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Islamic Science. Project by: Ina Ciubara Zohra Mahdi Karen Vaccarini. Islamic Science Islamic Golden Age (8 th -16 th Century. Medicine Philosophy Mathematics Natural Science Science Logic Scientific Method. Between the 8th and 16th centuries . Islamic science.
Islamic Science Project by: Ina Ciubara ZohraMahdi Karen Vaccarini
Islamic Science Islamic Golden Age (8th -16th Century • Medicine • Philosophy • Mathematics • Natural Science • Science Logic • Scientific Method
Between the 8th and 16th centuries Islamic science • known as Arabic science • Islam was the driving force behind • the Muslim achievements Islamic Golden Age
Scientific method • Experimentation • Empirical Observation • Historical Methods • Controlled Experimentation • Inquiry Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) was a polymath who was a pioneer of modern optics and the scientific method
Medicine • Systematic Experimentation • Quantification into the study of physiology • Discovery of the contagious nature of infectious diseases • Introduction of quarantine Avicenna was a polymath who was considered a pioneer of experimental medicine and the concept of momentum
Islamic philosophy Logic in Islamic law and theology Analogical reasoning Inductive reasoning Categorical syllogism Aristotelian logic Metaphysics Alfarabian logic Contingents Number and relation of the categories the relation between logic and grammar
formal scienceslogic • Avicennian logic as a replacement of Aristotelian logic. • Introduction on hypothetical syllogism (history of logic) • Temporal modal logic ( possibility, probability , necessity) • Inductive logic • Developed science of citation-ISNAD • 15TH century ASHARITE school • Standards of an argument • Islamic philosophers studied logic and language
mathematics • Al-khawarizmi contributions to algebra: • Intro to Arabic numerals • Into to decimal point • Al-Karagi first to introduce “THEORY OF ALGEBRAIC CALCULUS” • Prove binomial theorem • Prove Pascal’s Triangle, integral cubes • Ibn al-Haytham first for “SUM OF FORTH POWERS” • Invention of spherical trigonometry • Omar Khayyam first to find solution to cubic equations
Natural SciencesAstronomy in Medieval Islam • Aldebaran • Altair Astronomical Terms • Alhidade • Azimuth • almucantar Stars in the sky Nasi al-Din Tusi was a polymath who Nasir al-Din Tusi was a polymath who resolved significant problems in the Ptolemaic system with the Tusi-couple, which played an important role in Copernican heliocentrism
Alembic Still Distillation Liquefaction Crystallisation Purification Oxidisation Filtration Natural SciencesChemistry • Jabir inb-hayyan (Geber) was a polymath who is considered a pioneer of chemstry and perfumery
Natural Science • IbnSahl • mathematician and physicist • First to discover law of refraction (Snell’s law) • Used this law to work out the shapes of lenses that focus light with no geometric aberrations, known as anaclastic lenses • set out his understanding of how curved mirrors and lenses bend and focus light Physics Reproduction of a page of IbnSahl's manuscript showing his discovery of the law of refraction (from Rashed, 1990). The original (ca. 984) is public domain.
Source: Islamic Golden Age. Retrieved November 15, 2008 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Golden_Age