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Morphogen gradient, cascade, signal transduction. Maternal effect genes. Zygotic genes Syncytial blastoderm. Cellular blastoderm. Homeotic selector genes Similar signal into different structures— Different interpretation—controlled by Hox genes. Metamorphosis.
Morphogen gradient, cascade, signal transduction Maternal effect genes Zygotic genes Syncytial blastoderm Cellular blastoderm
Homeotic selector genes Similar signal into different structures— Different interpretation—controlled by Hox genes
Homeotic transformation of the wing and haltere Homeotic genes—mutated into homeosis transformation As positional identity specifiers Mutant-antennapedia—into leg Bithorax-haltere into wing
Imaginal discs and adult thoracic appendages Bithorax mutation—Ubx misexpressed T3 into T2 –anterior haltere into Anterior wing Postbithorax muation (pbx)— Regulatory region of the Ubx— Posterior of the haltere into wing
Homeotic selector genes Each segment unique identity—master regulator genes Homeotic selector genes—control other genes-required throughout development Fig. 5-37 Spatial& temporal expression—mechanism of controlling of these genes
The spatial pattern of expression of genes of the bithorax complex Bithorax—Ultrabithorax –5-12 Abdominal-A—7-13 Abdominal-B—10-13 Bithorax mutant –PS 4 default state Fig. 5-39
Bithorax mutant –PS 4 default state +Ubx—5,6 +Abd-A—7,8,9 +Abd-B—10 Combinatorial manner Lack Ubx—5,6 to 4 also 7-14 thorax structure in the abdomen Hox—gap, pair-rule for the first 4 hours, then polycomb (repression), and Trithorax (activation) Fig. 5-39
Segmental identity of imaginal disc Antennapedia—expressed in legs, but not in antenna If in head, antennae into legs Hth (homothorax) and Dll (distal-less)—expressed in antennae and leg In antenna: as selector to specify antenna In leg: antennapedia prevents Hth and Dll acting together Dominant antennapedia mutant (gene on)— blocks Hth and Dll in antennae disc, so leg forms No Hth, antenna into leg
Gene expression in the visceral mesoderm patterns the underlying gut endoderm Patterning of the endoderm Labial—antennapedia complex Fig. 5-40
Mutation in HoxD13—synpolydactyly Extra digits & interphalangeal webbing (hetero) Similar but more severe & bony malformation of hands, wrists (Homo)
Anterior/posterior extremities Terminal structure- acron., telson, most posterior abdominal segment Torso---receptor tyrosine kinase Ligand---trunk Before fertilization ligand immobilized Small quantities— bound to torso at the poles little left to diffuse Fig. 5-7
Torso signaling Groucho: repressor Huckenbein, tailless are released from transcriptional suppression
Egg chamber formation (oogenesis)
Signals from older to younger egg chambers Red arrow: Delta-Notch induces anterior polar follicle cells JAK-STAT: form the stalk cells Yellow arrow: signals induce E-cadherins expression
A/P Determination during oogenesis The oocyte move towards one end in contact with follicle cells Both the oocyte and the posterior follicle cells express high levels of the E-cadherin If E-cadherin is removed, the oocyte is randomly positioned. Then the oocyte induces surrounding follicle cell to adopt posterior fate.
The EGFR signal establishes the A/P and D/V axial pattern Red-actin Green-gurken protein As well as mRNA The expression of EGFR pathway target gene
Specifying the Anterior-Posterior Axis of the Drosophila Embryo During Oogenesis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GntFBUa6nvs
Specifying the Anterior-Posterior Axis of the Drosophila Embryo During Oogenesis Protein kinase A orients the microtubules
mRNA localization in the oocyte Dynein-gurken and bicoid to the plus end Kinesin—oskar to the minus end
The EGFR signal establishes the A/P and D/V axial pattern Gurken—TGFa Torpedo--- EGFR
The localization of Gurken RNA Cornichon, and Brainiac- Modification and Transportation of the protein K10, Squid localize gurken mRNA (3’UTR& coding region) Cappuccino and Spire – cytoskeleton of the oocyte MAPK pathway
The Key determinant in D/V polarity is pipe mRNA in follicle cells
The activation of Toll windbeutel—ER protein pipe—heparansulfate 2-o-sulfotransferase (Golgi) nudel—serine protease
The dorsal-ventral pathway Perivitelline space Fig. 31-16
Toll pathway Maternal genes— Fertilization to cellular blastoderm Dorsal system—for ventral structure (mesoderm, neurogenic ectoderm) Toll gene product rescue the defect Toll mutant – dorsalized (no ventral structure) 2. Transfer wt cytoplasm into Toll mutant specify a new dorsal-ventral axis (injection site =ventral side) spatzle (ligand) fragment diffuses throughout the space
The mechanism of localization of dorsal protein to the nucleus Without Toll activation Dorsal + cactus Toll activation – tube (adaptor) and pelle (kinase) Phosphorylate cactus and promote its degradation B cell gene expression Dorsal=NF-kB Cactus=I-kB
The dorsal-ventral pathways Fig. 31-17
Dorsal nuclear gradient Activates—twist, snail (ventral) Represses—dpp, zen (dorsal) Fig. 31-19
Toll protein activation results in a gradient of intranuclear dorsal protein Fig. 5-8 Spatzle is processed in the perivitelline space after fertilization
Model for the subdivision of the dorso-ventral axis into different regions by the gradient in nuclear dorsal protein Zygotic genes pattern the early embryo Dorsal protein activates twist and snail represses dpp, zen, tolloid Rhomboid----neuroectoderm Repressed by snail (not most ventral) Binding sites for dorsal protein in their regulatory regions Fig. 5-13
Nuclear gradient in dorsal protein Fig. 5-14 Dorsalized embryo— Dorsal protein is not in nuclei Dpp is everywhere Twist and snail are not expressed Threshold effect—integrating Function of regulatory binding sites Regulatory element =developmental switches High affinity (more dorsal region-low conc.) Low affinity (ventral side-high conc.)
Dpp protein gradient Cellularization---signal through transmembrane proteins Dpp=BMP-4(TGF-b) Dpp protein levels high, increase dorsal cells short of gastrulation (sog) prevent the dpp spreading into neuroectoderm Sog is degraded by Tolloid (most dorsal)
Snail—(mesoderm) Reduce E-cadherin cell migration
Microarray analysis for gene expression profile
The TGK-b/BMP signaling pathway • Antagonist • Proteases dpp: decapentaplegic Smad= Sma + Mad Sma-C. elegans Mad-Fly Fig. 31-24
The Wnt and BMP pathways are used in early development Fig. 31-23
The self-renewal signal of the niche-Dpp signaling EMBO reports, 12, 519-2011
The Smad-dependent pathway activated by TGF-b Type I, II receptor-Ser/Thr phosphorylation