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Westbound on train #5, the Cascade, in diesel 251-A Eastbound on train #2, the Empire Builder, in motor 5019 Pictures and captions by Alfred B Butler, Pullman WA collection of Bruce Butler PowerPoint presentation by Bruce Butler.
Westbound on train #5, the Cascade, in diesel 251-A Eastbound on train #2, the Empire Builder, in motor 5019 Pictures and captions by Alfred B Butler, Pullman WA collection of Bruce Butler PowerPoint presentation by Bruce Butler 1953 cab ride across the Great Northern’s electrified subdivision
1.1 - No. 5 holds the “Main” at Monitor for a meet with No. 6.
1.3 - Eastbound “Cascadian” growles slowly into the passing track.
1.4 - Diesel 251-A idles waiting for #6 to clear. #251-A doing 330 miles/day has run over 1,800,000 miles. 1350 hp each unit.
1.5 -Engineer Al White notches back the throttle with an eye on ammeter. 1000 amps. #250 and #251 are the oldest FTs on GN. 75 RPM per throttle notch.
1.6 - 5 cars trail #251. Friction 5# per ton. Load 20# per ton on 1% grade.
1.7 - Winton tunnel. Engineer got 4 deer last night. 1.6% grade.
1.8 - Rails & Trolley reflect light from tunnel opening. Tunnel on a curve. Pantograph apt to bounce.
1.15 - A mountain in the way. Short tunnel; you can see thru.
1.16 - We crest the grade at Berne. Elevation 2883 ft. Cascade tunnel length 7.79 miles or 41,152 ft.
1.17 - 2:04 pm. Drop 500 ft in 8 miles. 8 mi/hr wind west to east through open tunnel. 34-36 applications of air from here to Skykomish.
1.18 - 10 degree curve. Outside rail elevated 3-3/4” to allow 30 mph speed.
1.19 - Slow order. Movement of bank. 15 mph. GN Geologists are draining hillside. New rail ready to install.
1.20 - Looking back from Engineer’s side. Acceleration coasting 12 mph per minute. 1.57% grade.
2.0B - A wave from Engineer White and #5 is on its way to Seattle.
2.1 - Motor generator sets in the Skykomish substation. Been running steadily since 1927. Original bearings. 350 amps at 13,200 volts; 9400 H.P.
2.2 - Transformers outside. Step down from 110,000 volts to 44,000 volts to 11.500 volts, 11,000 volts 25 cycle on trolley.
2.3/2.4 - The Empire Builder, #2, on time from Seattle at 5:23 PM arrival in Skykomish. 13 cars. 504 is an EMD E7 unit.
2.5 - Electric motor 5019 with heater car backs on to #2 after the diesel has been cut off. George Meyers, Engineer.
2.7 - Notched out on the 2.2% grade to the tunnel. 30 mph on the tangent track.
2.8 - Rated at 1900 tons on 2.2% grade. 5200 H.P. 22 mph. Class W motor, built by General Electric in 1948.
2.11 - Looking back from the Fireman’s side; do the passengers give a thought to the engine crew?
2.12 - Approaching a curve the pantographs seem about to slide off the trolley wire.
2.14 - West end of Cascade tunnel at Scenic. Still 8 miles of 1.57% upgrade. It used to cost $1,000,000 a year to maintain the snowsheds.
2.16 - 5019 is 101 ft long. Wheel diameter 42”. Gear ratio 70/17. Tractive effort 82,600# at 23 mph.
2.19 - Whistling for valley crossings. 22 lb force against trolley wire.
2.20 - Wear on trolley wire 0.001”/year. Resistance 0.2 ohm/mile trolley to rail out and back. Copper cadmium beryllium alloy. 0000 equivalent. 2300# tension, 150 ft span.
3.7 - Bob Newton running engine. Superintendent in charge of the electrification. Dick Harbour on right.
3.11 - We went thru the unit to the rear cab for a view of the train as we near the Columbia river.