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P r o c e du re f o r R e m un e ra t i o n D a t a E n t ry f o r I T R 5

P r o c e du re f o r R e m un e ra t i o n D a t a E n t ry f o r I T R 5. S t e p 1 T h is is P ar t n e rs h ip D e t ails p age a n d y o u h a v e fill all n e c e ssa r y f i e l d s t o c r e a t e P a r t n e rs.

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P r o c e du re f o r R e m un e ra t i o n D a t a E n t ry f o r I T R 5

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ProcedureforRemunerationDataEntryforITR5 Step1 Thisis PartnershipDetails pageandyouhavefillallnecessaryfieldstocreatePartners. GotoIncomeDetails>>OtherFormData>>FillPartnershipDetails.

  2. ProcedureforRemunerationDataEntryforITR5 Step2 IncomeDetails >>OtherFormData>>BalanceSheet>>ProfitandLossAccount>>PleaseEnter AllowableRemunerationamountinitemno.14(i)ofSalariesandwagesfield.

  3. ProcedureforRemunerationDataEntryforITR5 Step 3: Income Details >> Other Form Data >> Balance Sheet >> Profit and Loss Account >> Please Enter Interest amount in item no. 43 option of Interest field.

  4. ProcedureforRemunerationDataEntryforITR5 Step4: IncomeDetails >>OtherFormData>>BalanceSheet>>ProfitandLossAccount>>PleaseEnter Speculationamountinitem3(i) ofAnyotherincomeoption.

  5. ProcedureforRemunerationDataEntryforITR5 Step 5: Go to Income Details >> Profit / Gains from Business/Profession >> Business/Profession >> Please click on Fetch button to fetch amount from item 45 of P&L Account.

  6. ProcedureforRemunerationDataEntryforITR5

  7. ProcedureforRemunerationDataEntryforITR5 Step 6: Go to Income Details >> Profit / Gains from Business/Profession >> 4. a) Add Remuneration & Interest debited to P & L >> Please enter the Remuneration amount and click on Close button.

  8. ProcedureforRemunerationDataEntryforITR5 Step7: GotoIncomeDetails>>Profit/GainsfromBusiness/Profession>>AllowableRemuneration&Interest >>PleaseentertheInterestamountinInterest@12%optionandclickonComputebutton&closethe Windows.

  9. ProcedureforRemunerationDataEntryforITR5 Step 8: Go to Income Details >> Profit / Gains from Business/Profession >> Allowable Remuneration & Interest >> After click on Close button it shows the message “Disallowable remuneration and interest amount Rs. 100400 will be copied to ITR -> Part OI - > 8Ag”. Click on OK button then it will not show the message while printing the ITR.

  10. ProcedureforRemunerationDataEntryforITR5

  11. THANK YOU …….

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