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Federal and Provincial Broadband Programs in Ontario. Ontario FN Technical Services Conference Sault Ste. Marie, August 25 th 2009. Federal / Industry Canada. Broadband Canada: Connecting Rural Canadians $225M program over 3 years
Federal and Provincial Broadband Programs in Ontario Ontario FN Technical Services Conference Sault Ste. Marie, August 25th 2009
Federal / Industry Canada • Broadband Canada: Connecting Rural Canadians • $225M program over 3 years • Broadband defined as minimum of 1.5Mb/s download to the household • Targeting industry as applicants • FN communities are eligible within clusters • One call out late summer 2009 • Criteria: • Partnership projects preferred • 50% federal funding cap: 100% federal funding possible for projects in FN communities, but limit of 50% from IC
Broadband Funding in Ontario Rural Connections Broadband Program and Northern Broadband Initiative • Broadband policy and program delivery for Ontario has been supported through a successful inter-ministerial partnership between the Ministry of Government Services, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, and the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. • Since 2007/08, Ontario has committed $70M to upgrade or build broadband infrastructure in rural and remote communities. • Southern Ontario: The province has committed funding to 47 projects. • Northern Ontario: The province has committed funding to 19 broadband service expansion projects across northern Ontario. • Program objectives: • Provide connectivity to unserved areas in rural and remote Ontario; move from dial-up to broadband (minimum download speed of 1.5Mbps). • Promote outreach and awareness activities to encourage the uptake and literacy of broadband-enabled technology. • Encourage municipalities to partner with Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and First Nations communities.
Broadband Canada: Connecting Rural Canadians The Program • Ontario will co-invest up to $32.5 million in the Government of Canada's new national program Broadband Canada: Connecting Rural Canadians, announced on July 30, 2009. • How does it work? • The federal government is planning a call for applications in late summer 2009. Additional program information, including eligibility criteria and the identified eligible geographic priority areas, will be provided at that time. • Applicants in Ontario will have the option to apply simultaneously for the provincial top up funding. These proposals must demonstrate that they meet both federal and provincial criteria. • Only those proposals approved for federal funding will be eligible for the Ontario provincial top up funding. The federal contribution is up to 50% of eligible project costs, and the Ontario top up is up to an additional one-third of eligible project costs.
Broadband Canada: Connecting Rural Canadians Who Qualifies? • Eligible recipients will be the private sector or consortiums of companies, not-for-profit organizations, and provincial or territorial entities that build and operate broadband infrastructure. • Applicants are encouraged to include First Nations communities located in the vicinity of the priority areas. For More Information: Barbara Swartzentruber Manager, Strategic Projects Unit Office of the Corporate Chief Strategist Ministry of Government Services Barbara.Swartzentruber@Ontario.ca 416-314-1048
Federal/ Indian and Northern Affairs Canada • INAC FN Infrastructure Fund / Connectivity category • ~$140M for 5 asset categories including connectivity • Broadband defined as minimum of 1.5Mb/s to the community • Targeting FN cluster organizations as applicants • Call out expected (late summer/fall 2009) • Criteria: • Largely for “last mile” infrastructure • Provincial P3 or program and private sector partnerships projects preferred • Applicants/communities must demonstrate ability to sustain within business case as there is no O&M • Must address residential service
Federal / Infrastructure Canada • Building Canada Fund (BCF) – Two Components • The Major Infrastructure Component for larger, strategic projects • The Communities Component for projects in communities with populations under 100K • Funding available under several categories, including Connectivity and Broadband - to direct investments towards projects that: • Improve the delivery of public services, such as government services, education and health; and, • Improve quality of life, social development, reduce travel requirements, and increase the potential for innovation and economic development by connecting Canadians— particularly in rural and remote communities. • Subcategories include: High-speed backbone; Point of presence; Local distribution within communities; and, Satellite capacity • Federal requirements: • The project uses technological solutions that are appropriate, reasonable and available • The proponent must promote competitiveness by conducting a commercially and technologically neutral Request for Proposal • The project must provide for third party open access • The project must be based on a practical needs assessment and is scalable to realistically meet future needs
Federal / FedNor • FedNor’s Broadband (ie ICT) support normally funded from Northern Development Program • Information and Communications Technologies • Infrastructure • Focus on backhaul and broadband Points of Presence (PoPs) • Fibre builds, fixed wireless solutions, satellite systems • Applications • GIS, e-Health, e-Learning, e-Gov, e-Business, tourism portals • Other • ICT conference, studies, seminars, ICT Networks • Role in Broadband Deployment • Work directly with communities, First Nations and not-for profit organizations (CBNs, ICT Networks, ICT Champions) • Don’t contract directly with the private sector (eg. ISPs and telcos) • Applicants (proponents) identify gaps and needs • Conduct RFP and select vendor • FedNor supports a percentage of cost of infrastructure • often with other partners (eg. NOHFC)
Federal / Dept. of Finance P3 Inc. • 6 year $1.2 B. program to promote public and private infrastructure and utility partnerships • Connectivity an eligible category • Up to 25% funding • Competitive Procurement Required