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Sexual development as a Complex Dynamic System Theoretical framework of a (healthy * ) (pre) sexual development of youth and adolescents .
Sexual development as a Complex Dynamic System Theoretical framework of a (healthy*) (pre) sexual development of youth and adolescents *We define healthy sexual development as development leading to a state characterized by a full range of sexual and sex-related behaviors in a consensual, pleasurable and empowering relationship with others
The SDDS-model (Sexual Development Dynamic System- Model)
Short-term Long-term
Subjects CH1= Cohort 1 (Bovenbouw Basisschool Groep 6/7/8) CH2= Cohort 2 (Brugklas/ 2de klas voortgezet Onderwijs) CH3= Cohort 3 (3de/ 4de klas Voortgezet Onderwijs) CH4= Cohort 4 (5de/ 6de klas Voortgezet Onderwijs plus eerste en tweede klas MBO en eerste klas HBO) Schools are recruited in the northern provinces Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe
Design Questionnaire= 1 Adjusted questionnaire= 3 and 5 Cross sectional study (525 per cohort) +/- 350 Subjects Diary-studie Questionnaire= 1 (+ Hyves profile) Adjusted questionnaire= 3 /5 Personal diaries= 2/4/6
The SDDS-model: Short-Term (Agent Based model)
In relation with opportunities Concern Characteristics interacted Complementary Mutually competitive (1) Biological and brain maturation/gender etc. (2+3) Education/ upbringing/values , information retrieval etc Concern Concern Actual Concern Like behavior, social power, skills, influences etc. Iterativeness Emerge in interaction Tools Characteristics Subject (1) Biological (2) Social (3) Cultural Individual Sub-components (1) Representations (2) Value Subject TransactionalInteractions Peers -Emotions -Behaviours Evaluations Processes of influences Social Contagion Role Modelling Social Evaluation Etc. (1) Trough emotional appraisals, marked by emotional expressions (Self-organizing) Emergence
Diary study (digital) Concern Characteristics interacted Social contagion Complementary Mutually competitive Concern Concern Actual Concern Iterativeness Emerge in interaction Tools Characteristics Subject (1) Biological (2) Social (3) Cultural Individual Sub-components (1) Representations (2) Value Subject TransactionalInteractions Peers -Emotions -Behaviours Evaluations Processes of influences Social Contagion Role Modelling Social Evaluation Etc. (Self-organizing) Emergence
Cross-sectional Questionnaire (digital) Concern Characteristics interacted Social contagion Complementary Mutually competitive Concern Concern Actual Concern Iterativeness Emerge in interaction Tools Characteristics Subject (1) Biological (2) Social (3) Cultural Individual Sub-components (1) Representations (2) Value Subject TransactionalInteractions Peers -Emotions -Behaviours Evaluations Processes of influences Social Contagion Role Modelling Social Evaluation Etc. (Self-organizing) Emergence
(PCG: Personal CharacteristicGeneral ) PCB: Peronal CharacteristicBiological PCS: Personal CharacteristicSocial PCC: Personal CharacteristicCultural Excel
From short-term to long-term development Time + T R AJEC T O R I E S M E C H A N I S M Desire Reinforcement Information retrieval + + Long- term State-space grid model
The SDDS-model: Long-Term (State-space-grid)
+ (3x3) x 6…etc. Hypothesis
Hypothesis 1: = healthy and satisfactory trajectory of sexual development
Hypothesis 2: = having risky, problematic or unsatisfactory sexual development