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Learn about the Royal Scientific Society's participation in EU projects, including success stories and valuable lessons learned. Discover their areas of work, such as research and development, IT consultations, software development, and advanced training. Explore ongoing and completed EU projects, and their partnerships with various organizations.
Royal Scientific Society Participation in EU Projects Success Stories and Lessons Learnt Dr. Saqer Abdel-Rahim, Director, Information Technology Centre Royal Scientific Society Email: saqer@rss.gov.jo Third Jordan NationalTEMPUS Day, 4th March 2008
Introduction The Royal Scientific Society (RSS) was established in 1970 in accordance with a Royal Decree. RSS is a not-for-profit institution enjoying financial and administrative independence. It aims at conducting scientific and technological research and development work related to the development process in Jordan with special attention to industrial research and services. It also aims at disseminating awareness in the scientific and technological fields and providing specialized technical consultations and services to the public and private sectors. The RSS includes 9 technical centres and four administrative centres.
The Information Technology Centre The Information Technology Centre (ITC) was founded in 1972, two years after the establishment of the Royal Scientific Society (RSS). It was the first to introduce computerization in Jordan. In 1992 the centre expanded its operations to cover industrial studies and conduct long term specialized training courses in the field of Information Technology at the regional level in cooperation with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). ITC is committed to maintaining well-performed applied research and specialized technical consultation and services based on approved national and international standards, procedures and methods of software development and studies, ITC has been ISO 9001 certified since January 2001 and has also adopted RUP (Rational Unified Process) in project implementation.
At the same time RSS has concentrated on building capacity and professional expertise in important fields like Project Management ( 10 RSS IT Project Mangers attended the 3 week PMP Training and are preparing for PMP certification), Presentation Skills, Customer Relations, Database Design and Administration and Software Development (.NET, Oracle, Java, PHP ..etc)
Fields of work: - Research and Development Conducting applied research locally and internationally through partnership with concerned international institutions in the various fields of information Technology utilizing an advanced network of computers and the skillful manpower available at the centre. - IT consultations & requirement analysis This involves the identification of the computerization needs of institutions in terms of information systems, hardware, software, applications, and training. In addition, master plan of implementation, network design, evaluation of bids, and supervision of implementation are provided. Many institutions and ministries have taken avail of these services.
- Software development Software development entails establishment of integrated management information systems, including system analysis, design, programming, testing, system integration, acceptance, user training, and documentation. Applications include financial and administrative systems, election systems, web sites & applications, billing systems, WAP application, e-applications, student registration systems, library systems, and so on. Clients include local and international organizations, such as IBM. - Advanced training Conducting specialized training courses in the various IT fields including short-term and long-term. the center is recognized by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) as a regional training center in software Engineering, web computing, multimedia and networking design courses. The centre is also accredited by UNISCO as a training and testing centre for the International Computer Driving License(ICDL).
Textile Application of High Performance Computing in the Middle East (THEME)
The ICT Research Link between Europe and all Mediterranean Partner Countries Mediterranean Information Society 20
Aims of the Project • Help the MPC to develop ICT Research Agendas towards EU research collaboration, and develop a Policy Paper for the EU for targeted research integration of the MPC • Create awareness for the opportunities of the EU Framework Programme for Research & Development • Identify promising players in the region • Train them to become knowledgeable partners in Framework proposals • Establish networks across the region and with Europe
Partners • Planet S.A. (Coordinator)……………………………… Greece • IT Consult GmbH………………………………………….. Germany • Ministry of Communications & Information Technologies………………………………………………. Egypt • Ministère des Affaires Economiques et Générales….Morocco • Euromag Consulting……………………………………… Algeria • Centre National de l’Informatique……………….....……. Tunisia • Royal Scientific Society…………………………..………. Jordan • Palestine Academy of Science & Technology…..…… Palestine • Ministry of Telecommunications…………………………. Lebanon • Ministry of Communications & Technology…………….. Syria
WP 1: The MPC Research Agenda Defining the Consultation Process – Conducting the Workshops – Recommendations for a Research Agenda The Project Workplan WP 2: Mapping of Research Organisations Identifying relevant organisations Mapping of skills and capabilities Creating the Directory of MPC Organisations WP 3: Mentoring Workshops Preparation of training curricula Delivery and evaluation of training courses Set-up of ICT Help Desk Services WP 4: Network Facilitation & Dissemination Website development – Promotion in EU Dissemination in MPC
This project has been partially funded by the European Commission DG AIDCO under the EUMEDIS initiative. The contet of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project partners listed herein, and in no way represents the view of the European Commission or its services. • Contract number: B7-4100/2000/2165-075 p401 • Project acronym: ICT Med SMEs • Project name: ICT Solutions for Mediterranean SMEs • Action line: ICT applied to Industry and Innovation • Total cost (€): 2.374.912 € • Commission funding (€): 1.899.930 €
Project Coordinator Fundació CIREM Centre of European Initiatives and Research in the Mediterranean Project Coordinator: Inés GÓMEZ Address: Travessera de les Corts, 39-43 lat. 2ª 08028 Barcelona SPAIN Tel.: + 34 93 440 10 00 Fax.: + 34 93 440 45 60 e-mail: i.gomez@cirem.org / f.cirem@cirem.org http://www.cirem.org
Partners of the project F. CIREM (Spain) is the co-ordinator of the project in partnership with DTI (Denmark) Morocco: Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingenieurs. Université Mohammed V Ministère de l'Industrie et du Commerce Algeria: Institut Nacional pour le Travail Association Nationale pour l'Entreprise et le Travail Institut de Formation Professionnelle de Birkhadem Tunisia: Cemaref. Centre Mohamed Ali de Recherches, d'Etudes et de Formation Ministère de la Formation Professionnelle et de l'Emploi Jordan: Royal Scientific Society (RSS) National Centre for Human Resources Development (NCHRD) Vocational Training Corporation Lebanon: Centre for Sponsored R+D. Lebanese American University Syria: Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technologies (HIAST) Intermediate Computer Engineering Institute (ICEI) Turkey: Hacettepe University Turkish Foundation for Small and Medium Business (TOSYOV) Cyprus: Cyprus Institute of Technology
Project Goal Contribute to SME development in Mediterranean countries by providing IT solutions enabling enterprises to improve their internal work procedures, management of knowledge, transfer of innovations, production and commerce. Target Groups: • Young graduates and employees who receive training • SMEs that benefit from qualified personnel and from the ICT advising services • SMEs who are users of the virtual network
Area of intervention (*) Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey & Cyprus
Project Specific Goals WP0 - Management and Co-ordination • Promoting the project • Monitoring and quality control procedure of the project • Administrative and financial report to the Commission • WP1 – Survey • To know the strengths and weaknesses of the Mediterranean countries for facing the challenges of the Information Society • SMEs needs regarding IT applications and human resource requirements • WP2 – Training Plan • Preparing people to face the needs of the SMEs regarding ICT • Establishing continuous training mechanisms and procedures within SMEs
Project Specific Goals (II) • WP3 – Pilot Projects • Setting up innovative ICT solutions in Mediterranean SMEs • Contributing to the north-south transfer of knowledge and innovations • Acquiring experiences that may then be spread to all SMEs • WP4 – Virtual Community • Exchanging experiences and information among the participants • Network at the service of SMEs for information, communication, experience sharing and benchmarking on best practices in the field • WP5 – Dissemination of the Project • Promote the Eumedis Programme in countries where there are partners • Disseminating the scopes of the project to achieve the greater collaboration of authorities, partners and means of communication
WP0 - Co-ordination Results • Establishment of a strongregional network of 12 public and private institutions across the region. • Collaboration of national and regional authorities within the project. • External funding from the Spanish ant the Catalonian Governments. • www.ictmedsme.com • Design of a virtual platform for the partners communication, debate and interchange of experiences, documents and information.
WP1 – Results of the Study: Computers < The enterprises have an average of 26.73% of employees using information technologies, witch is consistent with the 27.99% of workers with PC/ workstation in the workplace. < The number of workers with portable computer decreases down to 5,35% and the proportion of workers with cellular is, the 24,4%. The operating system used by the enterprises of the survey is Microsoft technology up to the 89,5%.
Internet Connections The 78,8% of enterprises are connected or have the connection in perspective. The browser used is the Microsoft Internet Explorer with an overwhelming 93,9%. > < The mentioned connection is usually done through the modem+phone line option. Only the 20,1% uses broadbandwidth.
Use of Email within SMEs The use of external e-mail is widespread among the firms up to the 69,9%. Usually firms have just one mailbox for the whole company (53,7%) and only the 18% have personal mailbox for each employee. Microsoft is again the computer brand used through the 72,5% of firms. In fact the 50,9% of enterprises of the survey have not corporate website even that the 14,1% plan to have it.
WP2 - Training • Development of the training curricula on ICT Basic Skills and Support for Local Networks Administration. • Training of trainers on the internal communication platform. • Training of partners on the MEDSME Platform • More than 250 young people trained in handling basic new technologies. • More than 600 employees of SMEs trained within the project.
WP3 – Pilot Projects • To develop the DODI Methodology for the Diagnosis and Analysisof the SMEs participant into the Pilot Projects • Identification of technological needs within 35 SMEs participating in the pilot projects • Setting up innovative ICT solutions (new technology and training) within 35 SMEs
WP4 – Virtual Platform Development of the virtual platform www.medsme.com More than 2000 SMEs registered and acting on the MEDSME platform.
WP5 - Dissemination • Promotion of the EUMEDIS Programme with the celebration of the ICT MED SME International Conference in Barcelona (Spain, April 2004) within the framework of the Forum Universal of Cultures. • Dissemination of the activities of the project in the region, through the celebration of seminars and info-days on the MEDSME Platform. • Publication of news on e-media and local newspapers.
Publications WP5 WP1 WP4
Impact • Development of mechanisms of co-operation among the various actors within the MEDA region • Development of close links among the users of the virtual community • Better performance of the companies where the pilot projects are successful • Adaptation of all the project contents to the particular needs on each country • Additional value for trained people and improvement in their working life • Improvement of the education of the young graduates and employees
WP01:Survey of SMEs in Jordan Requirements Findings : needs for • Training on computer skills ,network management ,and project management • Introducing ICT solutions • Using internet for eCommerce.
WP02:TRAINING COURSES • Computer skills course (ICDL) for 20 participants, August 2003 • Network management course for 20 participants, September 2004 • Project Management for Professionals (PMP) for 20 participants, august 2005 • Benchmarking ,Dubai ,November 2005
WP03: PILOT PROJECTS Computerization requirement analysis study for 5 companies in Jordan representing the following sectors : • Food • Pharmaceutical • Textile • Plastic • Electronics Two of them have implemented integrated manufacturing packages and three have started to partially implement integrated financial and administrative information systems.
WP04 :Virtual Platform • The RSS team redesigned and developed a new user friendly platform using low cost tools. • The website has been hosted at RSS since 2007. • 445 companies have been registered to the website
WP05 :Dissemination • Awareness meetings • Visits to SMEs • Press releases • Link to RSS website • Info day on 29th march 2006