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World hunger. Shocking Facts. In 2010 an estimated 7.6 million children (more than 20,000 a day) died from hunger While hunger exists worldwide, 62.4% exists in Asia/South pacific Almost 1 in 15 children die from hunger in developing countries
Shocking Facts In 2010 an estimated 7.6 million children (more than 20,000 a day) died from hunger While hunger exists worldwide, 62.4% exists in Asia/South pacific Almost 1 in 15 children die from hunger in developing countries 315,000 women die each year during childbirth due to hunger and malnutrition
Main Causes of Hunger • Agricultural Practices • Over cropping, overgrazing, and deforestation • Poor farming practices can destroy land • Population Growth • Lack of education • Unwanted pregnancies • Poverty • The world produces plenty of food to feed the world but lacks the money to distribute it • Poverty is a cause of hunger but an effect as well
History A. Public Law 480 of 1954 1. Title 1: Government to government sales of U.S. agricultural commodities a) 30 years to repay w/ five year grace period B. Title 2: Emergency and private assistance C. Title 3: Food for development 1. Long term growth in underdeveloped countries 2. Used to sell food for economic growth (inactive today)
History A. Food for Progress act of 1985 1. Food donations to developing countries 2. Food donations that are to be sold on local market B. Two objectives of F.F.P.A of 1985 1. Improve agricultural productivity 2. Expand trade of agricultural products C. Philippines 1. Distributed 849 dairy cows in 2005 2. Cows making money for locals by 2009 3. 45000 children received this milk in 2008
History A. Negative impacts of past food aid 1. Farmers taking advantage of government and their prices 2. Puts local farmers out of work (can’t compete with U.S. prices) 3. Foreign investors refuse to invest in developing countries 4. Countries refusing to accept GM foods (Zambia), and it’s affect it has on local crops
History A. Positive impacts of food aid 1. 19% of world was malnourished from 1990-1992 to only 12% by 2012 2. Goal is to be at 6% by 2015 (on pace) 3. Under the new food convention, the U.S. has donated 51% of total food across the world 4. Biggest factor in U.S. contribution is their abundance of grain grown on land
Malnutrition • Malnutrition is a condition that results from an inadequate or excessive intake of nutrients. • There are two types of malnutrition: • Primary malnutrition occurs in parts of the world due to famine, poverty, and lack of crop yield • Secondary malnutrition occurs due to an underlying eating disorder
Malnutrition Marasmus Kwashiorkor
Monetary • Some definitions: Monetary inequality “is the difference between individuals or populations in the distribution of their assets ,wealth , or income.” and also “refers to inequality among individuals and groups within a society,” which includes; inequality among countries.” (Wikipedia). • The monetary systems that exists today is “constructed in a way that ensures a growing division of wealth and income that grows exponentially”. Robbins). • There is a food crisis going on right now in many underdeveloped countries and this is caused by “ a shock to either supply or demand for food and often involves a sudden spike in food prices.” (Winders, 2011) • A food crisis can “hold the potential to destabilize existing political alliances, mobilize masses against regimes, and prompt some people to begin questioning economic systems.” What happened in history for instance the bread riots in the French Revolution from 1789 to 1799 (Barbier, 1857)
Monetary • Causes for food crises: economic depletion. Other factors are “the rise in food prices, rising oil prices, environment factors like extreme weather, greater meat consumption, and population growth.” • Currently “more land is used for pasture or to grow feed grains, such as corn and soybeans. This reduces the land devoted to food crops to be consumed directly by people. In addition, meat production is a less efficient way to feed people since it "takes seven to eight kilos of grain to produce one kilo of beef." (Winders, 2011)
Monetary There is also the issue of Biofuel. Even though it is better for the environment, on a global level “biofuels have forced global food prices up by 75 per cent. (World Bank). An estimated 100 million tones of grain per year are being redirected from food to fuel. “Brazil is the world's second largest ethanol producer and largest exporter.” It is “estimated 100 million tones of grain per year are being redirected from food to fuel.” The food crisis dichotomizes the “rich and poor nations, since, for example, filling a tank of an average car with biofuel, amounts to as much maize (Africa's principal food staple) as an African person consumes in an entire year. hunger is not necessarily a result of lack of food but of lack of access to food.” (Singh 2009)
Monetary • As Mahatma Ghandhi said “you must be the change you wish to see in the world” and we are gaining an understanding of what it is like for people in third world countries. Women play a vital part of that. • A woman’s health and the multiple roles she plays as a mother, an individual, a family member, and a citizen in society are important to the economic development of a community.” (United Nations 2001). • The economic hardships are especially hard on the women. According to the book, Half the sky “There is one maternal death every minute… and a thousand times higher in a poor country than in the west.” because there isn’t any health care. • Women are the backbone of a nation in that “the essence of a sustainable economic model is “moving women into more productive roles helps curb population growth and nurtures a sustainable society.” (Kristof , WuDunn 2010) • As a response the United Nations developed The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2000, which pro-vides a framework for a new global partnership to improve the health well-being of the world population (United Nations, 2000). This project is to be completed by 2015. • Three of the eight goals are to 1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger. 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education. 3: Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women. (United Nations 2001) • This is still an ongoing problem “International food prices have shot up again in 2011.” (Mendoza 2011)
Farming Techniques More food seems the obvious answer Just not grown here in America
Targeting Needy Areas • Help women become more productive farmers • Many women farmers don’t own their own land, and have less of it • Less access to seeds and livestock • The Rural Entrepreneurs for Agricultural Cooperation help connect women, educate them and build a network they can get these products from
Using Science to Improve the Odds Using greenhouses “simple evaporators to convert seawater into fresh”(Popular Science)-condensated water doesn’t have the salt in it Fresh water reserves helps to make it self sufficient Pilot projects are already started
Working with the Land Using sensors to monitor fertilizer and water needs, cutting down on how much of each is used Adding nitrogen producing microbes to the soil Use soil conserving techniques-crop rotation, low or no tilling, leaving crop remains
Conclusion Raise awareness of problems concerning world hunger Donate to help educate people on farming techniques Donate to help purchase adequate farm equipment Donate livestock such as goats or chickens to help families feed themselves and make a living
Self Sufficiency http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Md4Su1RwLAY&feature=player_detailpage