOT asks that Market Participants log into the WebEx session using their company name and then their name. This will allow ERCOT to take roll-call offline. http://nodal.ercot.com 3

  4. Market Trials 2010 Roadmap http://nodal.ercot.com 4

  5. Submission Overview for Apr 20 Submission overview • 209 QSEs participated for Op Day 4/21 • Cleared 18,404- 23,225 MW per hour • Load Zone prices ranged from $3.23 to $31.24. http://nodal.ercot.com 5

  6. Submission Overview for Apr 20 http://nodal.ercot.com 6

  7. Submission Overview for Apr 20 http://nodal.ercot.com 7

  8. Submission Overview for Apr 20 http://nodal.ercot.com 8

  9. Submission Overview for Apr 20 Submission overview • Energy Bids from QSEs – 80% of Load was requested. http://nodal.ercot.com 9

  10. Submission Overview for Apr 20 Submission overview • AS Offers • 33 QSEs submitted • No AS insufficiency • AS Self-Arrangement from QSEs • No guardrails on self-arrangement. Received 62-97% of zonal arrangements. • 35 QSEs sent in AS Self-Arrangement • Energy Only Offers – 110 QSEs submitted EOOs • PTP Obligation Bids • 62 QSEs submitted PTP Bids • Averaged 2,984 MW hourly bid, 2,735 hourly award http://nodal.ercot.com 10

  11. RUC Overview for Apr 20 RUC overview • ERCOT ran DRUC on Apr 20 and published results reflecting no commitments • The objectives for this week were to execute RUC using defined business processes, market data, and zonal production data (outages, load distribution factors, load forecast, etc) • When the DRUC software solved, based upon review and operational experience by the approving ERCOT Operator, ERCOT did not select any of the Resources recommended for commitment. • Initial analysis of the solution indicates: • Different data observed than used in iTest (merging of market and production data) • Defect in the vendor software that was triggered due to a special scenario created with the outage data that were imported from zonal into nodal after the DAM and before the DRUC • Overall solution reflected more constraints and unit commitment than expected • Observed numerous false commit/de-commitments due to COP inconsistencies as well as Wind resources being considered by RUC • ERCOT is working through the software and data issues (short turnaround expected) • Until receipt of the emergency patch, a manual workaround has been developed (certain scenarios only) • At this point no significant RUC clearing issues identified (show-stoppers) http://nodal.ercot.com 11

  12. Submission Overview for Apr 22 Submission overview • 216 QSEs participated for Op Day 4/23 • Cleared 22,572- 31,745 MW per hour • Load Zone prices ranged from $24.88 to $49.23. http://nodal.ercot.com 12

  13. Submission Overview for Apr 22 http://nodal.ercot.com 13

  14. Submission Overview for Apr 22 http://nodal.ercot.com 14

  15. Submission Overview for Apr 22 http://nodal.ercot.com 15

  16. Submission Overview for Apr 22 Submission overview • Energy Bids from QSEs – 120% of Load was requested. http://nodal.ercot.com 16

  17. Submission Overview for Apr 22 Submission overview • AS Offers • 33 QSEs submitted • Potential for AS insufficiency given the inputs received, so DAM Operators reduced the AS Plan by 20% across the hours and AS types • AS Self-Arrangement from QSEs • No guardrails on self-arrangement • 36 QSEs sent in AS Self-Arrangement • Energy Only Offers – 99 QSEs submitted EOOs • PTP Obligation Bids • 63 QSEs submitted PTP Bids • Averaged 3,232 MW hourly bid, 2,334 hourly award http://nodal.ercot.com 17

  18. RUC Overview for Apr 23 RUC overview • Similar behavior and results to Tuesday’s execution run • ERCOT is still evaluating results- more detailed update next week. http://nodal.ercot.com 18

  19. Follow up on Apr 15 • RRS on April 15 • Hour 3 cleared at $567 and Hour 19 cleared at $633.49 Analysis: • For both hours, the price spikes occurred because of a multi-hour block as the marginal offer with high offer prices (different multi-hour blocks, but same resource for both hours) • For these hours there were no remaining dispatchable RRS offers left to select, so the clearing engine had to use a multi-hour block, and the extra costs incurred in procuring the entire block to satisfy that single hour are taken from the other hours and applied to the single short hour where the unit is marginal http://nodal.ercot.com 19

  20. Next Week’s Activities Next week – Op Days are 4/28 and 4/30 DAM executing on 4/27 and 4/29 • No changes to DAM from this week’s activities. • We will continue to evaluate for potential AS insufficiency and reduce the AS Plan prior to clearing if necessary to avoid an AS insufficiency • Remember that Tuesday’s Load Bid MW target is 80% of forecasted load, and Thursday’s is 120%. DRUC executing on 4/27 and 4/29 after DAM HRUC and SASM executing on 4/28 and 4/30 • First time runs for HRUC and SASM • HRUC will be executed on Wednesday and Friday at 10 am (target Operating Hours will be the balance of the Op Day) • SASM will be opened for one target Operating Hour for Increased AS Plan for NSRS (Hour 1600) on Wednesday and Friday at 9 am • SASM AS Self-arrangement is optional http://nodal.ercot.com 20

  21. Next Week’s Activities Next week • Reminder that we started transferring zonal outages to nodal this week (completed at 1 pm on Tuesday) • This transfer represents approximately 85% of the actual zonal outages • Targeted for transfer every Monday • RUC experiencing issues with the outages, load distribution factors, and software parameters (shift factor cutoff percentage) that has affected the solution. More work is needed to tune the software and resolve data issues. • Next week ERCOT may do workarounds outside the normal business process to sidestep any issues that arise. Furthermore, we will approve the results of the RUC software even if the result is operationally unreasonable. The purpose of this is to exercise settlement and billing determinants related to RUC. http://nodal.ercot.com 21

  22. General Reminders/Updates • Network Model Update • Next scheduled load is 5/3 • An updated settlement points and MP short name list was posted for the 4/14 model load at http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/index.html • Phase 5 Kick Off WebEx set for April 29, 2010, from 1:00 until 4:00 Central. • Details on the calendar page at http://www.ercot.com/calendar/2010/04/20100429-MT • Phase 5 Handbook for DAM/RUC/SASM was posted on 3/31 • http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/dam/index.html http://nodal.ercot.com 22

  23. General Reminders/Updates Trade confirmation testing • ERCOT created a list of QSEs that signed up to test trade confirmation/bilateral process with other QSEs during market trials • The deadline for adding your QSE to this list was last Friday, April 16, 2010. • We had a few late requests this week, so we will send one final update on Monday morning. If you did not make the previous deadline and have not already done so, send the following information, to MarketTrials@ercot.com with the subject line ‘Trade Confirmation Testing Contacts’ by COB today • QSE short name • Contact name for trade confirmation • Phone number • Email address • We compiled and distributed the information on Monday to all QSEs participating so that the trading contacts can work together to complete their testing. Note that this information will only be shared with other trading contacts who have volunteered their own information. http://nodal.ercot.com 23

  24. General Reminders/Updates • This Wednesday, ERCOT ran a DRUC on Wednesday, April 21 (for Operating Day April 22, a non-supported day) in order to send at least one DRUC instruction to every QSE with Resources. • The purpose of this was as a technical test only so QSEs can receive the Startup/Shutdown Instructions xml message in order to test their systems • We plan to redo this test on Wednesday, May 5 (for Operating Day May 6) • Please note that we may send instructions to online Resources since we are manually overriding the RUC process to ensure every QSE gets an instruction • ERCOT also plans to test these manual RUC commitments as part of the Operational Scenarios in June (Market Trials Phase 5) http://nodal.ercot.com 24

  25. Support Metrics Market Participant Inbound Questions Last Week This Week * This week, 23 out of 303 questions were responded to outside of the 24 hour time frame. http://nodal.ercot.com 25

  26. Day-to-day operations summary: Planned / Unplanned Outages • Outages • Planned Outages • 04/23/10 – 04/25/10 • ERCOT will be performing the initial release for Phase 5 on 4/23 • Due to the size and complexity of the release, it will be necessary to take systems down periodically throughout the outage period. • ERCOT will be running a series of test that Sunday which may result in notifications and / or data in the Nodal Production systems that are associated with that test. • Unplanned Outages • 04/20/10 08:00 A.M. – 04/21/2010 10:00 A.M. • Links to the following resources were missing from MIS Portal during the reported period. Issue was attributable to a role synchronization problem between MIS and MPIM applications. • Market Manager Application link • CRR Application Link • Certified Portlets associated with MMS and CRR applications (e.g. QSE Forecasts and Load, Settlement statement and Invoices, etc.) http://nodal.ercot.com 26

  27. Environment Report-Known Issues Full DAM/RUC/SASM known issues list will post every Friday night at http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/dam/index.html New DAM/RUC/SASM known issues • DAM clearing software cannot currently handle identical bids from different QSEs. One DAM Energy Bid had to be canceled on Thursday due to this issue (the QSE was notified). A vendor defect has been created. • When a MultiHourBlock tag is not given in an xml submission for Energy Bids/Offers, the default is supposed to be ‘false’. Currently it is defaulted to ‘true’. Workaround is to add the tag to the xml message • If have an Energy Bid award, and request AwardSet via web services, the AwardSet is not being returned. Workaround is to use the specific award query (AwardedEnergyBid) • EMS - issue during the data loads that we do every two weeks where in some cases it is not properly counting the data in the table that keeps track of how long your unit has been online or offline past the last data load. Affects DAM commitment decision which must respect the resource parameters (minimum online time, minimum offline time, etc.). • Occasionally the MPIM digital certificate roles get out of sync between the various applications. The root cause is under investigation. This is the cause of the unplanned outage reported earlier. http://nodal.ercot.com 27

  28. Nodal Scorecard MP16 DAM Participation Metric Results • MPs measured on 50% participation • 7 DAM runs so far (4/1, 4/6, 4/8, 4/13, 4/15, 4/20, 4/22) • Applies to all QSEs and sub-QSEs • QSEs with Resources • 63/78 (54 last week) • 96% generation (88% last week) • COPS, TPOs do not count as participation • QSEs without Resources • 104/182 (95 last week) • Energy Only Bids, Energy Only Offers, PTP Obligation Bids • QSEs with Load • 111/148 • 93% load participation (76% last week) • Next update on 5/5 will change to a 2 week rolling average pending NATF review. http://nodal.ercot.com 28

  29. DAM Settlement Overview for Apr 21 Statement and Invoice Overview • 218 Statements/Invoices posted to QSEs • 38 Statements/Invoices posted to CRRAHs • 36 QSEs received Statements/Invoices for $0 CRR Overview • There were no CRR Derations • CRR Owners were fully funded (i.e. there were no Short Fall Charges) General Reminders • ERCOT will assume all invoices have been paid in full (no need to ‘submit payments’) • Submit any questions/issues about statements, invoices, extracts or calculations to markettrials@ercot.com • Statement and Invoice XSDs posted Monday, 4/19 http://nodal.ercot.com 29

  30. Next Week’s Activities • DAM Statements and Invoices for Operating Date 4/23 will be posted on 4/27 • 4/28 Op Day • DAM Statements and Invoices posted on 4/30 • RTM Initial Statement posted on 5/10 • 4/30 Op Day • DAM Statements and Invoices posted on 5/4 • RTM Initial Statement posted on 5/10 • RTM Initial Statements for Operating Dates 4/21 and 4/23 will be posted on 5/3 • COMS Extracts (DAMMODE and DAMCODE) • For 4/21 DAM Settlement will be posted on Sunday 4/25 • For 4/23 DAM Settlement will be posted on Thursday 4/29 http://nodal.ercot.com 30

  31. Environment Report-Known Issues COMS Known Issues • Combined Cycle transitions that happen in the first hour of the operating day are not being captured. • In certain circumstances, the AEBP (Aggregated Emergency Base Point) logic is incorrect • When Emergency starts in prior day and ends in current Operating Day, AEBP is being incorrectly calculated in the Current Operating Day • After an Emergency stops, null values should be populated for Settlement Intervals following the end of the emergency. Currently, zeros are being populated • In certain circumstances, the BP logic is not correct • Need to look at the prior day's final SCED base point when an Operating Day starts under an Emergency • BP not being calculated correctly when Emergency Basepoints start and stop twice in the same settlement interval • When calculating AABP during a settlements interval change, the look back in the calculation (BP y -1) is not correct. • The DCFO (DC Tie Forced Outage) bill determinant is not functioning and will be unavailable until the fix is released to NPROD http://nodal.ercot.com 31

  32. Environment Report-Known Issues COMS Known Issues Cont’d • Currently, when creating the CRRSFTVIOL Bill Determinant, the logic looks at only Constraint Name and Contingency Name to determine a unique violated constraint. The logic needs to be updated to include To Station and From Station. This is currently only an issue if the same constraint and contingency is binding in both SFT and DAM, but To-From direction is different in both processes • There have been instances in Integration testing where ONDSRFLAG save recorders were not created when they should have been • The Base Point Deviation calculation does not use AEBP as the base point in the calculation when Emergency Base Points have been issued, and it should. Also, Lodestar currently incorrectly exempts all QSEs from the Base Point Deviation Calculation when AEBP exists. • Currently, when doing look back logic to the prior day to evaluate RUC Starts and RUC Transitions, Lodestar will not calculate correctly when a Resource to QSE relationship has changed. The new logic should look only at the Resource name, not the QSE & Resource name. • Currently, Lodestar eligibility cannot handle more than two Combined Cycle configuration changes in a single 15 minute interval • MMS SFT and DAM binding constraint data for an interval can have the same constraint with same contingency with different to stations and from stations. Need additional fields to store From station and To Station. These two fields will need to be included in the unique key. Unique key will be constraint, contingency name, from station and to station http://nodal.ercot.com 32

  33. Q&A Q&A / Open Forum http://nodal.ercot.com 33

  34. Appendix Appendix • DAM Kickoff slides • Pre- and post-DAM reports • Special Topics http://nodal.ercot.com 34

  35. Objectives Objectives of Phase 4.0 DAM/RUC Market Trials: • Execute DAM, RUC, and SASM in the Market Trials environment twice a week • Generate awards, notifications, and reports http://nodal.ercot.com 35

  36. Entry Criteria ERCOT Entry Criteria for Phase 4.0: • ERCOT has completed required integration testing for Phase 4.0 functionality • ERCOT has published all known, market-relevant defects to Market Participants via the Readiness Center Market Participant Entry Criteria for Phase 4.0: • QSEs have met the system requirements (digital certificate with ‘MMS Trader’ role assigned, etc.) • QSEs have completed the qualification testing and have confirmed their ability to use Web Services or the Market Manager to submit transactions necessary to support Day-Ahead Market Trials http://nodal.ercot.com 36

  37. Summary of QSE Activities • QSEs with Resources: • Maintain SCED offers and ensure Start-Up and Minimum Generation Offers are available prior to the Day Ahead 10:00 a.m. (Central) deadline • Submit AS Offers • Update COP after DAM, DRUC, HRUC starting 4/13 • QSEs with Load: • Self-Arrange requested amount of AS Obligations • Bid a portion of their Load in the DAM (see example on next slide). In general, this should take the form of an Energy Bid but during the last week of April, can also be in the form of a PTP Obligation Bid. • Tuesday- 80% of QSE’s forecasted Load • Thursday- 120% of QSE’s forecasted Load http://nodal.ercot.com 37

  38. Summary of QSE Activities • QSEs with Load (cont’d): Example for load bids • All QSEs: • May submit a limited amount of DAM Energy Only Offers and DAM Energy Bids that do not represent actual Resources or Loads (virtual bids and offers) – limit is up to a MW quantity total contained within a certain number of transactions per hour. • PTP Obligation Bids will be limited as well Details with dates on next slide http://nodal.ercot.com 38

  39. Schedule/Key Dates http://nodal.ercot.com 39

  40. Activities Market Participant Activities: • Submit, update, and cancel DAM submission items, while keeping within the guardrails. • Three-Part Supply Offers (including Minimum Energy Offer and Startup Costs) • COP • AS Offer • AS Self-Arrangement • Energy-Only Offers • Energy Bids • PTP Obligation Bids • CRR Offer (for NOIEs only) • Report any issues to the Market Trials Team at markettrials@ercot.com • Download and review pre-DAM and post-DAM report postings • Download and review RUC postings, as applicable • Download and review SASM posting, as applicable • Update COP (after DAM, RUC) • Submit self-selected credit limit to ERCOT, if desired, as often as weekly http://nodal.ercot.com 40

  41. Activities ERCOT Activities: • Execute DAM (including Phase 2 Validation), DRUC, HRUC and SASM periodically • Generate Awards, Day-Ahead LMPs/SPPs, and other reports • Communicate DAM/RUC/SASM reports and outputs to the market via Market Information System (MIS) postings • Verify QSE submission activities • Work with Market Participants to resolve issues • Update Counterparty credit limits with self-selected credit limits submitted by MPs http://nodal.ercot.com 41

  42. Other Note: • All transactions will be supported. • Trade submission and confirmation (Energy, Capacity and AS Trades) may be exercised at this time. • DAM notifications will be active. • Phase 2 Validation process will be active and supported. • QSE transactions that do not follow the guidelines are subject to cancellation at ERCOT’s discretion. • ERCOT may run DAM on non-supported days. No QSE participation is requested, and ERCOT staff will not be available to answer questions regarding the outputs of these non-supported processes. • CRR information from the market trials auction conducted in March for the month of April will be integrated into the market system. CRR Offers (by NOIEs) must contain CRR IDs from this auction in order to be valid. http://nodal.ercot.com 42

  43. Exit Criteria ERCOT Exit Criteria • ERCOT completes DAM execution with Market Participant data, as planned • ERCOT completes RUC execution with Market Participant data, as planned • ERCOT completes SASM execution with Market Participant data, as planned Market Participant Exit Criteria • Each QSE participates in at least 50% of the available scheduled DAM executions by successfully submitting the relevant transactions as tracked on the DAM participation dashboard http://nodal.ercot.com 43

  44. Dashboard Example only http://nodal.ercot.com 44

  45. MP16 Day-Ahead Market Participation Nodal Scorecard Reminder • Metric is reported up to the 168 Hour Test • Requires at least 50% participation in Market Trials Day Ahead Market runs (includes all sub-QSEs) • 80% of Load and 80% of Generation participation required to meet the metric • Light up date of 4/1 for GREEN/WHITE and 4/21 for AMBER/RED • Participation equals any DAM-specific transactions (bids, offers, or AS self-arrangements) http://nodal.ercot.com 45

  46. Supplemental Materials http://nodal.ercot.com 46 Slide 46

  47. Report Postings Posted by 6 am: • Ancillary Services (AS) Plan • Load Ratio Shares (these will be static based on Zonal production data as of October 16, 2009) * • AS Obligations * • Wind Generation Resource Power Potential (WGRPP) forecast * and Aggregated WGRPP forecast • List of all Settlement Points and the mapping to Electrical Buses • Load forecasts for ERCOT system, Weather Zones and Load Zones • Load forecast distribution factors • Distribution Loss Factors and forecasted Transmission Loss Factors • Weather assumptions * Denotes MIS Certified reports http://nodal.ercot.com 47

  48. Report Postings Posted after each DAM: • Awards (AS Offers, Energy Offers, DAM Energy-Only Offers, DAM Energy Bids, CRR Offers, and PTP Obligation Bids) * • DAM Clearing Price for Ancillary Services (MCPC) • Day-Ahead hourly Settlement Point Prices (SPPs) • Day-Ahead hourly Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs) • Shadow Prices • Quantity of AS Offers • Aggregated AS Offer Curve • Total quantity of energy (in MWh) bought and sold in DAM See DAM Handbook for a list of all DAM/RUC/SASM reports available starting in Phase 4.0 - http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/dam/index.html. See MIS Handbook for a comprehensive list of reports available - http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/mis/index.html. * Denotes MIS Certified reports http://nodal.ercot.com 48

  49. Special Topics Phase 2 Validation reports and process • Phase 2 validation re-evaluates all submitted transactions at 7 am in the day-ahead with updated information, such as AS Obligation, CRR ownership, credit limits, etc. • If there is a validation error, ERCOT will cancel the transaction • We send a notification that a Phase 2 report is available for a particular transactions type, and notification containing the cancellation for the transaction. • You can query for the Phase 2 report via web service or on the Reports page of the Market Manager in order to view the reason for the cancellation. • Correct and resubmit prior to 10 am. • Note that submissions are locked out during the Phase 2 process, which is currently taking about 15 minutes to complete. http://nodal.ercot.com 49

  50. Special Topics Day-Ahead Self Commitment DAM clearing engine treats your TPO differently if you submit Startup and Minimum Energy (SU/ME) costs as $0 vs. NULL • If you submit with SU/ME as $0, DAM engine treats this as a normal offer where the QSE is not requesting SU/ME to be covered. HSL/LSL constraints will be respected. Also, if you are selected for an online Ancillary Service, you will also be awarded at least LSL on your offer curve. • If you submit with SU/ME as NULL, DAM engine is signaled to ignore the HSL/LSL constraints for the resource. In this scenario, the offer curve submitted will start at 0 MW and go to the max MW quantity desired – again, DAM will ignore LSL/HSL constraints. If the offer curve submitted doesn’t start at 0 MW, it will be extended to 0 MW by DAM. If the resource is selected for Ancillary Services, no requirement to also award TPO at LSL (since no LSL constraint honored in this case). http://nodal.ercot.com 50

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